Version 20.4.0

What's new in this release?

  • Beauty screen and welcome page custom invocation parameters available for native WebRTC
  • The beautyScreen and welcomePage Custom Invocation parameters, which were previously available only for VidyoConnect desktop users, are now available for Native WebRTC users.
  • These parameters allow third-party partners, developers, and admins to customize VidyoConnect for WebRTC so users can bypass the Welcome and Beauty pages and go directly to their video conferences.
  • For more information, refer to the "Using Custom Invocation" section of the Using VidyoConnect: Admin-Level Functions article.
  • Easily Join a Single VidyoConnect Call Instead of Multiple Sessions
  • Sometimes participants may accidentally open several browser window tabs when joining the same call. Once a new browser tab is opened, the session in the previously opened tab is terminated.
  • To let you know which browser tab to close, this helpful message will now display: “Please close this tab. A new VidyoConnect session was started in another tab.”

Resolved issues

We did not resolve any customer-related issues in this release.

Known issues

There are no new known issues for this release.