Version 21.2.1 GA

What's new in this release?

  • Fixed issues
  • This release resolves several issues to improve the performance and quality of the VidyoClient API.

Resolved issues

The following table lists the issues we have resolved in VidyoClient API version 21.2.1.

VidyoClient API Binary Library version 21.2.1 - resolved issues




On macOS, an issue was resolved to prevent install licenses from inadvertently getting consumed because of the MAC randomizer feature. This issue has not yet been resolved on Windows.


Snap Camera can now be used successfully as a video device on macOS with VidyoClient.


When sharing a mailbox (such as Foxmail) on Windows 10, the shared window no longer appears black.


An issue on Windows where some audio loss was occurring intermittently has been resolved.


On macOS, when the SwapStreamsBetweenViews API is used to reassign a remote camera to another view, the user's initials no longer briefly appear on the tile before the actual video feed from the remote camera appears.


A rare issue no longer occurs where a participant that joins a conference at the same time as other participants does not get added to the room.

Known issues

There are no new known issues for this release.