Version 20.2.0

What's new in this release?

  • Introducing VidyoConnect Room for healthcare
  • Enghouse Vidyo is proud to announce VidyoConnect Room as our new and improved user interface (UI). This offers healthcare customers streamlined workflows and a branded modern appearance that models the same look and feel as our other video collaboration products.
  • Admins configure the VidyoConnect Room as a healthcare system type on a Windows 10 IoT system and specify rooms as Patient Rooms (for patients) or Medical Carts (for healthcare practitioners). 
  • Patient room: Allows patients to access to the: Home, Settings, and Help pages.
  • Medical Cart: Allows medical practitioners full access to all functionality in the Home, Contacts, Search, and Settings pages. Note: This version does not support in-call moderation.
  • To learn more about the use cases, benefits, software and hardware system requirements for the Patient Room and Medical Cart, please refer to these helpful datasheets.
  • VidyoConnect Room Medical Cart Experience 
  • VidyoConnect Patient Room Experience
  • Alternatively, choose your own computing hardware setup with the with the  VidyoConnect Room Software Edition (SE).
  • To learn more about the IT and user benefits of the VidyoConnect Room SE, refer to the VidyoRoom Software Edition datasheet.
  • To install the VidyoConnect Room SE, refer to the instructions outlined in the VidyoConnect Room Software Edition (SE) and VidyoRoom SE Deployment Guide. 
  • Patients and healthcare practitioners can control the VidyoConnect Room with the handheld infrared remote and/or by a keyboard/mouse. 
  • The procedures for using the handheld infrared remote and all the VidyoConnect Room features are described in detail in the VidyoConnect Room User Guide.  
  • To rapidly get acquainted with the features, refer to the VidyoConnect Room Quick Guide.
  • For information about the audio, video, and other peripheral devices supported with the VidyoConnect Rooms (e.g., various pan-tilt-zoom cameras, content shares, Horus Scopes and stethoscopes), see the Recommended and Supported Peripherals for VidyoRoom Systems article.
  • Support for Windows 7 to Windows 10 IOT upgrade for HD-2 and HD-3 
  • Before downloading the new VidyoConnect Room modern UI, you must first upgrade your VidyoRoom HD-2 and HD-3 systems to Windows IoT.
  • For more information about upgrading from Windows 7 to Windows IoT, refer to the steps in the Upgrading VidyoRoom Systems to Windows 10 IoT article. 
  • Support for Windows 10 IoT and BIOS updates
  • This release supports Windows 10 IoT and BIOS updates for the following VidyoRoom systems: HD-3C, HD-3, and HD-2. For more details, refer to the Firmware section of the VidyoConnect Room and VidyoRoom Admin Guide.  
  • Important bug fixes
  • In this release, we've addressed some important issues to improve usability and reliability.
  • System updates
  • For added security and stability, updates for multiple third-party packages and libraries are included as part of this release.

Resolved issues

The following table lists the issues we have resolved in VidyoConnect Room and VidyoRoom version 20.2.0 - resolved issues

VidyoConnect Room and VidyoRoom version 20.2.0- - resolved issues




Enghouse Vidyo corrected an issue where there were increased log sizes due to increased Watchdog and status polling entries.

Known issues

There are no new known issues for this release.