Version 22.5.0

What's new in this release?

  • Support for Native WebRTC on more browsers and platforms
  • We have added official support for Native WebRTC on these new OS versions:
  • Android 13
  • iOS 16
  • macOS 13
  • Support for VP9 Codec on iOS 16
  • We have enabled VP9 SVC codec support for iOS 16. VP9 uses less network bandwidth and provides a better call experience compared to VP8.
  • Updates to support camera presets
  • In this release, we’ve made changes to accommodate the camera presets feature. This feature allows you to store specific settings on your camera, such as where the camera points and its PTZ settings, so that you can quickly move the camera to those stored positions.
  • For example, if you want a camera in a patient's room to point at the bed, the monitor, and the doorway, you can set each of these locations as camera presets.
  • Smoother zoom for Sony SRG-120DU and PTZ Optics cameras
  • When using a Sony SRG-120DU or PTZ Optics camera, the Far End Camera Control (FECC) “smoothZoom” feature in WebRTC now zooms in and out more smoothly just like it does in the desktop app.
  • PIP mode for two-party calls on desktop
  • As requested by healthcare customers, we’ve reinstituted the traditional PIP window for two-person video calls on the desktop app. This time, however, the PIP window will be moveable instead of in a fixed position.
  • If a third party joins the call, PIP mode switches to the gallery or tile view to enable users to see all the participants more clearly.

Resolved issues

The following table lists the issue we have resolved in VidyoClient for WebRTC JavaScript Library version 22.5.0.

VidyoClient for WebRTC JavaScript Library version 22.5.0 - resolved issues




An issue has been addressed where there was no outbound audio from an iPhone 14 Pro participant when that participant joined a call.


An issue has been addressed where an Android 13 user’s built-in microphone was used to play incoming audio even when a wired headset was available.


Some audio issues that sometimes occurred during a switch from Wi-Fi to cellular data (or vice versa) have been fixed.


Some audio issues that sometimes occurred during a switch from one mic to another have been fixed.

Known issues

The following table lists the known issues in VidyoClient for WebRTC JavaScript Library Version 22.5.0.

VidyoClient for WebRTC JavaScript Library version 22.5.0 - known issues




When in a multi-party call using macOS on a Safari 16 browser, after about 15 or so minutes in the call, occasionally the browser page gets reloaded and the message “This web page was reloaded because a problem occurred” appears.


On some MacBook models, audio from the call is not sent or received when a Bluetooth headset is connected. This issue has been investigated and has been determined to be a Safari bug.


Occasionally, after 10 minutes or more in a call with certain iPad models, the voices of meeting participants begin to sound distorted. Some users have described this distortion as "robotic voice". This issue has been investigated and has been determined to be a Safari bug. (For more information, see


When a participant using certain devices, such as the Samsung SM-X200, joins a conference where a VP8 codec is being used, the system crashes and reboots.


When using iOS 16 on a Safari browser, the aspect ratio may appear distorted when the camera is rotated in specific ways. For example, the front camera aspect ratio appears distorted when starting in portrait mode and rotating the device counterclockwise. This issue has been investigated and determined to be a bug with iOS/Safari. If this issue occurs, mute and unmute the camera to view the correct aspect ratio.