Version 21.2.0 HC—May 2021

Note: Healthcare (HC) version 21.2.0. Are you looking for the non-healthcare version?

What's new in this release?

  • Invite others to join your call by dialing out or by using SMS
  • To invite another participant to your call by dialing out:
  • Click the Call tab on the left side of the VidyoConnect app and enter the phone number of the person you want to invite.

  • To see the list of available country codes, click the small arrow near the flag icon. You must enter a country code from the list since only those on the list have been set up on your system.
  • As of this release, service to support the dial out feature is limited to the United States and Canada.

  • When you finish entering the number, click Call.

  • A message appears on the upper-right of the VidyoConnect app indicating that an outgoing call is being placed to the number you entered.
  • Once the user receives the call, they are automatically added to your ongoing VidyoConnect meeting.
  • If the user doesn't answer the call and you try to call them again, a message appears asking if you’re sure you want to call again.

  • Messages also appear if you entered an invalid country code, the incorrect number of digits, the wrong number format, or if the room is locked.

  • To invite another participant to your call by using SMS:
  • Click the SMS tab on the left side of the VidyoConnect app and then enter the phone number of the person you want to invite.

  • To see the list of available country codes, click the small arrow near the flag icon. You must enter a country code from the list since only those on the list have been set up on your system.
  • As of this release, service to support the SMS feature is limited to the United States and Canada.
  • When you finish entering the number, either accept the default message in the "Enter text message" text box or change the message as desired.

  • If the room has PIN code, a message below the "Enter text message" text box reminds you that you must tell the invited participant what the PIN code is.
  • Click Send SMS.
  • A message appears on the upper-right of the VidyoConnect app indicating that an SMS message was sent to the number you entered.
  • Once the user receives the SMS message, they can open the link and join the VidyoConnect meeting. Depending on their server, they may join using VidyoConnect for WebRTC or using their mobile client.
  • If the user doesn't respond and you try to send them an SMS message again, a message appears asking if you’re sure you want to send the SMS again.
  • Messages also appear if you entered an invalid country code, the incorrect number of digits, the wrong number format, or if the room is locked.

  • Feature availability:
  • You can invite others to your call by dialing out or by using SMS if you’re a registered user who has launched the video call. Additionally, if you became the call moderator using the moderator PIN, you can invite others to join the call by dialing out, but you cannot invite them using SMS.
  • You cannot invite other users if you are simply a participant or guest that has joined the call.
  • Currently, the dial out and SMS features are available to VidyoCloud Health customers only. However, both features will be rolled out to other VidyoCloud customers periodically. On-premises customers will be able to get these features in the near future.
  • Note: If you’re a VidyoCloud customer, new custom parameters that support these features will be automatically pushed to your tenants. Do NOT modify or delete these parameters because doing so could prevent the features from working. If you want to change the parameters in any way, contact VidyoCloud Support first.
  • For more information about how to invite others to your call by dialing out or by SMS, refer to the "Inviting Participants to Join an Ongoing Call" section of the Using VidyoConnect: About Each Feature article.
  • View participant surnames in chat
  • When using chat in the VidyoConnect app, you can now see both the first name and last number of the participants who are writing the chat messages.
  • This feature makes it easier to distinguish who wrote each message, especially when more than one participant has the same first name.
  • Select input and output devices more easily
  • This release includes several enhancements that enable you to select, switch, and test your camera, microphone, and speaker devices more easily. For example:
  • Whether you’re on the beauty screen or you’re in a call, a small arrow now appears near each device icon so you can view a pop-up of the available devices and select or switch your devices without having to go into Settings.

  • The beauty screen now also allows you to test your mic and speaker before joining a call: a bar shows the noise level of your mic and a “Test sound” button sends a sound to your speaker.

Resolved issues

The following table lists the issue we resolved in VidyoConnect for Desktop version 21.2.0.

VidyoConnect for Desktop version 21.2.0 HC - resolved issues




When the directDial Custom Invocation parameter is used, additional parameters, such as muteCameraOnJoin and muteMicOnJoin, do not get processed.

Known issues

There are no new known issues for this release.