Version 18.2.0

What's new in this release?

  • Devices Control
  • As VidyoConnect for Desktop continues to evolve, we want to announce our newest device control feature; the Speaker Mute button. This feature allows you to quickly disable the audio in the VidyoConnect application.
  • With VidyoConnect for Desktop version 18.2.0, you can now control your speaker in a call similarly to how mute and unmute your microphone and camera. To mute the conference speaker, simply click the new Speaker button that is located to the left of the Microphone button within the VidyoConnect for Desktop application.
  • This feature mutes the sound from the VidyoConnect application only, so you can still hear audio notifications from your email and calendar applications as well as audio from any other applications.
  • You can also right-click the Speaker button to switch between different devices. When using a Firefox browser, you can mute and unmute the speaker; however, you cannot right-click the Speaker button to select a new device.
  • The new Speaker feature is available with the VidyoConnect desktop and WebRTC applications. The Speaker feature is not yet available for mobile devices.
  • Keep in mind that clicking the Speaker button mutes the audio coming from the speaker, but it doesn’t mute your own audio. Therefore, if you don’t want the conference participants to hear your audio, you must click the Microphone button.
  • Scenarios for Speaker Mute
  • When you want to prevent someone who entered your office from hearing a confidential or sensitive matter being discussed in the Vidyo call.
  • When you receive a phone call during a conference and you’d like to talk on the phone without hearing the conference audio in the background.
  • When you would like to run another application during the conference and hear the sound from that other application.
  • When you want to eliminate echo or feedback noises when several computers near each other are using the VidyoConnect for Desktop application.
  • Custom Invocation Settings
  • When using Custom Invocation settings, the disableAudio argument controls all audio input and output of the application. For more information about using Custom Invocation, see the Using Custom Invocation article.
  • Bug fixes
  • In this release, we've addressed some issues to improve usability and reliability.
  • System updates
  • For added security and stability, updates for multiple third-party packages and libraries are included as part of this release.

Upgrading from VidyoDesktop or Vidyo Neo

If you’re planning to upgrade to VidyoConnect from VidyoDesktop or Vidyo Neo, we'd like to clarify a few important points that you should pass along to your users:

  • VidyoDesktop Users: If you’re currently using VidyoDesktop, your users will continue to access video conferencing with VidyoDesktop and VidyoMobile. We encourage you to upgrade to VidyoConnect to access all the latest features. Please contact us to initiate the upgrade to VidyoConnect, and click here to learn more about what to expect.
  • Vidyo Neo (which is now VidyoConnect) Users: If you were using VidyoMobile before the upgrade, your users will now be redirected to the new VidyoConnect for Mobile app. When joining a call from a mobile device, your users will be prompted to download the app from the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store. Once the app is installed, they'll be routed to their call via the new VidyoConnect for Mobile app.

Platform and Browser Compatibility for VidyoConnect for Desktop

The following table defines the compatibility between VidyoConnect version 18.2.2, OS platforms, and browsers.

Compatible Windows Platforms Compatible macOS X Platforms Other Compatible Platforms Compatible Browsers
Windows 7 32-bit and 64-bit Mac OS X 10.10.x - Mac OS X 10.13.x Linux (Ubuntu 14.04 and 16.04 LTS) (for WebRTC) Chrome (two most recent supported official releases)
Windows 8.1 32-bit and 64-bit Mac OS X 10.11.x - Mac OS X 10.13.x Chrome OS (two most recent stable channel released versions)

Firefox (two most recent supported official releases when using VidyoConnect for Desktop)


Note: Support for Firefox 59 was available in the 18.2.1 release for VidyoConnect for WebRTC.

Windows 10 32-bit and 64-bit Mac OS X 10.12.x and Mac OS X 10.13.x Chrome OS (two most recent stable channel released versions)

Firefox (two most recent supported official releases when using VidyoConnect for Desktop)


Note: Support for Firefox 59 was available in the 18.2.1 release for VidyoConnect for WebRTC.

Resolved issues

The following table lists the issues we have resolved in VidyoConnect for Desktop version 18.2.0.

VidyoConnect for Desktop version 18.2.0 - resolved issues




When a user hovers over the Undock Share button, the Chinese translation for “undock share” is now correct.


When only one participant joins a VidyoConnect conference, the correct messaging displays “You are currently the only participant” from the lobby room. Prior to this release, this message would display momentarily even when more than one participant joined the conference.


When you launch “Share Applications” during a conference and then click the Camera control option (to enable camera movement), the shared application window will no longer block out the Zoom In and Zoom Out functionality.


VidyoConnect will disconnect an active call when the operating system goes into suspend or sleep mode. Previously users would automatically rejoin the VidyoConnect conference when the operating system resumed from the suspend or sleep mode.


The “audio” participant tile will no display even after leaving the conference. Previously the tile would stay in the application even after the audio participant left the conference.

Known issues

The following table lists the known issues in VidyoConnect for Desktop version 18.2.0.

VidyoConnect for Desktop version 18.2.0 - known issues




During a multi-participant VidyoConnect WebRTC call when using Firefox® 59 and later browser with a Windows or Mac OS; there is an increasing memory usage issue causing the audio and visual media to fail. Normally the memory usage should remain relatively the same.


When connecting to VidyoConnect using WebRTC, if a user tries to draw or move a complex object on a whiteboard or tries to copy and paste numerous objects on a whiteboard, a “Connection Error” occurs.


When using the whiteboard feature, if a user selects the Text tool, types some text, and then undocks their laptop, the text is not saved on the whiteboard.


When having a Chrome window open in Windows and joining a call with a remote participant; the remote participant will see a black/blank screen/window in Chrome.


When using Windows 7, if a PowerPoint® presentation is shared in edit mode and then the user starts the slide show, the presentation does not switch to slide show mode but rather remains in edit mode.


When using Firefox, if a headset is plugged in but the user selects their internal microphone as their audio device, when the user speaks, the remote participant hears sound from both the headset mic and the internal mic.


The message “Unable to join the conference. A server error has occurred” appears when a user tries to join a call on macOS 10.13.3 when SCIP is blocked.


When the network gets disconnected on a PC with a VirtualBox installed, the appropriate message “To report the problem, you can generate logs to send to technical support” is not displayed.

NEP-9545 and NEP-9047

When using the Text tool on the whiteboard, various issues may occur. For example, the text box cannot be resized after the user types a few lines of text and the layout of the text in the text box may change when the user exits from the text box.


When using the whiteboard feature, if a user creates a page and gives it a title, but then uses “undo” and “redo” a number of times, the page loses its title.


If a user joins and disconnects from a VidyoConnect conference, but then leaves VidyoConnect running, the user’s screensaver never comes on and the display does not go into Sleep mode.


If a user calls another user, but then the called user leaves the conference right after clicking the Answer button, the conference remains in progress on the caller’s side, the participant counter shows 0, and the caller can’t leave the conference.


If a user clicks “Join” to join a call and then downloads the client, the user will be unable to log in as a guest if auto login is enabled and they have an expired access token.

Workaround: The login page appears and the user can log in using their username and password.


When a user logs into Neo for Desktop and clicks on a room to lock it and then logs in to the Tenant Admin to unlock the room; the system should then display the room as "unlocked". However, the application incorrectly displays the room as "locked" when it should display as unlocked.


When using VidyoConnect on Windows, using the PrintWindow function occasionally causes VidyoConnect to hang.

Workaround: Either restart Windows or find the application that is causing PrintWindow to hang and close it.


Closing the VidyoConnect window doesn’t prevent a user from joining a call. Therefore, if a user clicks to join a room and then closes the VidyoConnect window, that user will actually join the call.


If all the participants in the call have muted their cameras, the VidyoConnect screen is blank until someone speaks.


An alias cannot be added as to favorites; however, aliases do appear under the Rooms tab.


If a Windows 10 user who has the VidyoConnect app installed opens the Start menu, searches for “Apps and features”, and then enters VidyoConnect as the app that they want to uninstall, the VidyoConnect uninstaller does not launch; instead, the User Account Control dialog box displays.

Workaround: Manually launch the VidyoConnect uninstaller from the from %LOCALAPPDATA%\VidyoConnect folder.


When using web proxy with basic authentication, the VidyoConnect app cannot connect to Google Calendar.


If a room owner mutes all the cameras and microphones via the Control Meeting page and then goes back to the VidyoConnect interface and unmutes himself/herself, the Control Meeting page continues to show that the room owner is muted.


Some default Windows apps, such as Photos, Calendar, and Groove, do not appear in the application share list.


When using the Outlook Add-on, the erroneous error message “There was an error connecting to portal. Internal Server Error (500)” appears when a user tries to create a meeting using a deleted or disabled room.


When guest users or web browser users join a call with their cameras and microphones muted, they see audio-only tiles on the VidyoConnect in-call screen.


If Outlook is the default email client and a user creates a meeting invitation with VidyoConnect, when the Outlook meeting invite opens, the HTML meeting invitation does not appear.


The “Joining the call” message continues to display for three to four seconds after all the video tiles appear.


When VidyoConnect is downloaded from the portal and the installer is launched, the message “VidyoConnect is an application downloaded from the Internet. Are you sure you want to open it?” appears twice.


When a user has more than one display and shares a PowerPoint slideshow when Presenter View is enabled, both the slideshow and Presenter View are shared.


When in Theater Mode, if all cameras are muted and then unmuted from the Control Meeting page, only one tile appears.

Workaround: Switch to Gallery View to see all the tiles or disconnect and rejoin the call.


When a new meeting is created, Outlook crashes one time after each clean installation of VidyoConnect on Windows 10 32-bit with Microsoft Outlook 2016.


If VidyoConnect loses connection with the Microsoft Outlook calendar, the user will not receive a notification that the connection was lost.


If a user has the room details page open at the same time the admin sets a PIN for the room, when the user clicks the Join button, they will not be asked to enter the PIN nor will they be able to join the room.

Workaround: Re-open the room details page. You will then be asked to enter the PIN.


If a monitor is shared from a Mac, the other participants in the conference see the shared monitor but they also see the highlighted borders and the Share icon.


When a user clicks to select their own room, there is a few second delay before the room link and the send invitation links appear.


If a conference participant selects an application to share and then minimizes the application, that participant’s view will appear as if they are sharing the content, but the remote users will not see the shared content.


When the portal is configured to not Allow Public Room creation by users, the + button (which enables the creation of new public rooms) appears for a few seconds after the VidyoConnect application starts.


When using a Mac and sharing content, occasionally the “This video will resume when the remote connection improves” may appear on the tile that is displaying the shared content.


If a user’s camera is being used by an application other than VidyoConnect, and then the user joins a call with VidyoConnect, that user will not see a notification that their camera is in use by another application.


Due to an Apple limitation, when sharing the Mail application on a Mac, the minimized view of VidyoConnect is also shared.


Due to an OS limitation, while a participant is sharing their screen, the green outline that appears around the shared content does not include the taskbar even though the other conference participants can actually see the taskbar.


Due to an OS limitation, when a participant views the list of apps available to share, Safari windows are shown as “Untitled” and Chrome windows are shown as “New Tab”.


Due to a limitation in Outlook on a Mac, when a meeting is scheduled via VidyoConnect on a Mac, the attendees’ availability information does not appear.


In low bandwidth calls, lip sync issues might occur.


Echo can be heard for approximately one second after a headset is disconnected from a MacBook Pro or a MacBook.


The incorrect CDR call completion code displays when the call is ended by the caller.


Incorrect CDR entries display when an incoming call times out.


If the network is slow and a user is the first participant to join a call, the user sees a “[username] has joined the conference” message instead of the “You’re the only person in the call” message.


If a user has more than one display and shares the main display, the video window does not move to the non-shared display.


If a user launches the HTML Control Meeting page of a public room, selects the ‘”Mute audio and allow participants to re-enable” option from the Control Meeting page, unmutes locally from VidyoConnect, and selects the “Disable video and allow participants to re-enable” option from the Control Meeting page, both the audio and video are disabled.


If a Tenant admin changes the name of a room, VidyoConnect users do not see the new room name in the UI until they log out and log back in.


When a Sennheiser headset is connected, the Firefox browser transmits audio on both external mics (e.g., the built-in mic on the camera and the mic on the Sessheiser headset) during a call.


When using the Firefox browser, TURN relay calls may fail and the “ICE connection failed” error message may appear.


When a user clicks the … button near a name in the VidyoConnect left panel, the stethoscope indicator is missing.


Due to a limitation with the Firefox browser, if a user opens the application share list and then changes the name of an app, the app's name is not updated on the application share list.


Due to a limitation with the Firefox browser, the application share list does not update in real time; therefore, if a user opens a new app, they will not see it in the VidyoConnect share list unless they relaunch Firefox.


When using Firefox, the video displayed in the participant’s tile may not be from the camera selected on the Device Settings screen.


Due to a limitation with the Firefox browser, even if multiple audio output devices are connected, only the system default device appears as the speaker and ringing device on the VidyoConnect Device Settings screen.


If there are no lines available on the portal when a VidyoConnect guest user tries to join a call, the guest user will receive the erroneous message “Unable to join the conference. Please contact your administrator” instead of the correct message “Unfortunately, all lines are in use. Please contact your administrator or try again”.


If a logged-in VidyoConnect user tries to log out during an ongoing call, that user will receive an “Application Error” message.


If a Firefox user joins a call, shares content, and then edits the shared content, the other participants in the call will not see the edits.


If a Firefox user joins a call as a guest and then gets disconnected, after refreshing the browser, that user will receive a message saying the server is full and asking them to “Try again”. If the user then clicks the “Try again” button, the Firefox browser icon will keep spinning and never load the page.


When using Firefox, headsets do not appear in the list of available ringing devices on the Devices page.


When a user who is using Firefox on Ubuntu 16.04 OS starts sharing an application, the application is not brought to the foreground.


When using Chrome on Windows 8.1, the device list may show an invalid speaker and microphone option with the label "Communications".

Content Sharing Known Limitation

OS Limitation
Windows 10 and 8.1

Universal Window Platform (UWP) applications that are displayed in a window on the desktop cannot be shared.

Applications that render all or part of their window’s content using Microsoft DirectComposition, such as Chrome 50 and Firefox 46, cannot be shared. Instead, the user must share the entire display.