Version 3.4.6 GA

What's new in this release?

  • Support for more tenants
  • We’ve extended the prefix length from 3 digits to 7 digits to allow for more tenants on the VidyoPortal. Now your VidyoPortal can support up to 10 million tenants instead of only 999.
  • Web service enhancements
  • We now offer a new authentication method for tenants: REST Web Service authentication. This new authentication method is being offered in addition to the current SOAP authentication method.
  • For your convenience, one Super Admin user can now invoke Admin Web Services across multiple tenants.
  • Event streaming
  • User-level and room-level events (like logging in, joining a room, or adding a room) can be published on a TCP stream.
  • You no longer need to poll the VidyoPortal to see what’s going on. Instead, events get pushed to you in real-time so you can immediately apply business rules to those events.
  • If you have your own conference monitoring system, this feature is especially beneficial because you can use the information for reporting, analysis, and more.
  • Important bug fixes
  • In this release, we've addressed some important issues to improve usability and reliability.
  • System updates
  • For added security and stability, updates for multiple third-party packages and libraries are included as part of this release.

Resolved issues

The following table lists the issues we have resolved in VidyoPortal and VidyoRouter version 3.4.6.

VidyoPortal and VidyoRouter version 3.4.6 - resolved issues




An issue that caused the VidyoManager to enter a deadlock state under certain circumstances has been resolved.


When an endpoint or client is deleted from the admin/tenant side, the file no longer gets deleted; therefore, the endpoint or client is not deleted from the other tenants on the VidyoPortal.


SAML support is now available for VidyoMobile when Vidyo Neo for Desktop is uploaded and VidyoPortal version 3.4.5 or later is being used.


When the CDN is configured for a SAML tenant, the VidyoDesktop download now works.


The rsync2 log is being properly purged and is no longer growing at an erroneous rate.


The “offline” status now gets updated in the notification server when a user is logged out from VidyoDesktop.


Web Services authentication now works as expected, including getting a response from the VidyoPortal and being able to save the configuration.


The VidyoPortal now properly sends out New Account Notification and Forgot Password emails.


The erroneous “The page is no longer supported” message no longer appears when a user quits VidyoDesktop, clicks on a guest link to join a call, and then launches VidyoDesktop.


Deploying SAML metadata no longer causes a 500 server error.


When a new user account is created, the email notification is now received.

VR-684 and VR-683

If a user joins a call after the content has been shared from a VidyoRoom system, they can now see video as well as the shared content.

Known issues

There are no new known issues for this release.