Version 22.6.0

What's new in this release?

  • Ability to subscribe to and unsubscribe from Event Server topics
  • This new feature allows library clients to subscribe and unsubscribe to various topics as well as receive related notifications.
  • You can now use the following new APIs:
  • public SubscribeToTopic(args: SubscribeToTopicArgs): Promise (string)— This API allows you to subscribe to specific event topics on the Event Server.
  • public UnsubscribeFromTopic(args: UnsubscribeFromtopicArgs): Promise (void)—This API allows you to unsubscribe from specific event topics on the Event Server.
  • public GetJWTToken(): Promise (string)— This API returns the JWToken and RefreshToken that may be needed.
  • Peer-to-peer (P2P) support
  • This version of VidyoClient for WebRTC adds peer-to-peer support. Because P2P is a decentralized communications model, it uses resources more efficiently and is less vulnerable to systemic failure.
  • VidyoClient will automatically switch to P2P as needed and adapt the bandwidth and bitrate accordingly.
  • You can configure the P2P feature on the portal.

Resolved issues

The following table lists the issues we have resolved in VidyoClient for WebRTC JavaScript Library version 22.6.0.

VidyoClient for WebRTC JavaScript Library version 22.6.0 - resolved issue




On mobile devices running Android 12, audio from a VidyoConnect for WebRTC call is no longer sent and received to the built-in devices when a Bluetooth headset is connected.

Known issue

The following table lists the known issue in VidyoClient for WebRTC JavaScript Library version 22.6.0.

VidyoClient for WebRTC JavaScript Library version 22.6.0 - known issue




When a macOS Ventura user on Safari 16 shares content during a call, the shared content does not fill the entire shared window; instead, the shared content appears much smaller than the window with black space filling the remainder of the window.