The new breakout rooms feature enables the call moderator to separate the call participants into smaller groups. This feature is especially useful in situations where there are privacy concerns but call participants still need to speak openly.
VidyoConnect Room users of breakout rooms have participant (non-moderator) roles.
Far End Camera Control (FECC) support added for USB cameras
Logitech Rally Bar
BZB Gear MoveSE
OpenSSL update
This release includes a major update of the OpenSSL libraries to version 3.0.10.
LIBSRTP update
This release includes a minor update of the SRTP libraries to version 1.6.0.
Wt update
This release includes a minor update of the Wt libraries to version 3.7.1 compiled with OpenSSL 3.0.10.
For information about this version's compatibility with the VidyoPortal, on-premises customers can refer to the refer to the Vidyo Compatibility Matrix for On-Premises.