Version 22.3.0 (Android and iOS)—May 2022

What's new in this release?

  • Disconnect participants as a moderator (Android and iOS)
  • If you are the call moderator (also known as the room owner) using the VidyoConnect mobile app on an Android or iOS phone or tablet, you can now disconnect participants from your call.
  • To disconnect a call participant, go to the VidyoConnect Participants panel, tap on the three dots next to the name of the participant, and then tap Disconnect participant.

  • Ability to disable the screen capture feature (Android and iOS)
  • For added privacy and security, admins can now disable the screen capture feature within the VidyoConnect mobile app.
  • Screen capture is enabled by default but Tenant Admins can disable it via the snapshotCaptureMobileDisabled parameter on the VidyoPortal Settings > Feature Settings > Custom Parameters page in the Tenant Admin portal.
  • For information about how to configure the Tenant Admin portal for this feature, refer to the "Configuring Custom Parameters" section in the VidyoPortal and VidyoRouter Administrator Guide version 22.3.1 or later.
  • Hardware check in Epic CAL workflows (Android and iOS)
  • In this release, we're introducing a pre-call hardware check into the Epic CAL workflow using a Custom Invocation URL parameter. When configured, this feature requires users to check their hardware before joining a call.
  • Users must go through three steps that help them check their speaker, microphone, and camera. For each step, users choose the device and perform the test.

  • If there is a hardware malfunction, users are notified that their experience may be compromised.
  • To configure this, Epic administrators can add the following Custom Invocation URL parameter in their FDI record for generating Epic CAL links:
  • hwt=1: Enabling this would make the users go through the three-step hardware test.
  • hwtStrictMode=1: This is an additional parameter you can set to make the hardware check ‘strict’. ‘Strict’ means your users will not be able to join the meeting if one or more of their devices have failed.
  • Note:
  • This feature requires VidyoPortal version 22.4.1 or later.
  • The parameter must go outside the CRYPTSTRING in your FDI record.

Resolved issues

We did not resolve any customer-related issues in this release.

Known issues

There are no new known issues for this release.