Version 19.1.0 GA

What's new in this release?

  • TytoCare integration improved error messages and logs
  • TytoCare is a cloud-based telehealth solution that simulates a comprehensive physical examination using a portable WiFi-enabled diagnostic device. The Tyto device allows medical professionals to examine a patient at the Point of Care (POC) and broadcast the exam data to a remote clinician. When used in conjunction with the VidyoConnect desktop application, the remote clinician can virtually meet with the POC users via secure and reliable video conferencing.
  • In VidyoPortal and VidyoRouter version 19.1.0, we've improved the TytoCare integration by:
  • Adding more informative error messages. For example, we now display the relevant error codes when the Connection Test is run.
  • Adding more details to the TytoCare Audit and App logs. For example, we now log the HTTP status codes for all Tyto REST API calls.
  • The TytoCare integration requires version 18.4.0 or later of the VidyoPortal and VidyoRouter as well as version 19.1.0 or later of the VidyoConnect desktop application.
  • Control meeting page icon updates
  • The Control Meeting page enables you to control meeting functions, such as disconnecting participants, muting participants, adding PINs, and more.
  • The Control Meeting page that you access from the VidyoPortal now includes the same icons that you will see in upcoming releases of the VidyoConnect application. For example, we've updated the icons that enable you to disable video and mute audio for all participants without allowing them to re-enable.
  • Custom invocation support for direct dialing
  • Custom Invocation enables third-party partners and developers to customize the VidyoConnect client and invoke it from their platform. With version 19.1.0, Custom Invocation now supports:
  • Directly dialing online users. Applications integrating with the VidyoConnect app can now embed the direct-dial links for registered users in the VidyoPortal and use those links to initiate direct-dial video calls.
  • This feature requires version 19.2.0 or later of the VidyoConnect application.
  • Important bug fixes
  • In this release, we've addressed some important issues to improve usability and reliability.
  • System updates
  • For added security and stability, updates for multiple third-party packages and libraries are included as part of this release.

Resolved issues

The following table lists the issues we have resolved in VidyoPortal and VidyoRouter version 19.1.0.

VidyoPortal and VidyoRouter version 19.1.0 - resolved issues




The VidyoPortal User and Admin API startRecording commands have been updated to prevent a recorder from joining a conference that has no other participants and to prevent more than one recorder from joining the same conference.


The VidyoReplay API getLogoForTenant Request now properly returns a logo.


On the VidyoPortal Manage Endpoint Software and Endpoint Software Versions pages, the labels were changed from "VidyoDesktop Mac OS" to "VidyoDesktop/VidyoConnect Mac OS".


Super service APIs have been optimized for increased performance with concurrent requests.


The response of the VidyoPortal Admin API GetMembers Request now contains the "proxyName" parameter.


On the Control Meeting page, the display names of participants no longer turn into orphaned records 10 to 15 minutes after the participants join a call. Since these records are no longer orphaned and can be referenced in the database, call moderators are now able to mute the participants' microphones and speakers and disconnect the participants from the calls via the Control Meeting page.


Users who log in to the portal as Operator users can now see the proper number of created users on the Admin page.


The VidyoPortal Super API updateTenant now responds properly when the tenant includes gateway information.


The Admin account receives a license expiration notification email only once (instead of twice) when each of the 45, 15, 7, and 6 day increments are left for the license expiration.

Known issues

There are no new known issues for this release.