Version 20.3.0

What's new in this release?

  • Introducing the VidyoConnect Room for general collaboration (enterprise customers)
  • As a complement to our VidyoConnect Room for Healthcare, Enghouse Vidyo is proud to announce the VidyoConnect Room for general collaboration.
  • The VidyoConnect Room for General Collaboration caters to all business types outside of healthcare, including enterprise and education. 
  • Admins can configure the VidyoConnect Room user interface as either the General Collaboration or Healthcare system type during setup.
  • For more information about the upgrade paths available for the VidyoConnect Room and other models, and to download the appropriate installer files, refer to the VidyoConnect Room and VidyoRoom Packages article.
  • Announcing the VidyoControl app
  • You can now control your VidyoConnect Room for General Collaboration or Healthcare or your VidyoRoom with Enghouse Vidyo’s new touchscreen VidyoControl app.
  • The VidyoControl app is available for both Android and iOS. Get it for free on the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store.
  • After installing, you can easily pair the app with your room system. For more information, refer to the VidyoConnect Room and VidyoControl Application User Guide.
  • If you’re already using the traditional, handheld IR remote control, you can continue to use it to control your VidyoConnect Room.
  • With the VidyoControl app, you can access all the room control features you’ve come to expect, such as muting your mic, camera, and speaker, controlling your local camera, viewing and inviting participants, chatting, and more.
  • Ability to moderate your conference with the VidyoControl app
  • You can now access the moderate conference functions only with the VidyoControl app.
  • To become the moderator, tap the Moderate conference button on the VidyoControl app in-call screen.
  • If you are not the room owner, you must also do the following in order to become the moderator:
  • Obtain the Moderator PIN from the room owner via email or other communication channel.
  • Enter the PIN in the VidyoControl app.
  • Once you are the moderator of the call, you can:
  • Select Presenter or Group mode:
  • If you select Presenter mode, all the participants’ mics are muted. They must then use the raise hand button to request to speak, and you (as the moderator) can select who to mute or unmute.
  • If you select Group mode, the participants can mute or unmute their own mics (unless you hard mute them) and the raise hand button function is not available.
  • Stop the video from all the participants' cameras while either allowing them to restart their own video (soft mute) or not allowing them to restart their own video (hard mute).
  • Also, as the moderator you can:
  • Disconnect participants and end the call.
  • View the list of participants.
  • Invite other people or H.323/SIP endpoints to join the call.
  • Record the call. You can then send the link of the recordings to the participants in the call as well as to others who may have missed the call.
  • Note: this feature is available only if you have purchased VidyoReplay.
  • Device selection with the VidyoControl app
  • You can now use the Settings > Devices screen on the VidyoControl app to select the audio, video, and other devices that are used during video calls.
  • Both general collaboration and healthcare users can select their speaker, microphone, camera, and content share devices, set their speaker volume, allow users to turn on or off their camera or content share preview, and configure local camera control.
  • Only Healthcare customers can select the Camera mode options: Daylight or Auto.
  • Note: As always, if the Enable Settings Access Code checkbox is selected in the Admin UI, users must enter the Access Code in order to access the Settings.
  • New VidyoConnect Room features for general collaboration users
  • Device selection
  • Like the VidyoControl app, the Settings > Devices screen on the VidyoConnect Room enables you to select the audio, video, and other devices that are used during video calls.
  • Video layout
  • The video layout button enables you to select how you want to view the video tiles. You can select to view all participants in the same-sized tiles or you can view the loudest speaker in the largest tile.
  • New VidyoConnect Room features for healthcare users
  • Super sensitive mode
  • The super sensitive mode button allows you to hear or block background noises (such as beeps and alarms).
  • This feature is useful in cases where you want to hear all the noise coming from a particular location. For example, a nurse at a nurse’s station in a hospital might want to enable this mode in order to hear every sound in a patient’s room.
  • Super Sensitive mode is supported only with certain audio devices, such as the Phoenix MT107.
  • Camera Mode
  • The camera mode button enables you to toggle your camera between Daylight state, which is for daytime use, and Auto state, which is for nighttime use.
  • This feature is useful in cases where you want to see in low-light situations, such as when you need to monitor a patient in their room during the night.
  • Camera mode is supported only with certain infrared cameras, such as the VDO360 camera.
  • For more details on how to use these and other features on both the General Collaboration and Healthcare system types, refer to the VidyoConnect Room and VidyoControl Application User Guide.
  • Pairing VidyoConnect Room systems into groups
  • The pairing feature enables you to see a greater number of remote video tiles in your conference by pairing multiple room systems into a group.
  • This feature is especially useful in larger conference rooms where you want to increase the number of participants that you can see on multiple displays while you are in a call. The maximum is 16 tiles per display and a total of 192 tiles per conference.
  • You can pair different room systems under the same group. For example, you could pair an HD-3 with four displays and an HD-3C with four displays into a group and see 128 participants on the eight displays.
  • From the Admin UI, you form a group by giving the same group name to all the systems that you want as part of the group.
  • You then select one system as the Primary, which can be controlled by the user.
  • All other systems will be Secondary, meaning that they will be completely controlled by the Primary system and users cannot interact with them directly (such as with the VidyoControl app). Their purpose is simply to join meetings that the Primary system is joining and display the video tiles from remote participants.
  • Touch screen support for VidyoConnect Room
  • In this release, the VidyoConnect Room allows touch-screen support if the room system is connected to a supported display device; therefore, you no longer need to use a handheld remote or mouse/keyboard if you do not wish to do so.
  • Epic API (for VidyoRoom and VidyoConnect Room for healthcare users)
  • If you’re an Epic admin, you can now indicate via the Admin UI that you're using the Epic API, and then select either a Production or Test environment. Based on your selection, the linked Client ID will be used in a custom header when a URL is also entered in the Button Press URL field.
  • Important bug fixes
  • In this release, we've addressed some important issues to improve usability and reliability.
  • System updates
  • For added security and stability, updates for multiple third-party packages and libraries are included as part of this release.

Resolved issues

The following table lists the issues we have resolved in VidyoConnect Room and VidyoRoom version 20.3.0 - resolved issues

VidyoConnect Room and VidyoRoom version 20.3.0 - resolved issues




When using the IR remote control with an HD-3C, the Star key (*) now works as expected.

Note: This impacts only HD-3C room systems. Customers need to upload a package to their room system to obtain the fix for this issue. Please contact the Customer Support team for more information.

Known issues

There are no new known issues for this release.