Version 20.2.1

What's new in this release?

  • Reinstated right-click functionality for device selection
  • Users can once again right-click on the camera, microphone, or speaker icon in the VidyoConnect toolbar when they want to switch to a different device.
  • Correct display of diacritics when using Epic CAL
  • If a participant's name includes diacritics, the diacritics will now display correctly when using Epic with Context Aware Linking (CAL).
  • Email invitations display correct subject line information
  • When a user clicks Send invitation from the VidyoConnect app, the email invitations now correctly display the subject information in the "Subject" field rather than in the "To" field.
  • Important bug fixes
  • In this release, we've addressed some important issues to improve usability and reliability.
  • System updates
  • For added security and stability, updates for multiple third-party packages and libraries are included as part of this release.

Resolved issues

The following table lists the issues we have resolved in VidyoConnect for Desktop 20.2.1.

VidyoConnect for Desktop 20.2.1 - resolved issues




The verbiage in the Friendly Device Selection notification was changed from "dismiss" to "hide".


Enghouse Vidyo reinstated the functionality where users can right-click on the camera, microphone, or speaker icon in the VidyoConnect toolbar in order to switch to a different device.


Enghouse Vidyo fixed an issue where diacritics in a participant name did not appear correctly when using Epic with Context Aware Linking (CAL).


Enghouse Vidyo fixed an issue where email invitations to VidyoConnect meetings would open with the "Subject" information erroneously appearing in the "To" field.

Known issues

There are no new known issues for this release.