Version 18.2.0 GA

What's new in this release?

  • Customizing the SIP "From" header: InviteToConference Admin AP
  • You now have the ability to customize the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) "from" header using the InviteToConference Admin or User APIs. The "From" header is accessible when dialing through our VidyoGateway.
  • Note: The "From" header update is only required by certain Verint integrations using VidyoEngage.
  • Important bug fixes
  • In this release, we've addressed some important issues to improve usability and reliability.
  • System updates
  • For added security and stability, updates for multiple third-party packages and libraries are included as part of this release.

Resolved issues

The following table lists the issues we have resolved in VidyoPortal and VidyoRouter version 18.2.0.

VidyoPortal and VidyoRouter version 18.2.0 - resolved issues




VidyoGateway users can now join a scheduled meeting room when entering a PIN.


When an extension is changed (e.g., telephone number) which is auto-mapped to a user; the system updates the extension correctly.


When a VidyoDesktop tenant creates a new user by enabling password complexity rules; the new user can now successfully change the password from the Password reset page.


When password complexity rules are enabled by an Administrator, a new user can now be created successfully.


When sending a VidyoRoom calendar invite with a PIN; the VidyoRemote will display Settings and the Calls tab with the correct Conference Name and Scheduled Room Extension.


The inviteToConference Admin API now works properly allowing a VidyoConnect client to initially decline a call and then accept the next notification to a call.


Select the following link to access all the articles contained within this guide: VidyoConferencing Administrator Guide.


When password complexity rules are enabled by an Administrator; users can now successfully change passwords when using browsers: Google Chrome, Firefox and Edge.


Users can now select the "Contact Support" link from the bottom section of the Vidyo Portal version 17.3.0 website:


When using VidyoDesktop and adding members to the contact list; users can  utilize isInMyContacts parameter from searchByEntityID to have they system return only 1 contact result.


The system will now accept first names, last names and email addresses with apostrophes in the names such as O'Hara and D'Artagnan.


When sending an email invite through VidyoConnect; the email generated will display a logo image rather than an error message if a default logo was not previously uploaded for a tenant.

Known issues

There are no new known issues for this release.