Version 20.2.1 LA

What's new in this release?

  • Join WebRTC meetings faster
  • Admins can configure a new URL parameter that allows participants to quickly and easily join calls automatically by clicking the meeting link and bypassing the "Join via App" and "Join via Browser" pages.
  • If the participant's browser does not meet the requirements for a WebRTC meeting, the standard "Join via App" page will still display.  
  • VidyoConnect room support
  • In this release, we’ve added server-side support for the VidyoConnect Room as our new and improved user interface (UI) for healthcare and general collaboration customers. VidyoConnect Room provides streamlined workflows and a branded modern appearance that models the same look and feel as our other video collaboration products. For more information about VidyoConnect Room, refer to the VidyoConnect Room and VidyoRoom: Release Notes section.
  • New custom parameters
  • Custom application developers can now centrally store parameters per tenant to build deeper integrations using Vidyo APIs.
  • These authenticated and non-authenticated parameters can be queried via REST API’s for both guest and registered users.
  • To add, edit, and view custom parameters, go to Feature Settings > Custom Parameters.
  • Platform APIs
  • The Platform API suite is an SSH-based set of API's that allows remote, scriptable configuration, and centralized updates.
  • You can now access the “Platform API User” option on the System Console. 
  • Increase security by expiring Epic CAL links
  • To increase security, Admins using the Epic CAL integration can now automatically expire CAL links based on the AppointmentTime in the Default CAL link validity period (minutes) field.
  • Admins may use the LinkValidityPeriod parameter in the CRYPTSTRING to customize in minutes the length of time the Epic link is valid.
  • From the Feature Settings > Epic Integrations configuration page, there is an option under the Epic Integration section to specify minutes for the Default CAL link validity period (minutes).
  • Translations fixed
  • Vidyo fixed several translation issues. 
  • Important bug fixes
  • In this release, we've addressed some important issues to improve usability and reliability.
  • System updates
  • For added security and stability, updates for multiple third-party packages and libraries are included as part of this release.

Important changes and new requirements

  • VidyoPortal VE version 19.2.0 and later requires 12GB memory allocation at a minimum for production use. Prior versions only required 8GB of memory.
  • ACTION TO TAKE: Make sure to review your configuration and adjust the memory allocation if necessary.
  • VidyoPortal version 20.2.x and later requires you to set the SOAPAction header for all SOAP requests; otherwise, requests may fail.
  • ACTIONS TO TAKE: Inspect any API integrations that may use the Vidyo Web Services APIs and validate that this header is appropriately set. We also highly recommend that you test any API integrations in a lab environment prior to upgrading to your production environment.
  • VidyoGateway versions 3.5.x and VidyoReplay versions 3.1.x do not work with VidyoPortal and VidyoRouter version 21.6.x. You must upgrade your VidyoGateway and/or VidyoReplay to version 20.2.0 or later in order to be compatible with VidyoPortal and VidyoRouter version 21.2.x and later.

Important notes

  • You can only upgrade to VidyoPortal and VidyoRouter version 21.6.8 from version 19.2.0 or later. You cannot upgrade directly from any previous versions as these versions are not supported.
  • DO NOT reboot your system during the upgrade as this could result in permanent loss of data.
  • ACTION TO TAKE: As with any major update, we highly recommend that you back up your database before upgrading.
  • If you are using VidyoPortal and VidyoRouter Virtual Edition (VE), we recommend that you take a full system snapshot prior to upgrading.



This file...

Is for...


VidyoPortal version 19.2.0 or later


VidyoRouter version 19.2.0 or later

Resolved issues

The following table lists the issues we have resolved in VidyoPortal and VidyoRouter version 20.2.1.

VidyoPortal and VidyoRouter version 20.2.1 - resolved issues




An issue was resolved where the VidyoRouter would crash under a rare timing condition.


A timeout error was corrected by increasing the read timeout when connecting to slow responding Epic Interconnect servers.  


An issue was fixed where the VidyoPortal incorrectly encoded %2B as a "+" in the extData after clicking the Join via browser button.


An internal configuration issue was fixed where emails were not sent for certain SMTP configurations. 


An issue was resolved where the leaveConference SOAP API did not disconnect a Native WebRTC client and resulted in a 500 error. This also caused the Disconnect button for an individual participant not to function correctly via the VidyoConnect app.


After launching an Epic CAL link, some customers sometimes would receive a "404 page not found" when using an iPad with a Safari browser. This issue has since been corrected.


A bug was fixed where unsupported Samsung browsers would erroneously be presented with the Join via browser option.


An issue was resolved where the tomcat log files grew larger than was configured and took up excessive disk space.

VPTL-10776 and VPTL-10423

An issue was resolved where the VidyoManager got backed up and stopped responding during a sharp spike in join conference requests.

VPTL-10699 and VPTL-10541

An issue was fixed in VidyoPortal where the tomcat log folder included a recursive reference.


The getEntityByRoomKey response object no longer returns an incorrect 'video' field value when using hard video muting in the Control Meeting UI.


A bug was fixed where participants clicked the meeting link and were incorrectly directed to the Google Play Store instead of the meeting when using a Samsung browser.  


A rare timing issue was resolved where the VidyoManager process could crash and cause conferences to drop. 


A bug was resolved where sometimes a recording failed to start.


An issue was corrected and now when Hot Standby is enabled, the SNMP trap called vidyoPortalLineConsumptionThresholdExceeded is sent when triggered. 


Text was localized in multiple areas.


An intermittent 500 error was fixed for SAML enabled tenants and for the Epic CAL integration.


An issue was corrected and now when Hot Standby is enabled, the SNMP vidyoPortalMgmnt OID will become available.


A bug was resolved where a SAML Portal URL launch of Outlook Add-In caused the VidyoConnect application to sign out.


An issue was corrected where only one recording started even though two recordings were initiated to the VidyoPortal via different rooms. 

Known issues

There are no new known issues for this release.