In this version, we have added Korean translations to the VidyoConnect user interface (UI).
If you set your mobile device language to Korean, VidyoConnect will automatically choose it for your VidyoConnect UI. Otherwise, it defaults to English.
Post-call URL
The post-call URL feature enables Tenant Admins to redirect participants to a specific URL at the end of a call. The configured URL automatically opens in a participant's browser at the end of the call.
Support for VidyoClient API version 21.4.0
This release supports version 21.4.0 of the VidyoClient API, thereby providing you with our newest and most recently updated APIs.
Support for Android 12 and iOS 15
This release is compatible with Android 12 and iOS 15.
For information about this version's compatibility with the VidyoPortal, on-premises customers can refer to the refer to the Vidyo compatibility matrix for on-premises.