Version 23.1.0

Product Bulletin No. 1432, May 2023

What's new in this release?

  • Support for Logitech Rally Bar all-in-one unit
  • You can now use the Logitech Rally Bar as your microphone, speaker, and camera.
  • Far End Camera Control (FECC) is now enabled for this device so you can use pan, tilt, and zoom operations via a remote VidyoConnect endpoint.
  • HID integration with Dell SP3022 support
  • Mute and volume control hardware buttons now synchronize between the VidyoConnect Room application and the hardware state.
  • VidyoConnect Room SE Admin UI now only listens on port 443
  • VidyoConnect Room SE no longer requires port 80 to be available to run the VidyoRoom application.
  • To access the VidyoRoom Admin UI, you must enter “https://[VIDYOROOM_IP]” into your browser.

What actions can I take now?