Version 21.1.0

VidyoInsights is a new performance monitoring system and analytics tool available for on-premises and private cloud customers that provides the data needed to verify and track VidyoPlatform infrastructure components (VidyoPortal and VidyoRouter), applications, and events.

VidyoInsights aggregates data from multiple components and generates visual dashboards for quick and accurate trend analysis.

The following example shows the Vidyo Overview Dashboard.

What's new in this release?

  • Dashboards for understanding usage
  • Usage dashboards enable you to view current usage statistics and historical data for selected timeframes (data snapshots are captured every 10 seconds):
  • Current status — real-time stats on the number of active users
  • Usage summary — historical data for selected timeframes, including number of video or voice minutes, number of unique conferences, and number of active users
  • Dashboards for understanding activity
  • Activity dashboards enable you to understand your active registered users, active endpoints, and number of calls by application. The Maximum Concurrent Participants (Lines) dashboard shows peak lines usage over time.
  • Dashboards for understanding licensing
  • Licensing dashboards enable you to monitor your license consumption for VidyoLines, client installs, and seats.
  • Dashboards for understanding server metrics
  • Admin users can also access server metrics.
  • Server metrics dashboards enable you to analyze near real-time server-level metrics for VidyoPortal and VidyoRouter:
  • CPU usage — check how processing is being used on your components over time
  • Memory — monitor memory consumption of processes to determine trends
  • Network — identify network issues before they impact video performance
  • Disk — analyze trends of disk usage and trigger alerts
  • Database — track database performance statistics to understand the impact of behaviors
  • Processes — monitor key processes to understand when they may be outside of normal operation