Version 18.3.1 GA

What's new in this release?

  • Support for Opus Audio
  • Opus Audio now powers our healthcare workflows. The Opus codec is a high-quality, highly versatile codec that supports full-band audio with sampling rates up to 48 khz. In order to use the Opus audio feature, your VidyoConnect™ endpoint must support it.
  • getMembers API
  • The query parameter in this method now only searches on the member name and not on the room extension and the room name. As an alternative, use the searchMembers API method to search for room extension and room name.
  • Important bug fixes
  • In this release, we've addressed some important issues to improve usability and reliability.
  • System updates
  • For added security and stability, updates for multiple third-party packages and libraries are included as part of this release.

Resolved issues

The following table lists the issues we have resolved in VidyoPortal and VidyoRouter version 18.3.1.

VidyoPortal and VidyoRouter version 18.3.1 - resolved issues




An issue was fixed where VidyoDesktop/SAML login works correctly when CDN download is enabled for that Tenant.


An issue was fixed where under certain circumstances, in the Admin user interface, the Users' tab check boxes would not display.


Users can now successfully generate a meeting in a scheduled room with the correct PIN in VidyoDesktop, Chrome Plugin, etc. When joining the meeting and going into the Moderate Call page; the original email invite will have the correct extension and PIN.


When using the Epic integration notification server and modifying the notification password via the Tenant Admin UI now correctly gets saved.


The web services API’s “createRoom” from the VidyoPortalUserService and “addRoom” from the VidyoPortalAdminService now properly enforces character set validation for the "name" attribute. Requests using incorrect character sets will be rejected.


In the Current Calls page within the Super interface, the extension numbers correctly display.


The email field that is used when adding a user has been updated to prevent the Admin UI from freezing when long or complex email addresses are added.


When the VidyoDesktop client is downloaded from VidyoPortal version 18.1.0, it no longer gets flagged for quarantine by Symantec.


The jQuery version used by the VidyoPortal was updated as part of standard security updates.


Email addresses for user accounts are now accepted as valid when they use both upper and lower case letters (such as


The notification users receive about their Port license expiration now includes the remaining number of days as well as the IP address. The notifications have been updated in English and in other localized languages (e.g. Traditional and Simplified Chinese, Korean, Thai).


In an effort to mitigate security vulnerabilities, CSV exports are sanitized in order to prevent Excel from executing malicious content.


An issue was fixed so users can now log in successfully after updating SAML metadata with new certificate without restarting the VidyoPortal.


An exported User csv file now correctly displays Chinese characters.


VidyoPortal audit logs now record when edits or modifications are made to existing legacy users in the system.


The WebcastURL created from VidyoPortal UI now corresponds to the result returned on a GetWebcastURLRequest call instead of displaying as blank.


When the tenant and user language are set to a language other than English and the VidyoConnect language is also set to that language, the Control Meeting page as viewed from VidyoConnect now appears in the selected language rather than in English.


The CSV file now correctly displays the 2 byte Chinese characters when the data is exported.


An issue was fixed where VidyoRouters can leave up a stale TCP connection that may eventually lead to a cascade broken alert.


A rare VidyoRouter crash that occurred due to a timing issue when participants left the conference has been resolved.


You can now properly generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) from the VidyoRouter Security tab.

VR-783 and VR-780

A rare VidyoRouter crash that occurred when the system was being restarted while active calls were up has been resolved.

VR-779 and VR-757

An issue where some participants on cascaded routers experienced one-way audio no longer occurs.


When content is shared during a call, that content no longer appears blurry when it is received by legacy systems.


Vidyo resolved an issue where some participants in a call were occasionally unable to see all of the other participants in the call.

Known issues

There are no new known issues for this release.