Version 22.3.0—June 2022

What's new in this release?

  • Critical security update
  • A change in our vendor for software signing certificates was required. To support those certificates, this release contains critical updates within VidyoConnect for Desktop.
  • As a consequence of this change, older versions of our clients will stop auto-updating from the VidyoPortal starting July 11th.
  • While the older versions will continue to work, they will fail the auto-update process and will periodically present an auto-update error until the application is manually updated.
  • Updating to version 22.3.0 is mandatory if you want to be able to receive automatic updates in the future from the VidyoPortal. This version is a critical checkpoint in terms of your upgrade path. You will not be able to update to future versions automatically without first updating to this mandatory version.
  • For example, if you are on version 22.2.0 now and you decide to skip 22.3.0, but you later want to update to 22.4.0, you will not be able to push out the update automatically via the VidyoPortal. Instead, your users will need to download the installer from the VidyoPortal and run the installation manually. Due to this, we strongly suggest updating to 22.3.0 now.
  • If you have deployed VidyoConnect for Desktop via an MSI solution, your endpoints do not get their updates from the VidyoPortal; therefore, they are not impacted by this issue:
  • Hardware check in Epic CAL workflows
  • In this release, we're introducing a pre-call hardware check into the Epic CAL workflow using a Custom Invocation URL parameter. When configured, this feature requires users to check their hardware before joining a call.
  • Users must go through three steps that help them check their speaker, microphone, and camera. For each step, users choose the device and perform the test.
  • Speaker Test: When initiated, the speaker test plays a sound with a visual indication. This enables users to know if their speakers are working correctly.

  • Microphone Test: The microphone test is a two-step process. First, the user records their voice for five seconds.

    Next, VidyoConnect plays back the recording, and users can indicate if they heard the sound.

  • Camera Test: The camera test displays video from the user’s camera. The user can then indicate if they see the video.

  • If there is a hardware malfunction, users are notified that their experience may be compromised.

  • To configure this, Epic administrators can add the following Custom Invocation URL parameter in their FDI record for generating Epic CAL links:
  • hwt=1:Enabling this would make the users go through the three-step hardware test.
  • hwtStrictMode=1:This is an additional parameter you can set to make the hardware check ‘strict’. ‘Strict’ means your users will not be able to join the meeting if one or more of their devices have failed.
  • Note:
  • This feature is available only with VidyoPortal version 22.4.1 or later.
  • The parameter must go outside the CRYPTSTRING in your FDI record.
  • Inactivity timer custom parameter for Epic
  • The new "InactivityTimer" custom parameter enables Tenant Admins to set a timeout value for guests and/or registered Epic users. After the specified amount of time during which a participant is alone in a call, the VidyoConnect app disconnects the guest or registered user.
  • The default timeout value is 6 hours (21600 seconds).
  • The Tenant Admin can set up this parameter for guest and registered users separately.
  • To use this feature, the Tenant Admin must configure it on VidyoPortal.
  • For information about how to configure the Tenant Admin Portal for this feature, refer to the "Configuring Custom Parameters" section in the VidyoPortal and VidyoRouter Administrator Guide.

  • Support for camera presets on VISCA cameras
  • If you're in a call with a VidyoConnect Room or VidyoRoom system that has a VISCA camera that supports camera presets, you can now see and use the presets from your VidyoConnect Desktop UI.
  • Camera presets are stored camera settings, such as the camera’s position and PTZ settings. When you select a preset, the camera quickly moves to the stored position.
  • For example, a VidyoConnect Room system in a patient's room may have presets set to point at the bed, the monitor, and the doorway. By selecting the "bed" preset, the camera would quickly move to point at the patient's bed.
  • To access the camera presets, simply select a user that has the Far End Camera Control (FECC) feature enabled. The VidyoConnect window displays the FECC indicator on the participant’s avatar and on their video tile.

  • You can then click on the Select preset drop-down and select the preset you want to move the camera to.

  • Keep in mind that the preset switch is a selector, not a status indicator. That is, once you select a preset, it will go back to displaying "Select preset". This does not mean that your preset has not been selected.
  • All the pan, tilt, and zoom functions still exist, so you have the ability to use those in addition to using camera presets.
  • Note: This feature is available only with VidyoPortal version 22.3.1 or later and VidyoConnect Room or VidyoRoom version 22.3.0 or later.
  • CEF update on macOS
  • To improve performance, we updated the Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF) on macOS.

Resolved issues

The following table lists the issue we resolved in VidyoConnect for Desktop version 22.3.0.

VidyoConnect for Desktop version 22.3.0 - resolved issues




An issue has been fixed where joining a call was slow on macOS when a user used two monitors and/or a dock.


An issue has been fixed where content sharing was not working properly on macOS when a user used two monitors and/or a dock.


When using the FECC feature, Sony SRG-120DU cameras are now able to zoom out.

Known issues

There are no new known issues for this release.