Version 21.1.0—April 2021

What's new in this release?

  • Bug fixes and improvements
  • In this release, we've resolved several issues for improved usability and reliability.

Resolved issues

The following table lists the issues we resolved in VidyoConnect for WebRTC version 21.1.0.

VidyoConnect for WebRTC Version 21.1.0 - resolved issues




An issue on an iPhone when using Safari with VidyoConnect for WebRTC (Native) that caused the chat frame to change size and obscure some buttons has been fixed.


When using Android 11 on a certain Pixel phones, the VidyoConnect page no longer freezes when another participant in the call mutes and unmutes their camera a few times.


If the Tenant administrator disables chat functionality, the chat is now correctly disabled on the VidyoConnect client. 


When joining a call with several participants (desktop and Native WebRTC) the video tiles' aspect ratio is now maintained when the video resolution changes. 


When using VidyoConnect for WebRTC (Native), Safari does not allow the user to select the microphone as it uses the system default microphone of the macOS. If the default microphone is changed in the macOS settings, the VidyoConnect for WebRTC application now immediately starts using the new system default microphone. 


If an iOS user on a VidyoConnect for WebRTC (Native) call receives a cellular call and hangs up from the cellular call, the remote participants now continue to hear audio from the iOS user. 


Participants who send long chat messages no longer get disconnected from the call; instead, if a participant sends a chat message longer than 1024 characters, only the first 1024 characters are sent.

Known issues

There are no new known issues for this release.