Version 20.1.2

What's new in this release?

  • Epic integration updates
  • Epic customers must upgrade to the latest VidyoPortal and VidyoRouter version 19.3.0. Refer to the VidyoPortal and VidyoRouter Releases article for the latest files and resolved issues in the VidyoPortal and VidyoRouter: About Version 19.3.0 section.
  • Support for always-on-top window mode
  • When Always-on-Top mode is set, the VidyoConnect desktop application window always remains on top of other windows. 
  • System administrators can enable or disable this feature using the VidyoConnect for Desktop MSI installer which now supports the ALWAYSONTOP install parameter. This parameter is saved in the registry under the local machine (HKLM).
  • If the ALWAYSONTOP parameter is passed with a value = 1, the VidyoConnect desktop application will always remain on top of other applications.
  • If the ALWAYSONTOP parameter is not passed or is passed with a value = 0, the VidyoConnect desktop application will remain on top of other applications only while content is being shared.
  • For more information about the MSI installer, refer to the VidyoConnect for Desktop MSI Installer article.
  • Updates for Epic Context-Aware Linking (CAL) users
  • When a user who does not yet have the VidyoConnect desktop application installed clicks an Epic CAL link to a meeting, that user will no longer automatically join the meeting after the VidyoConnect installation is completed.
  • Instead, after installation, the VidyoConnect desktop application will display this message: "Please go back to the browser to restart the page with room link".
  • Note: You must upgrade to VidyoPortal version or later in order for this update to take effect.
  • If an Epic CAL user is on a VidyoConnect call for six hours without any other participants, the VidyoConnect application will drop the call. 
  • Important bug fixes
  • In this release, we've addressed some important issues to improve usability and reliability.
  • System updates
  • For added security and stability, updates for multiple third-party packages and libraries are included as part of this release.

Resolved issues

The following table lists the issues we have resolved in VidyoConnect for Desktop version 20.1.2.

VidyoConnect for Desktop version 20.1.2 - resolved issues




If an Epic CAL user is on a VidyoConnect call for six hours without any other participants, the VidyoConnect application will drop the call.


When a user who does not have the VidyoConnect desktop application installed clicks an Epic CAL link to a meeting, that user will no longer automatically join the meeting after the VidyoConnect application is installed.

Instead, the VidyoConnect desktop application will display this message: "Please go back to the browser to restart the page with room link". 

Known issues

There are no new known issues for this release.