Version 24.1.0 GA

What's new in this release?

  • VidyoPortal and VidyoEvent Service announcement
  • VidyoPortal 24.1.0 or later now requires Vidyo Event Service 24.1.0 or later as a mandatory part of your infrastructure.
  • Custom data in CDR
  • Using the Epic Context Aware Linking integration, FDI records can be configured to send additional data in their CAL links that will automatically populate into the participant's CDR record.
  • Users can now selectively map relevant data from Epic into Vidyo CDRs to enrich their reports. For example, a provider’s department or location can be included into their CDR record.
  • For more information see Custom data in Vidyo CDR.
  • NATS library updates
  • Major updates to the libraries have been made to improve the reliability and performance of sending notifications.
  • Bug fixes
  • In this release, we've addressed some issues to improve stability and usability.
  • System updates
  • For added security and stability, updates for multiple third-party packages and libraries are included as part of this release.

SSH configuration information

SSH configuration information

In this version, the SSH configuration has been updated to improve security. Because of these changes, only modern SSH clients that support the configurations below will typically be able to successfully connect.

  • Supported host keys: RSA,ED25519
  • Key exchange algorithms: diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256,diffie-hellman-group18-sha512,diffie-hellman-group16-sha512,curve25519-sha256,,
  • MACs:,,
  • Encryption ciphers: Ciphers aes128-ctr,aes192-ctr,aes256-ctr,,,

Prior to upgrading, we recommend that you:

  • Update your SSH client to the latest version.
  • Confirm your client supports the above configurations.
  • Take a backup (snapshot) of your virtual machine prior to the upgrade process.
  • Upgrade a single machine first to confirm connectivity and then proceed to the others.

Compatibility information

As a reminder, we made some significant updates to the Vidyo compatibility matrix after VidyoPortal version 22.1.1. Please refer to the Vidyo compatibility matrix for on-premises and the subsections below for more details.


VidyoPortal 24.1.0 or later now requires Vidyo Event Service 24.1.0 or later as a mandatory part of your infrastructure.

Healthcare compatibility

Do not upgrade to version 24.1.0 or later if you are using any of the following integrations:

  • Epic Deep Integration
  • Epic Monitor Deep Integration

Endpoint compatibility

Starting with VidyoPortal 22.1.1, the following endpoints are no longer supported:

  • VidyoDesktop
  • VidyoMobile
  • VidyoRoom HD-200, HD-100, and HD-50
  • VidyoClient 3.x-based applications

If you are using any of the above endpoints or integrations, please contact Vidyo Support for migration options.

Changes and requirements

  • VidyoPortal VE version 21.2.0 and later requires 12GB memory allocation at a minimum for production use. Prior versions only required 8GB of memory.
  • ACTION TO TAKE: Make sure to review your configuration and adjust the memory allocation if necessary.
  • VidyoPortal version 20.2.x and later requires you to set the SOAPAction header for all SOAP requests; otherwise, requests may fail.
  • ACTIONS TO TAKE: Inspect any API integrations that may use the Vidyo Web Services APIs and validate that this header is appropriately set. We also highly recommend that you test any API integrations in a lab environment prior to upgrading to your production environment.
  • VidyoGateway versions 3.5.x and VidyoReplay versions 3.1.x do not work with VidyoPortal and VidyoRouter version 21.6.x. You must upgrade your VidyoGateway and/or VidyoReplay to version 20.2.0 or later in order to be compatible with VidyoPortal and VidyoRouter version 21.2.x and later.

Upgrade notes

  • You can only upgrade to VidyoPortal and VidyoRouter version 24.1.0 from version 21.2.0 or later. You cannot upgrade directly from any previous versions as these versions are not supported.
  • DO NOT reboot your system during the upgrade as this could result in permanent loss of data.
  • As with any major update, we highly recommend that you back up your database before upgrading.
  • If you are using VidyoPortal and VidyoRouter Virtual Edition (VE), we recommend that you take a full system snapshot prior to upgrading.



This file...

Is for...


VidyoPortal version 21.2.0 or later


VidyoRouter version 21.2.0 or later

Resolved issues

The following table lists the issues we have resolved in VidyoPortal and VidyoRouter version 24.1.0.

VidyoPortal and VidyoRouter version 24.1.0 - resolved issues




Scheduled Rooms do not show up in Search results after a Factory Default is performed.


Fixed a pairing issue that may have occurred when using the TytoCare integration.


Fixed an issue where the details of a generated CSR would not display correctly.


In rare cases, the SAML login from VidyoConnect may sporadically fail with an "Oops" message displayed in Chrome. This issue has been fixed.


Updates to the STRICT_MODERN TLS/SSL profile have been made to support ciphers with PFS only. Static ciphers will no longer be advertised.


Updated OpenSSL to 3.0.13.


Update Amazon Corretto Java to 8.402.08.1.


Updates to OpenSSH to mitigate CVE-2023-48795.


The callOutServicePrefix is now appended to the caller ID when making an outbound call request.


In the Tenant Admin, the Calls tab sorting by column now works correctly.


Fixed an issue where the VidyoPortal stops sending moderation notifications.

Known issues

There are no new known issues for this release.