Version 21.3.0—July 2021

What's new in this release?

  • Blur background feature
  • This release adds support for blurring the background during your video calls. When this feature is enabled, your image appears clearly, but your background is subtly concealed.
  • This feature is available for Windows 10 64-bit and macOS.
  • To blur the background for your calls, select the Blur background checkbox on the VidyoConnect Settings > Audio/Video screen.

  • Easily add video and audio to your direct calls when your Video Preferences setting is set to Voice + Content or Room Content Share
  • If you receive or make a direct call when your Video Preferences is set to Voice + Content, your camera will be muted, but you can unmute it if you want the other call participant to see you. If you receive or make a direct call when your Video Preferences is set to Room Content Share, your camera and mic will be muted, but you can unmute both if you want the other participant to see and hear you.
  • Prior to this version, the same scenarios would require you to end the direct call, go to the Settings > Audio/Video screen, change your Video Preferences to a setting that uses video, and then restart your direct call.

  • For more information about Video Preferences, refer to the "Using Video Preferences" section of the Using VidyoConnect: About Each Feature article.
  • New way to accept the User Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy
  • Prior to this release, you had to select checkboxes to agree to the Vidyo User Terms and Conditions and the Vidyo Privacy Policy before you could join your call. Now, as indicated by a message on the beauty screen, you accept the User Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy by simply clicking the Join button.

  • More control over the display of the participants list and chat panel
  • You can now control the participants list and chat panel via the VidyoConnect Settings > General page:
  • Select the Open participants list when joining the call checkbox if you want to display the participants list on the left side of the app whenever you join a call. This option is enabled by default.
  • Select the Open chat panel when joining the call checkbox if you want to display the chat panel on the right side of the app whenever you join a call. This option is disabled by default.

  • Additional MSI parameters
  • These are the newly added MSI parameters for this release:
  • The SHOWTIMER MSI parameter enables or disables a timer from displaying on the VidyoConnect desktop app to let conference participants know how long they’ve been in the conference. Disabled is the default.
  • The OPENPARTICIPANTLISTONJOIN and OPENCHATONJOIN MSI parameters enable or disable the participants list and chat panel from displaying when a user joins a call. Enabled is the default for OPENPARTICIPANTLISTONJOIN. Disabled is the default for OPENCHATONJOIN.
  • Users can override these MSI parameter settings from the VidyoConnect Settings > General screen (shown above).
  • For more information about the MSI parameters, see the "Using the VidyoConnect for Desktop MSI Installer" section of the Using VidyoConnect: Admin-Level Functions article.

Resolved issues

The following table lists the issue we resolved in VidyoConnect for Desktop version 21.3.0.

VidyoConnect for Desktop version 21.3.0 - resolved issues




The video preferences of participants no longer change automatically. 

Known issues

There are no new known issues for this release.