VidyoConnect™ is a meeting solution for team collaboration that speeds global alignment across your enterprise, allowing for better-informed decisions, faster responses and deeper trust. With a unified user experience across mobile, desktop and conference room endpoints, VidyoConnect delivers the consistency, ease-of-use and rich features that drive adoption.Subscriptions
The Team Plan and Enterprise Plan are user-based subscription plans that provide access to the VidyoConnect service for named users. Organizations can purchase multiple named user subscriptions to achieve the desired deployment size. The VidyoConnect subscription is available in one-year, two-year, or three-year terms, paid annually.
The Team Plan and Enterprise Plan are for communication by the subscribing organization’s users with one another and with any other internal or external parties they choose to invite or include (which Vidyo refers to as “guests”). A complete feature matrix for the plans can be found on the Plans & Pricing page.
Individuals: Each named user account is a personal use license to be allocated to a single named individual. A named user account is identified by a specific individual user name that is dedicated to usage by that individual; it is not a general or administrator name. The login credentials for one user cannot be shared with other users, cannot be accessed by more than one person, and may not be shared among multiple persons. However, each named user subscription may be transferred to a new user if the prior user no longer requires access. Not permitted for use by customer engagement agents, i.e. those whose primary function is customer engagement involving full-time (or near-full-time) remote communication with numerous different individual customers, prospects, patients, etc. This subscription is intended only for usage when active communication is occurring; surveillance, monitoring or similar applications involving continuous connections are not permitted with this subscription type.
At the end of the subscription term, all provided software (other than Vidyo individual client and VidyoRoom software) must be deleted, and user accounts will terminate, unless renewed. The annual VidyoConnect service subscription fee must be paid at the start of each term (or annually, in the case of multi-year subscriptions), and these fees are non-refundable.
All subscriptions are subject to the Cloud Customer Terms of Service.
Guest Participant Access
Guests can be invited to meetings even if they do not have a named user account on the VidyoConnect service. However, guests can only participate in a call when invited by a named user, and they have no rights to independently set up or host calls.
Virtual Meeting Room
A virtual meeting room is a virtual space in which multiple participants can connect in order to communicate. A virtual meeting room is intended to be used by the single individual holding the associated user account for hosting calls in which he or she is participating; it is not intended to be used by a general user or administrator or to be used by multiple users. These virtual rooms cannot be assigned as “public” rooms or “shared” rooms that are available to other users. Calls from and to such rooms must be hosted by the associated user only, and at least one named user or subscribed VidyoRoom system (see below) must participate in each call. To avoid any doubt in cases where a user has multiple virtual rooms, that user can use only one such virtual room at any given time (subject to reasonable call overlap).
Supported Endpoint Types
The following endpoint types are currently supported with, and except as noted below, are included in the VidyoConnect service. Specifications are listed in the endpoint datasheets located at https://www.vidyo.com/resources/.
Endpoint | Description |
VidyoConnect desktop app or VidyoDesktop | Vidyo software-based client that provides two-way video for Windows®, Mac®, and Linux® machines. |
VidyoConnect mobile app or VidyoMobile™ | Vidyo software-based client that provides two-way video for iOS and Android™ devices. |
VidyoRoom™ | Vidyo appliance-based endpoints that provide two-way video designed for conference room use. VidyoRoom systems are compatible with the VidyoConnect service and can be purchased separately. Supported systems include VidyoRoom HD-3, HD-2, HD-40, HD-230, HD-100 RevD. |
VidyoWeb™ | Vidyo software-based client for web browsers that provides two-way video through supported web browsers. |
VidyoSlate™ | Vidyo software-based client providing annotation and white-boarding for iOS and Android devices. |
Third-party H.323/SIP* | Vidyo provides interoperability with third-party H.323 and SIP systems (purchased separately) allowing these systems to participant in two-way video calls. |
Telephone | Through the VidyoVoice service, telephone dial-in access is available that allows participant voice-only access to meetings hosted on the VidyoConnect service.See the list of supported countries in the VidyoVoice data sheet. |
*Assumes third-party H.323/SIP systems can make calls to the public Internet. Vidyo provides industry-standard interfaces for third-party H.323 and SIP systems and makes every effort to provide help with third-party H.323 and SIP systems; however, Vidyo cannot guarantee interoperability with every system nor is Vidyo responsible for supporting these third-party systems.
Supported Resolutions
The VidyoConnect service supports Vidyo endpoints in calls at a resolution up to 4K (3840 x 2160) based upon endpoint specifications, available bandwidth, device computing capability, and device display resolution. Third-party H.323 and SIP-based endpoints are supported up to 1280 x 720p resolution.
Telephone Dial-In
Each subscription to the VidyoConnect service comes with the VidyoVoice base package service that provides telephone dial-in up to 10 simultaneous callers (across all current conferences) via a single dial-in number. 1,000 VidyoVoice minutes are provided annually per named user, as a shared resource. Any unused minutes expire at the end of each annual subscription period. Each caller consumes VidyoVoice minutes while connected. Each partial minute of VidyoVoice connection in a conference will consume a full VidyoVoice minute. Additional minutes and voice connections can be purchased in advance. Additional local dial-in numbers can be purchased.
VidyoVoice | |
Base Package (included) |
Add-on Packages |
Note: Each voice caller dialing into the VidyoConnect service counts as one endpoint connection, relevant for the plan’s per-call participant limit.
Vidyo utilizes industry standards for securing the VidyoConnect service. This includes encryption of data being transmitted. All media and signaling are encrypted between Vidyo endpoints and within the VidyoConnect service. This includes the use of TLS and SRTP using AES 128-bit encryption.
Third-party H.323 and SIP endpoints can also connect via encrypted connections to the VidyoConnect service, provided the third-party endpoints support and enable compatible encryption.
Software Updates
Vidyo manages the cloud-based infrastructure. This includes providing product updates and fixes for the VidyoConnect service, the included Vidyo endpoints, any subscribed VidyoRoom systems, and any hybrid-deployed Infrastructure Software on a continuous basis if and when made generally available. Should any software upgrade or maintenance require downtime, Vidyo will provide notice to customers as outlined in the VidyoConnect Service & Support Policy.
Software updates can include new features that add additional capability for the VidyoConnect. These new features and capabilities may be provided as part of an existing subscription. However, Vidyo reserves the right to charge for additional features and capabilities. In limited cases, updates may also eliminate features or functionality which Vidyo has determined not to continue to support.
VidyoConnect enables recording for team meeting, trainings and other purposes. Cloud storage is included in the Enterprise Plan at 10GB per named user, per year as a shared resource. Additional storage can be purchased as needed. Alternatively, recording can be configured as a hybrid deployment (described in the following section) leveraging customer-provided servers and storage when customer needs require. Recording is not available in the Team Plan.
Hybrid Deployment
The VidyoConnect service provides support for a combination of on-premise and cloud-based infrastructure. As a subscriber to the VidyoConnect service, you have the option to deploy local instances of Vidyo infrastructure software (“Infrastructure Software”) to optimize network utilization. These software solutions are sold as a subscription and require a paid subscription to VidyoConnect services.
Infrastructure Software | Description |
VidyoRouter™ VE | Vidyo software server that hosts calls among participants. It dynamically optimizes media traffic flow between Vidyo endpoints and other infrastructure. When deployed locally, it allows traffic within an organization’s network to be localized, reducing external bandwidth needs. |
VidyoGateway™ VE | Vidyo software server that provides H.323 or SIP interfaces into the VidyoConnect service. When deployed locally, it mitigates packet loss effects on video quality of H.323 and SIP sessions. |
VidyoReplay™ VE | Vidyo software server that provides recording and webcasting of meetings. It allows meeting hosts to record their meetings for future playback or for live webcast. |
Note: Implementation of the on-premises Vidyo infrastructure for hybrid deployments requires you to purchase remote installation services called“System Commissioning Remote Support” (SVC-REMOTE-01) service per virtual machine.
Infrastructure Software subscribed for with the VidyoConnect service may only be used by the subscriber organization together with the VidyoConnect service and is limited to the quantities provided and the term of the subscription, and must be decommissioned and deleted from all subscriber systems and media upon termination of the VidyoConnect subscription.
Endpoint Limitations
Unless stated elsewhere, the Vidyo endpoints perform to the specifications outlined in the endpoint’s data sheet and in the Administrator/User Guides found on the Vidyo Customer Support website.
Meeting Size Limitations
For the Team Plan, meetings cannot exceed more than 100 participants/endpoint connections (including the meeting host). For the Enterprise Plan, meetings cannot exceed more than 200 participants/endpoint connections. Larger call capability can be purchased as an additional option. Only one call at a time is allowed per named user (subject to reasonable call overlap).
Network Limitations
Vidyo technology seeks to provide the best possible quality video experience over challenging networks. However, video quality is directly related to network performance and, as the VidyoConnect is delivered over the public Internet and recipients’ local networks, no guarantees can be made with regard to network performance or video experience.
Vidyo Endpoint Network Requirements
The subscriber’s network must meet the requirements indicated in the specifications including the following standards:
- Full Duplex must be enabled on all network devices
- RTP latency in one direction between the User and Hosted application/equipment must be less than 150 ms
- RTP jitter must be less than 15 ms
- Network segments must not exceed a packet loss rate of three percent (3%)
- Network bandwidth must accommodate at least 256 kbps up and downstream from each endpoint
H.323 and SIP Network Requirements
The type of technology used in most H.323 and SIP videoconferencing systems is very sensitive to network errors. In order to maintain acceptable quality, the network must deliver a sufficient level of performance. Users of third-party H.323 and SIP systems should adhere to the manufacturer’s recommended network requirements for quality. Vidyo recommends the following for H.323 and SIP systems connecting to the VidyoConnect service:
- Full Duplex must be enabled on all network devices
- RTP latency in one direction between the endpoint and VidyoConnect must be less than 150 ms
- RTP jitter must be less than 15 ms
- Network segments must not exceed a packet loss rate of one-half percent (0.5%)
- Network bandwidth must accommodate at least 384 kbps up and downstream from each endpoint.
Vidyo reserves the right to modify this Service Description (in whole or in part) at any time without notice, provided that any modification which materially reduces functionality of the service will be notified in advance and will entitle customer to terminate its subscription within 30 days of such notice.