Version 22.1.0—March 2022

What's new in this release?

  • VidyoConnect for Desktop 22.1.0 ships royalty-free
  • This release supports VP9 only and is royalty-free.
  • This royalty-free version does not require an install license from the VidyoPortal.
  • Requires VidyoPortal 22.1.x or later only. Customers must upgrade to VidyoPortal 22.1.x to use this royalty-free version of the VidyoConnect for Desktop.
  • Since VP9 uses a client library, which doesn't consume a license, you no longer need to go to the Admin portal Advanced options to configure your system to stop consuming a license.
  • VP9 gets automatically set up when you upgrade to this version.
  • H.263, H.264, and H.265 codecs no longer supported
  • We no longer support H.263, H.264, and H.265 codecs.
  • We now exclusively use VP9 to compile video. VidyoConnect will only encode/decode video on a tenant that supports VP9.
  • If your client does not support VP8/VP9 codecs and you attempt to join a call:
  • You will not receive any video and this message will display: “You are connecting to an older version of our service. Your call will be audio only.”
  • You cannot enable your camera or share content.
  • Tooltips for the state of media devices
  • In this release, we added tooltips to let users know when any of their media devices—microphone, camera, speaker— is active or muted.
  • When a user hovers over a device that is muted, the tooltip displays the name of the device and this message: "Your [device type] is muted (click to unmute)."

  • When a user hovers over a device that is active (in use), the tooltip displays the name of the device and this message: "Your [device type] is active (click to mute)."

  • Start VidyoConnect conference in maximized screen mode
  • Users now have the option to always start their VidyoConnect meetings in maximized screen mode.
  • To use this feature:
  • Go to Settings.
  • In the General tab, select Always start conference maximized.

  • Less obtrusive buttons in Epic waiting room
  • If you are a healthcare customer using Epic, you'll notice we've improved the buttons in the Epic waiting rooms to make them less obtrusive:
  • Buttons now fade out after three seconds.
  • Buttons reappear when the user interacts with the screen.
  • Buttons have shadows to enhance visibility.
  • Windows 8.x deprecated
  • We no longer provide support for the VidyoConnect desktop app when it is installed on Windows 8.x.
  • While the VidyoConnect app installed in this environment will continue to work, we will not be providing any support for it.
  • VidyoConnect can no longer be installed on Windows 8.1.
  • Warning messages will continue to alert users of this deprecation.
  • CEF update on Windows
  • To improve performance, we updated the Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF) on Windows.
  • Performance improvements
  • In this release, we’ve updated internal processes for enhanced functionality and performance.
  • Remote Loki configuration.
  • Switch to SDK 2.4.

Resolved issues

The following table lists the issue we resolved in VidyoConnect for Desktop version 22.1.0.

VidyoConnect for Desktop version 22.1.0 - resolved issues




Users with Operator permissions now have full moderation capability and can start and stop recordings in rooms created by other users.


Users who log into VidyoConnect and then, change their network interface are now able to start their TytoCare exam.


On Windows with dual-core CPU, users no longer experience a 10-30 second delay when using blurred background and sharing content.
Enghouse Vidyo has improved sharing performance with a change to the logic of the available CPU resource calculation.


The compatibility issue with using VidyoConnect and Philips SpeechMike III microphone has been fixed.

Known issues

There are no new known issues for this release.