Version 21.2.1

What's new in this release?

  • Fixed issues
  • This release resolves several issues to improve the experience of WebRTC conferences.

Resolved issues

The following table lists the issues we have resolved in VidyoClient for WebRTC JavaScript Library version 21.2.1.

VidyoClient for WebRTC JavaScript Library version 21.2.1 - resolved issues




When VidyoLocalCameraSetMaxConstraint is used with SVC or simulcast, the constraints now set correctly and the sent resolution changes accordingly.


When using iOS 14.5 on Safari, if you mute and then unmute the speaker, the speaker now unmutes as expected.


An issue was resolved where the pixel rate was sent incorrectly under certain specific circumstances.


An issue was resolved where the FPS dropped from the received video for some participants even if they had no constraints.


When using simulcast, the router no longer sends low runnel when high is available.

Known issues

The following table lists the known issues in VidyoClient for WebRTC JavaScript Library version 21.2.1 LA.

VidyoClient for WebRTC JavaScript Library version 21.2.1 LA - known issues




If a participant in a call is pinned using the PinParticipant API, and another participant mutes their camera, the tile of the muted participant is also displayed.


When using a Pixel 4 XL on Android 11, the Chrome tab may freeze when a remote participant hangs up and rejoins the call a few times.


Video tiles that drop from calls due to network conditions sometimes do not get restored when the network conditions improve.


If a call participant with more than one camera or microphone disconnects their active device while their camera/microphone drop-down list is open, the drop-down list doesn't update to display the remaining camera/microphone.


When using iOS 14, audio artifacts can be heard for a few seconds after the remote participant starts speaking.


When using Safari Technology Preview 121 on a Mac with an Intel processor, users are unable to share content. This is a known issue with Safari that cannot be fixed by Enghouse Vidyo at this time.


Audio lip-sync is delayed on WebRTC after VidyoConnect is put in the background and then returned to the foreground.


Audio lip-sync is delayed on iOS Safari after flipping the camera, muting and unmuting, or putting VidyoConnect in the background. This is a known issue with Safari that cannot be fixed by Enghouse Vidyo at this time.


Occasionally, Chrome encodes at 10-15 fps even when the network is unconstrained.


On Macs with dual-core CPUs, when the "Google Chrome Helper (Renderer)" process goes beyond 100% CPU, Chrome detects a CPU limitation and lowers the encoding resolution.