Version 2020 and Earlier

2020 Releases

VidyoReplay Version 20.2.0: General Availability Release

Product Bulletin No. 1291

What's new in this release?

  • HTML5 player replacing Flash player
  • Starting with this release, VidyoReplay will use an HTML5 player instead of a Flash player to play videos.
  • Flash-based streaming is now being deprecated on most major browsers, and after 2020, it will become blocked by default.
  • All modern, popular browsers support HTML5 videos (including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and more). Unlike with Flash, you do not have to install any browser plugin or video player. Your vrowser is your player.
  • HTML5 is lightweight, fast, and takes less CPU time to render content than Flash does.
  • Ability to enable and disable audio-only avatars
  • You now have the ability to enable or disable the avatar that displays when a particiapnt has their video source muted (only when the participant is in audio-only mode).
  • When enabled, if a participant's video source is muted during a call, an avatar with the first three letters of their name appears on their tile.
  • When disabled, if a participant's video source is muted during a call, their video tile does not display at all.
  • You can easily configure this setting using the new "Use Avatar" checkbox on the Recorder > Configuration page.
  • New icon to indicate when participants have muted video
  • When all the participants in a video call have their video sources muted, the mute camera icon now appears on the full screen.
  • This icon lets you know that the reason you're not seeing video is because the participants have chosen not to display it rather than because of a video problem.
  • Audio quality improvements
  • We've added support for recordings of up to 48 kHz.
  • Bug fixes
  • In this release, we've addressed some issues to improve usability and reliability.
  • System updates
  • For added security and stability, updates for multiple third-party packages and libraries are included as part of this release.

What actions can I take now?

VidyoReplay Version 20.1.0: General Availability Release

Product Bulletin No. 1275

What's new in this release?

  • Opus support with VidyoConnect
  • When registering to the VidyoPortal, the VidyoReplay checks the systme's capabilities, and then one of the following occurs:
  • If the VidyoPortal supports Opus audio, the VidyoReplay configures itself to use Opus audio on the SVC side so when a VidyoReplay recorder joins a vidyoConnect call, the conference continues to use Opus.
  • If the VidyoPortal does not support Opus audio, the VidyoReplay configures itself to use SPEEX/RED on the SVC side for the recorder.
  • Record up to twelve hours
  • You can now record up to twelve hours continuously.
  • "Conference & Application" recording mode supported for HD1080 resolution
  • VidyoReplay supports the "Conference & Application" recording mode when recording a conference in Full HD 1080p resolution.
  • Bug fixes
  • In this release, we've addressed some issues to improve usability and reliability.

What actions can I take now?