Version 19.2.0

What's new in this release?

In VidyoConnect version 19.2.0, we're happy to introduce in-call moderator controls. With this feature, you can quickly and easily perform moderator actions (such as muting the participants' microphones) from within the VidyoConnect desktop application.

In addition, we've added the snapshot notification feature. This feature gives you the security of knowing that you will be notified if a mobile participant takes a snapshot of your video or your shared content during a call.

VidyoConnect version 19.2.0 is supported in VidyoPortal version 19.1.0 or later. If you are an on-premises customer, refer to the Vidyo Compatibility Matrix article to determine which version of the portal your VidyoConnect release is compatible with.

  • In-call moderator controls
  • You can now quickly and easily moderate meetings from within the VidyoConnect desktop application. Instead of having to go to a separate web page, you can simply click the Moderate call button to access these in-call moderator functions:
  • Soft mute all participants
  • Soft mute per participant
  • Disconnect per participant or all participants
  • If you prefer to view the moderator controls in a separate browser window, you can still do so simply by selecting the Open in browser option from the "Moderate call" panel. In the browser, there are full moderator controls including hard mute camera and microphone and lock and unlock the meeting.
  • Room owners can create a moderator PIN that will allow other participants to become the moderator. This can be especially useful if you anticipate that you may be late to a meeting or have to leave early.
  • For more information, please refer to the Using the Moderation Capability in the VidyoConnect for Desktop Application article.
  • Local audio levels
  • Device settings now display real-time microphone audio levels.
  • New and enhanced window controls and positioning
  • Minimize the window to the taskbar while staying in a call.
  • Maximize the window and then un-maximize to return to the previous window size for full application mode.
  • Click an ESC button to leave a full-screen window to stay in a call or in a share.
  • Receive a warning message if you try to close the app window during a call, rather than getting disconnected from the call.
  • Change the size and position of windows more easily. For example, when starting a call, the app window remains the same size and position as an out-of-call window.
  • Enhanced mini-view share window
  • The Mini-View window now has a minimize button in the title bar and has mute microphone and mute camera buttons.
  • Snapshot notification
  • If a mobile participant in a call takes a snapshot of you or of the content you are sharing, you will now be notified by either of the following messages: For example, “Nancy Smith” has taken a snapshot of your video., "Nancy Smith” has taken a snapshot of your share.
  • Important bug fixes
  • In this release, we've addressed some important issues to improve usability and reliability.
  • System updates
  • For added security and stability, updates for multiple third-party packages and libraries are included as part of this release.

Resolved issues

The following table lists the issues we have resolved in VidyoConnect for Desktop version 19.2.0.

VidyoConnect for Desktop version 19.2.0 - resolved issues




A security fix was implemented.


Users can now enter passwords containing special characters to pair their Tyto devices successfully without generating QR code errors.


Enghouse Vidyo resolved an issue so that the Logitech PTZ Pro2 camera when set to auto answer and plugged into an ELO touchscreen running VidyoConnect version 19.1 will not self pan randomly without using the FECC controls.


A SAML login issue was fixed which previously caused the application to use the wrong token and potentially lock the user out.


Enghouse Vidyo resolved an issue so that the camera can be enabled after the moderator joins in the Lobby Room.


Enghouse Vidyo resolved an issue so you can now properly pause recordings.


When using a Mac and sharing a screen, the image is now correctly displayed and not distorted, or cut off, or shifted up.


During a meeting, users can click the "Invite Participant" button and the search will now display H.323/SIP endpoint contacts.

NEP-12054 and NEP-11936

When integrating VidyoConnect with Google Calendar, the system will connect correctly to the calendar after the system wakes up from sleep mode.


A long screen share delay occurred for remote users and was remedied.


The recorder button is now accessible when using Waiting Rooms mode (for example, self owned, not owned, or in group mode).


Enghouse Vidyo fixed a delay issue that occurred when screen sharing a slide presentation during a conference call. There is no longer a lengthy delay between slides when sharing.d


A Microsoft Outlook calendar sync issue was fixed.

NEP-11813 and NEP-10525

A Microsoft Outlook calendar integration issue was resolved. Users now need to click a Start Outlook button from a dialogue message to launch Microsoft Outlook to sync with VidyoConnect. Also, users can dismiss this dialog in the future which will allow VidyoConnect to automatically launch Outlook.


If you join your own room and click "Invite", all H.323/SIP endpoints will now display in the search.


Connectivity issues related to VidyoProxy were fixed so now users can  join conferences successfully.


Enghouse Vidyo fixed an issue so now when sharing a Chrome browser window a drop-down option selected within that window will open correctly; however, may not be visible on the share to other participants. This issue impacted some Windows (versions 10 and 7) and Chrome (versions 69 and 71) users.


If users are signed in over multiple days; the auth-login token will work correctly and not not require users to input their credentials again.


Now when an FECC user leaves a call and disables the camera control, the remote participants will not be able to control the FECC (e.g., zoom in and out, etc.).


Enghouse Vidyo fixed a crash on Windows 10 related to NTLM web proxy configuration.


Enghouse Vidyo resolved an issue so now when sharing a full screen using a Macbook with a Thunderbolt display, the share no longer lags or freezes for other participants.


When logging into the VidyoConnect for desktop application, the login web page will now correctly display a loading spinner rather than this message, "Waiting for the successful login from your browser" as only the token in the back-end is verified. This will occur whether users log into or through the VidyoPortal with the "Keep me signed in" option enabled.


The Password Reset button will display for a local portal authentication type only.


Users can now enable and disable both their microphones and cameras from within the Moderator Control Meeting page to see and hear correctly when rejoining a room that was previously soft-muted. If rejoining a call now, the soft mute state is not preserved. Previously, if the cameras and microphones were muted, users could not unmute.


Enghouse Vidyo resolved an issue so that the soft mute works correctly in the Moderator Control Meeting page when recording. Previously, when the soft mute was applied to the camera and microphone and then unmuted, the soft mute was incorrectly re-applied when starting a recording.


Enghouse Vidyo fixed an issue so that a gray screen no longer displays for participants during a share.


The VidyoConnect window location logic was fixed where previously the application window displayed on an off screen area and was not visible.


When accessing the People section of the application to call a contact, the Call button in the interface will remain green if the contact does not answer the call. Previously, the Call button and spinner turned gray incorrectly for a few seconds after leaving an unanswered direct call.


When launching the HTML-CM of a public room the following settings now work as expected: “Mute audio and allow participants to re-enable” option and “Disable video and allow participants to re-enable”.

Known issues

There are no new known issues for this release.