Version 22.1.0 GA

What's new in this release?

  • VidyoClient 22.1 ships royalty-free
  • This release supports VP8/VP9 only and is royalty-free.
  • This royalty-free version does not require an install license from the VidyoPortal. Since VP9 uses a client library, which doesn't consume a license, you no longer need go to the Admin Portal Advanced Options to configure your system to stop consuming a license.
  • Requires VidyoPortal 22.1.x or later only. It does not support versions of the VidyoPortal and VidyoRouter earlier than 22.1.x.
  • VP9 gets automatically set up when you upgrade to this version.
  • H264 codec no longer supported
  • We now exclusively use VP9/VP8 codec for video and content sharing—VidyoClient SDK will only encode/decode video on tenants that support VP8/VP9.
  • Starting with this release, if a client that supports H264 codec joins a call with a client that supports VP8/VP9 codec only, there will be no video. It will be an audio-only call.
  • If a VP8/VP9 client joins a tenant that does not support VP8/VP9, the call will be an audio-only for the client. Other clients in the conference that support H264 will be able to see video and share content.
  • Enhanced video frame capturing logic for content sharing on Windows and Mac
  • Users of the VidyoClient on Windows and Mac can now experience better quality video conferences as we have greatly enhanced the frame capturing logic for content sharing in these environments.
  • Support for Mac move to ARM processors
  • We have updated Vidyo SDK to support macOS on Apple Silicon. We now have a separate package for all the VidyoClient libraries for MAC ARM architecture,
  • We also updated the 3rd party libraries commonly used in Vidyo SDK plugins (OpenSSL 1.1.1l , Libsrtp 2.4.0, Opus 1.3.1, Libvpx 1.9.0).
  • End-to-end content sharing enhancements
  • Multiple enhancements have been added to end-to-end content sharing to provide a better user experience.
  • Performance improvements
  • In this release, we’ve updated internal processes for enhanced functionality and performance.

Resolved issues

The following table lists the issues we have resolved in VidyoClient for API Binary Library version 22.1.0.

VidyoClient for API Binary Library version 22.1.0 - resolved issues




On iOS devices, users no longer experience audio interruptions when they return to their Vidyo call after switching to receive a cellular call.


Users with Operator permissions can now start and stop recordings in rooms created by other users.


Usernames containing “@” can now use the ConnectToRoomWithKey API to connect to rooms.


On Windows 10, participants using custom layouts no longer experience crashes during a conference. Scene construction (for local renderer) failure was handled correctly. Variables in code were initialized correctly.


Enghouse Vidyo has replaced remote module with @electron/remote for Electron in our Vidyo SDK since Electron v14 no longer supports this module.


On Windows and Mac, content share and blurred background no longer cause CPU usage to spike to 100%. Design changes were done to make SDK more sensitive to CPU usage, so that CPU utilization remains in check.


MobileVLCKit for media livestreaming now works without crashing. MobileVLCKit needs libsrtp v2.1.0 and above, and this version of the VidyoClient 22.1.0, includes libsrtp v2.4.0.


Customers can use the VidyoLocalSpeakerSetVolume()API to increase the playback volume at device by 500%, on MAC, IOS, and Windows platforms.


A new local device listener has been added to resolve the issue of missed device state change notifications.


On Sony SRG 120DU, the camera now works smoothly and all PTZ operations work as expected.

Known issues

There are no new known issues for this release.