Version 20.2.0

What's new in this release?

  • Friendly device selection
  • Friendly device selection enables you to:
  • View which speaker, microphone, and camera devices you’re using while you're in a VidyoConnect call.
  • Easily switch to a new device.
  • Clearly see whenever the device selection has been changed.
  • For more information, refer to the "Using Friendly Device Selection" section of the Using VidyoConnect: About Each Feature article.
  • Video preferences
  • Video Preferences allows you to select from four pre-configured performance profiles:
  • High-Quality Video — This option provides the best video experience possible on your device and network.
  • Resource-Optimized Video — This default option provides a great video experience while conserving processing power and bandwidth.
  • Voice + Content — This option provides an audio-only experience with the ability to view and share content. (Your video and cameras will be disabled.)
  • Room Content Share — This option is for VidyoRoom conference users who want wireless content sharing and viewing. Benefits include reduced audio issues (such as echos) and no need for extra cables.
  • For more information, refer to these articles:
  • If you are a user and want details about how to use this feature, refer to the "Using Video Preferences" section of the Using VidyoConnect: About Each Feature article.
  • If you are an admin and want to configure this feature using the MSI installer or Custom Invocation, refer to the "Using the VidyoConnect for Desktop MSI Installer" section or "Using Custom Invocation" section of the Using VidyoConnect: Admin-Level Functions article.
  • Relocation of whiteboard feature
  • When you click the Share applications button on the VidyoConnect toolbar, you will now see the whiteboard as one of the applications that you can share.
  • The Share whiteboard button has been removed from the toolbar, thereby preventing novice users from inadvertently selecting the wrong button when they want to share content.
  • For more information about how to share content and use the whiteboard, refer to the "Using the Content/Screen Share Feature" and "Using the Whiteboard" sections of the Using VidyoConnect: About Each Feature article.
  • Ukrainian language support
  • If you're a speaker of Ukrainian, you can now enjoy viewing the VidyoConnect desktop application in the Ukrainian language.
  • VidyoConnect login via custom invocation
  • This Custom Invocation feature enables admins to keep users logged in to the VidyoConnect application by providing their credentials.
  • The following arguments are supported:
  • username
  • password
  • logoutIfLogin
  • keepMeSignIn
  • For example: vidyo://login?portal=https://portal address&username=user&password=password&logoutIfLogin=true&keepMeSignIn=true
  • This feature is available only if it is supported by the portal and only for non-SAML authentication.
  • If you are an admin and want to set up VidyoConnect login using Custom Invocation, refer to the "Using Custom Invocation" section of the Using VidyoConnect: admin-level functions article.
  • Important bug fixes
  • In this release, we've addressed some important issues to improve usability and reliability.
  • System updates
  • For added security and stability, updates for multiple third-party packages and libraries are included as part of this release.

Resolved issues

The following table lists the issues we have resolved in VidyoConnect for Desktop version 20.2.0.

VidyoConnect for Desktop version 20.2.0 - resolved issues




If a moderator terminates a call when the VidyoConnect application was invoked with the Custom Invocation parameter quituserHangup=true, the VidyoConnect client now successfully terminates.


Enghouse Vidyo fixed an issue where joining a call was delayed on certain network configurations (such as VPN configurations) due to delays in loading some libraries.


Enghouse Vidyo fixed an issue where the room owner did not have access to the moderator mute controls if they were invited to the call by another moderator. 


Enghouse Vidyo fixed an issue where some users were unable to successfully connect to the Microsoft Exchange calendar.


Enghouse Vidyo fixed a translation typo in a German error message.


When a user clicks "Send invitation" on the Room Details page of the VidyoConnect app, the "Invite text has been copied to your clipboard" message now appears (if the invite text was configured on the VidyoPortal tenant). Users can then paste the invite text into their email invitation if they wish to do so.


Enghouse Vidyo fixed an issue where the recording action would fail under certain conditions and display an erroneous disk error message. The fix provided with this release prevents the recording action from failing.


By utilizing performance profiles, VidyoConnect users with older computers that have less processing power can now run the VidyoConnect app without significantly slowing down the app or increasing CPU usage.


By utilizing performance profiles, VidyoConnect users with certain Mac computers can now share content with the VidyoConnect app without significantly increasing CPU usage.

Known issues

There are no new known issues for this release.