Version 21.2.0 GA

What's new in this release?

  • Auto-provisioning of providers with Epic CAL
  • Using Vidyo’s Epic Context-Aware Linking (CAL) integration, providers can now be automatically provisioned into their Tenant.
  • Providers can now also perform moderation actions in their Epic CAL conferences, including:
  • Muting participants
  • Disconnecting participants
  • Inviting other users via links
  • Inviting other registered users to the conference
  • Dialing out to SIP or H.323 devices
  • Provisioned providers can be configured to be automatically logged out at the end of their conferences. For more information, refer to the “Endpoint Behavior Mode” section of the Web Services API User Guide.
  • This feature requires VidyoConnect version 21.1.0 or later.
  • Log level API
  • To make debugging issues easier, we’ve added a "logcategories” Super REST API to dynamically increase or decrease log levels on the web application.
  • For more information about the APIs, refer to the Web Services API User Guide.
  • Pass-through of Custom Invocation parameters via URL
  • You can now customize the VidyoConnect end-user experience via links using Custom Invocation parameters.
  • A use case for this feature is to support Webinar mode in VidyoConnect version 21.1.0.
  • VidyoInsights support
  • This version of the VidyoPortal and VidyoRouter supports the upcoming release of VidyoInsights.
  • VidyoInsights is a performance monitoring system and analytics tool for on-premises and private cloud administrators that provides the data needed to verify and track VidyoPlatform infrastructure components (VidyoPortal and VidyoRouter), applications, and events. VidyoInsights aggregates data from multiple components and generates visual dashboards for quick and accurate trend analysis.
  • System updates
  • For added security and stability, updates for multiple third-party packages and libraries are included as part of this release.

Important compatibility information

As a reminder, we made some significant updates to the Vidyo Compatibility Matrix in VidyoPortal version 22.1.1. Please refer to the Vidyo compatibility matrix for on-premises and the subsections below for more details.

Important changes and requirements

  • VidyoPortal VE version 19.2.0 and later requires 12GB memory allocation at a minimum for production use. Prior versions only required 8GB of memory.
  • ACTION TO TAKE: Make sure to review your configuration and adjust the memory allocation if necessary.
  • VidyoPortal version 20.2.x and later requires you to set the SOAPAction header for all SOAP requests; otherwise, requests may fail.
  • ACTIONS TO TAKE: Inspect any API integrations that may use the Vidyo Web Services APIs and validate that this header is appropriately set. We also highly recommend that you test any API integrations in a lab environment prior to upgrading to your production environment.
  • Mobile WebRTC for iOS and iPadOS now requires version 13.7 or later. If you use older versions, the "Join via the browser" option will not display on the Join page.
  • VidyoGateway versions 3.5.x and VidyoReplay versions 3.1.x do not work with VidyoPortal and VidyoRouter version 22.2.x and later. You must upgrade your VidyoGateway and/or VidyoReplay to version 22.1.0 in order to be compatible with VidyoPortal and VidyoRouter version 22.2.x and later. For help with how to upgrade, refer to the Upgrade Steps Lookup Tool article. To obtain the software package you need to download, refer to the VidyoGateway Packages or VidyoReplay Packages article.

Important notes

  • You can only upgrade to VidyoPortal and VidyoRouter version 21.2.0 GA from version 21.2.0 or later. You cannot upgrade directly from any previous versions as these versions are not supported.
  • DO NOT reboot your system during the upgrade as this could result in permanent loss of data.
  • ACTION TO TAKE: As with any major update, we highly recommend that you back up your database before upgrading.
  • If you are using VidyoPortal and VidyoRouter Virtual Edition (VE), we recommend that you take a full system snapshot prior to upgrading.



This file...

Is for...


VidyoPortal version 19.2.0 or later


VidyoRouter version 19.2.0 or later

Resolved issues

The following table lists the issues we've resolved in VidyoPortal and VidyoRouter version 21.2.0 GA.

VidyoPortal and VidyoRouter version 21.2.0 GA - resolved issues




The VidyoPortal now checks that the correct versions of macOS and Safari are being use on the Join page.


Getting cross-Tenant member data is allowed if the following conditions are met:

  • Inter-Tenant communication is enabled
  • The Tyto configuration for the current Tenant and the other Tenant are the same.


A rare issue that prevented users from being able to log in or join calls from guest links has been resolved.

Known issues

There are no new known issues for this release; however, to view the previous known issues, please see the known issues for VidyoPortal and VidyoRouter section.