Version 2020 and earlier

2020 Releases

VidyoConnect Room and VidyoRoom Version 20.3.0: General Availability Release

Product Bulletin No. 1309

What's new in this release?

  • Introducing the VidyoConnect Room for general collaboration (Enterprise customers)
  • Enghouse Vidyo is proud to announce the VidyoConnect Room for General Collaboration, which caters to all business types outside of healthcare, including enterprise and education.
  • Admins can configure the VidyoConnect Room UI as either the General Collaboration or Healthcare system type during setup.
  • Announcing the VidyoControl app
  • You can now control your VidyoConnect Room or VidyoRoom with Enghouse Vidyo’s new touch screen VidyoControl app.
  • The VidyoControl app is available for both Android tablets and iOS iPads. Get it for free on the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store.
  • For more information about installing, pairing, and using the VidyoControl app, refer to the VidyoConnect Room and VidyoControl Application User Guide.
  • With the VidyoControl app, you can access all the room control features you’ve come to expect, such as muting devices, inviting participants, chatting, and more.
  • Ability to moderate your conference the VidyoControl app
  • Whether you’re a Healthcare or General Collaboration user, you can now moderate your calls with the VidyoControl app.
  • As the moderator of the call, you can:
  • Select Presenter or Group mode.
  • Mute all the participants' microphones and cameras.
  • View the list of participants, sort them in various ways, and perform actions on specific participants.
  • Invite others to join the call.
  • Record the call if you have purchased VidyoReplay.
  • Lock and unlock the room.
  • For information about using the moderator features, refer to the VidyoConnect Room and VidyoControl Application User Guide.
  • Device selection with the VidyoControl app
  • You can now use the VidyoControl app Settings screen to select the audio, video, and other devices to be used during video calls, set the volume, allow camera or content share preview, and configure local camera control.
  • Only Healthcare customers can select the Camera mode options: Daylight or Auto.
  • New VidyoConnect Room features for Healthcare users
  • Super Sensitive Mode: The Super Sensitive Mode button allows you to hear or block background noises, such as beeps and alarms.
  • Camera Mode: The Camera Mode button enables you to toggle your camera between Daylight state (for daytime use) and Auto state (for nighttime use).
  • Pairing VidyoConnect Rooms into groups
  • The pairing feature enables you to see a greater number of remote video tiles in your conference by pairing multiple room systems into a group.
  • You can pair different room systems under the same group. For example, you could pair an HD-3 with four displays and an HD-3C with four displays into a group and see 128 participants on the eight displays.
  • From the Admin UI, you select one system as the Primary, which can be controlled by the user. All other systems are Secondary, meaning that they simply join meetings with the Primary system and display the video tiles from remote participants.
  • For more information, refer to the "Configuring Preferences" section of the VidyoConnect Room and VidyoRoom Administrator Guide.
  • Touch screen support for VidyoConnect Room
  • The VidyoConnect Room allows users to select options by touching the screen as long as the room system is connected to a supported touch screen display.
  • Epic API (for VidyoRoom and VidyoConnect Room for Healthcare users)
  • If you’re an Epic admin, you can now indicate via the Admin UI that you're using the Epic API. For more information, refer to the "Configuring Preferences" section of the VidyoConnect Room and VidyoRoom Administrator Guide.

What actions can I take now?

VidyoConnect Room and VidyoRoom Version 20.2.1: General Availability Release

Product Bulletin No. 1292

What's new in this release?

  • Fixed issues
  • Quicker response for Pan, Tilt, and Zoom (PTZ) camera controls
  • We've updated the Remote Control APIs to quicken the response of the PTZ camera control buttons for versions 19.3.x and later.
  • Participant labels correctly display non-English characters
  • On VidyoRoom HD-3C systems, non-English characters in some languages (such as Japanese, simplified and traditional Chinese, Korean, and Thai) that appeared garbled on participant labels now display correctly.
  • "Enable Horus scope Operation" checkbox reinstated on Admin UI
  • The "Enable Horus scope Operation" checkbox in the Content Capturer section of the Admin UI, which erroneously stopped displaying on version 20.2.0, now correctly appears on the UI.

What actions can I take now?

VidyoConnect Room and VidyoRoom Version 20.2.0: General Availability Release

Product Bulletin No. 1288

What's new in this release?

  • Introducing the new VidyoConnect Room for Healthcare
  • Enghouse Vidyo is proud to announce VidyoConnect Room as our new and improved user interface (UI). This offers healthcare customers streamlined workflows and a branded modern appearance that models the same look and feel as our other video collaboration products.
  • Alternatively, choose your own computing hardware setup with the VidyoConnect Room Software Edition (SE).
  • To install the VidyoConnect Room SE, refer to the SE installation guide.
  • Patients and healthcare practitioners can control the VidyoConnect Room with the handheld infrared remote and/or by a keyboard/mouse.
  • For more information, refer to the VidyoConnect Room and VidyoRoom quick guides.
  • Support for Windows 7 to Windows 10 IoT upgrade for HD-2 and HD-3
  • Before downloading the new VidyoConnect Room modern UI, you must first upgrade your VidyoRoom HD-2 and HD-3 systems to Windows IoT.
  • For information about upgrading from Windows 7 to Windows IoT, refer to the steps in Upgrading VidyoRoom to Windows 10 IoT.
  • Support for Windows 10 IoT and BIOS updates
  • This release supports Windows 10 IoT and BIOS updates for the following VidyoRoom systems: HD-3C, HD-3, and HD-2. For more details, refer to the Firmware section of the VidyoConnect Room and VidyoRoom Administrator Guide.

What actions can I take now?

VidyoRoom Version 20.1.1: General Availability Release

Product Bulletin No. 1284

What's new in this release?

  • New VidyoRoom HD-3C system
  • Enghouse Vidyo is proud to announce the availability of the VidyoRoom HD-3C system with Windows® 10 IoT!
  • The VidyoRoom HD-3C is a seamless, fully integrated solution that is ideal for large meeting spaces.
  • It enables you to enjoy the flexibility of configuring up to four screens at 1080p resolution or up to three screens at 4K resolution.
  • Enghouse Vidyo recommends the VidyoRoom HD-3C as a replacement for the HD-3 and HD-3B systems. The HD-3C offers all the same features without any loss of functionality and with equal performance requirements.
  • VidyoRoom Admin UI Firmware tab updates
  • The new "Current Base Image Rev" field on the Admin UI Firmware tab indicates the base image revision of the HD-3C (such as “”).
  • The “Choose a new Image File” field on the Firmware tab now displays the file format as .wim rather than .vimage.
  • Resolved issue
  • In this release, we've resolved an issue that occurred when automatically joining a meeting. To learn more, refer to the Resolved Issues section in the VidyoConnect Room and VidyoRoom Release Notes.

What actions can I take now?

VidyoRoom Version 20.1.0: General Availability Release

Product Bulletin No. 1284

What's new in this release?

  • OpenSSL update
  • To improve the security and stability of VidyoRoom version 20.1.0, the OpenSLL was updated to version 1.1.1d.
  • New peripherals support for VidyoRoom systems
  • These new peripheral devices are now supported for VidyoRoom Generation 3 systems. For more information on peripherals, see Supported peripherals for VidyoConnect Room and VidyoRoom systems:
  • Epiphan Capture Card
  • Optics USB PTZ Camera 2nd Gen
  • Audio-Technica Digital Audio Adaptor ATR2x-USB (for digital stethoscope interface)
  • Improved clock synchronization for Microsoft Windows 10 users
  • The Network Time Protocol (NTP) synchronization mechanism has been improved to accommodate VidyoRoom systems that:
  • Operate on a 15 hour or more time difference (for example, machine time with NTP time).
  • Have been powered off for a prolonged period of time and then turned back on (and the time difference between the local time and NTP time is longer than 15 hours).
  • Have had their CMOS battery removed while the system was unplugged.
  • Resolved issues
  • In this release, we've resolved issues to improve the usability and performance of the VidyoRoom system.

What actions can I take now?

VidyoRoom Version 19.3.1: General Availability Release

Product Bulletin No. 1271

What's new in this release?

  • JITC edition of VidyoRoom HD-3 Revision B
  • VidyoRoom HD-3 Revision B systems now offer support for JITC.
  • Resolved issue
  • In this release, we've resolved an issue where echo was heard during some calls, and we’ve resolved an issue when using the "Button Press URL" checkbox on the VidyoRoom Admin UI.

What actions can I take now?

2019 Releases

VidyoRoom Version 19.3.0: General Availability Release

Product Bulletin No. 1265

This release has major updates for VidyoRoom Software Edition (SE) and minor updates for VidyoRoom hardware endpoints

Note: Specific hardware endpoints with dual port Dextera cards, including the HD-3 Pro (China only) and the HD-230 Revision A or B, should not upgrade to 19.3.0 because of compatibility issues. See below for more information.

What's new in this release?

  • Windows® 10 support for VidyoRoom SE
  • Support for Microsoft® Windows 10 has been added to version 19.3.0 of VidyoRoom SE.
  • Ability to set the Application mode on VidyoRoom SE
  • Kiosk mode prevents the VidyoRoom application from modifying the OS and allows users to exit the app from the OnScreen UI. This mode is the default.
  • Appliance mode locks down the system by preventing Windows updates from automatically occurring, disables certain Windows notifications, and more.
  • When running Windows 10, you can now use the Admin UI Settings tab to set the application mode to either Kiosk or Appliance.
  • Updated security for the Admin UI
  • The Admin UI now generates a self-signed certificate, thereby enabling it to work more securely with VidyoRoom SE installers.
  • Remote control APIs for obtaining the Room and Camera mode
  • The Status RoomSystem.Properties API obtains the room mode (kiosk or appliance) for VidyoRoom SE Windows only.
  • The Status.CameraMode API obtains the camera IR mode (auto or daylight) for VidyoRoom SE Windows only.
  • Additional graphics card support for HD-3 Revision B
  • The VidyoRoom HD-3 Revision B supports a new P100 NVIDIA graphics card.
  • APIs for sorting tiles by name
  • The SortTilesByName API sorts participant tiles in alphabetical order so you can easily find participants when using multiple displays during large conference calls.
  • VidyoRoom version compatibility issues using HD-3 Pro and HD-230 Revision A or B with a dual port Dextera card
  • Your system may not work correctly if you use VidyoRoom HD-3 Pro (China only) or VidyoRoom HD-230 Revision A or B with a dual-port Dextera card and you upgrade to VidyoRoom version 19.3.0.

What actions can I take now?

VidyoRoom Version 19.2.1: General Availability Release

Product Bulletin No. 1260

This release supports only:

  • Customers who use VidyoRoom systems that have dual-port Dextera cards.
  • Customers who want to use the new "Turn Off Self-View After Conference" checkbox in the VidyoRoom Admin UI to specify the behavior of the self-view tile after a call ends.

Please refer to the applicable subsection below.

What's new in this release?

  • Dextera card users
  • VidyoRoom systems that have dual-port Dextera cards include the following:
  • HD-230 Revision A
  • HD-230 Revision B
  • HD-3 Pro
  • If you use any of these models, you are required to upgrade ALL your VidyoRoom systems to version 19.2.1. More specifically:
  • If all of your VidyoRoom systems have Dextera cards, you are required to upgrade all of them to 19.2.1.
  • If some of your VidyoRoom systems have Dextera cards and some don’t, you are required to upgrade all of them to 19.2.1.
  • If none of your VidyoRoom systems have Dextera cards, you can skip this upgrade.
  • By upgrading to version 19.2.1:
  • You are enabling any of your VidyoRoom systems that don’t have Dextera cards to be eligible to upgrade to version 19.3.0 and later.
  • Your HD-230 and HD-3 Pro models can continue to successfully join video calls with all other Vidyo endpoints.
  • Your HD-230 and HD-3 Pro models will be eligible to upgrade to any future 19.2.x maintenance releases.
  • Note: Since the HD-230 models reached their End of Software Maintenance in September 2019, any 19.2.x releases will only address maintenance issues for these models and will not provide any new features or functionality.
  • Self-View Users
  • If you experienced issues with the self-view tile remaining open at the end of calls and want to specify whether it remains open or closed, you may want to upgrade to version 19.2.1.
  • In this version, the "Turn Off Self-View After Conference" checkbox has been added to the Preferences section of the VidyoRoom Admin UI Settings tab. The checkbox is selected by default, which indicates that the self-view tile will close at the end of every call. If you deselect the checkbox, the self-view tile will remain open if it was open at the end of the call and will remain closed if it was closed at the end of the call.

What actions can I take now?

VidyoRoom Version 19.2.0: General Availability Release

Product Bulletin No. 1253

What's new in this release?

  • VidyoRoom now supports:
  • OPUS audio codec
  • Stethoscope integration with the VidyoConnect for Desktop application
  • AES-256 bit media encryption
  • New peripherals, including digital stethoscopes, the JEDMED Horus HD digital scope system, and the Marshall CV610-U3-V2 camera (for VidyoRoom HD-2)
  • New healthcare shortcut keys
  • "Enable Voice Processing" via the Admin UI

What actions can I take now?

VidyoRoom Version 3.3.28: General Availability Release

Product Bulletin No. 1261

This release amends some incorrect and missing Turkish translations from the VidyoRoom user interfaces. Therefore, you must upgrade to this release only if you use the Turkish language on your VidyoRoom system.

If you use languages other than Turkish on your VidyoRoom system, you do not need to upgrade to version 3.3.28.

What's new in this release?

  • Amended Turkish translations
  • Some translations into the Turkish language that were improperly translated or missing from the VidyoRemote UI or OnScreen UI have been corrected.

What actions can I take now?

VidyoRoom Version 3.3.27: General Availability Release

Product Bulletin No. 1250

What's new in this release?

  • New Admin UI checkbox: Enable Lecture Mode Presenter Loudest Speaker Switching
  • Vidyo created a new Admin UI checkbox which when enabled allows a lecturer or presenter to see the speaking participant's tile in the VidyoRoom display.
  • Support for HD-40D
  • VidyoRoom version 3.3.27 now supports the HD-40D.

What actions can I take now?

VidyoRoom Version 3.3.26: General Availability Release

Product Bulletin No. 1237

What's new in this release?

  • Resolved Logitech GROUP issue
  • We’ve resolved an HID integration issue that prevented some buttons on the Logitech GROUP from working when used with VidyoRoom systems.

What actions can I take now?

2018 Releases

VidyoRoom Version 3.3.25: General Availability Release

Product Bulletin No. 1232

What's new in this release?

  • WiFi support for the Iron Bow vCLINiC
  • The Iron Bow vCLINiC nows supports WiFi with 802.11n and 802.11ac speeds, 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bandwidth, and the WPA2 security protocol.
  • Configuring WiFi is fast and easy with the new WiFi settings in the Admin UI.
  • Low-light mode on the VDO360 camera
  • If you’re using a VDO360 camera (which comes standard with the Iron Bow vCLINiC), you now have the option of manually enabling and disabling low-light mode. For example, if you’re in a room with a patient, you may want to change this setting when the overhead lights in the room are turned on or off.
  • To enable low-light mode, press the Manage button and then press *01 on the infrared remote control when you’re not in a call and not using the OnScreen UI. To disable low-light mode, press the Manage button and then press *02.
  • Support for the Logitech Rally camera
  • We’ve added the Logitech Rally to our list of recommended cameras for VidyoRoom HD-40 Rev C, HD-2, and HD-3 systems that have been upgraded to version 3.3.25 with the latest image.
  • The Logitech Rally is a premium PTZ camera with an ultra-HD imaging system and automatic camera control.
  • For more information on peripherals, see Supported peripherals for VidyoConnect Room and VidyoRoom systems.
  • View the time while in a call
  • With the new clock feature, you can see the time displayed on your VidyoRoom screen whenever you’re in a video call.
  • Simply select the "Enable Wall Clock" checkbox in the Admin UI to display a clock at the bottom center of the screen during calls.
  • Option to append a certificate
  • When uploading a new certificate file via the Admin UI, you can now choose to append the new certificate to the current one.
  • Prior to this release, the uploaded certificate would automatically replace the existing certificate.
  • Windows security updates for VidyoRoom systems
  • We’ve applied all relevant critical Microsoft Windows security updates as of July 10, 2018 to the VidyoRoom systems.
  • Resolved issues
  • In this release, we’ve resolved a number of issues for enhanced system stability and usability.

What actions can I take now?

VidyoRoom Version 3.3.24: General Availability Release

Product Bulletin No. 1219

What's new in this release?

  • Support for additional peripherals
  • We've added support for these additional peripheral devices:
  • The Logitech Meetup, an all-in-one device that includes an HD 1080p camera, microphone, and speaker.
  • The VDO360, a 90° field of view, USB, PTZ conferencing camera.
  • The Presonus AudioBox USB 96, a USB 2.0 audio interface for VidyoRoom HD-2 and HD-3 systems.
  • For more information on peripherals, see Supported peripherals for VidyoConnect Room and VidyoRoom systems.
  • Resolved issues
  • In this release, we’ve resolved a number of issues for enhanced system stability and usability.

What actions can I take now?

VidyoRoom Version 3.3.23: General Availability Release

Product Bulletin No. 1202

What's new in this release?

  • Automatic content sharing
  • As an administrator, if you select the Preview Local Content setting on the Admin UI, users will automatically see content shared locally whenever a content share device is connected to their VidyoRoom system.
  • If a content share device is connected but users don’t want to see the content, they can simply press the Share button on their VidyoRemote 3.
  • If no content share device is connected, the Share button is disabled, thereby preventing users from inadvertently sharing a blank screen.
  • Support for additional peripherals
  • To make it more convenient for you to choose the peripheral device that best fits your needs, we've added support for these additional devices:
  • The Logitech PTZ Pro 2, an HD 1080p camera with enhanced pan, tilt, and zoom.
  • The Yamaha YVC-300, a USB conference speakerphone perfect for small-sized meetings with four to six people.
  • In addition, the Icron Technologies Rover® 1850 85-meter extender has been qualified for use as a USB 2.0 extender with the Yamaha YVC-300.
  • The Logitech GROUP systems camera now includes a number of hardware enhancements, such as improved camera movement and cleaner images while zooming.
  • For more information on peripherals, see Supported peripherals for VidyoConnect Room and VidyoRoom systems.
  • Resolved issues
  • In this release, we’ve resolved a number of issues for enhanced system stability and usability.

What actions can I take now?

Earlier Releases

VidyoRoom Version 3.3.22: General Availability Release

Product Bulletin No. 1197

In accordance with the Vidyo Standard Software Maintenance Policy, Vidyo is pleased to announce version 3.3.22 as an Anchor release. Anchor releases for Vidyo infrastructure and endpoints are listed in the Vidyo Anchor release compatibility matrix.

What's new in this release?

  • VidyoRemote 3 enhancements
  • We’ve continued to make the user interface for the VidyoRemote 3 for Android and VidyoRemote 3 for iOS apps more intuitive and easier to use.
  • Preconfigured Splunk settings
  • This release makes it a lot faster and easier to use the Splunk Forwarder feature. If your organization is using a Vidyo-hosted Splunk server, Vidyo now automatically populates the default values for that server.
  • All you have to do to start using the Splunk Forwarder is enter the Index and Hostname. You can also modify the default values if you want to do so.
  • Additional remote control APIs
  • The new Camera.x.Select API enables the admin to select the camera, whereas the Share.x.LocalContentPreview.Select API enables the selection of the content share device or application.
  • New content share device for healthcare
  • If you’re a healthcare provider, you’ll be happy to hear that you can now use the JEDMED Horus HD Digital Scope System – Series 2 as a content share device with your VidyoRoom system.
  • While using the Horus Scope as a content share device, you can concurrently use another camera as the video source.

What actions can I take now?

VidyoRoom Version 3.3.21: General Availability Release

Product Bulletin No. 1186

In accordance with the Vidyo Standard Software Maintenance Policy, Vidyo is pleased to announce version 3.3.21 as an Anchor release. Anchor releases for Vidyo infrastructure and endpoints are listed in the Vidyo Anchor release compatibility matrix.

What's new in this release?

  • Advanced settings for Phoenix audio devices
  • If you work in a hospital or another environment where the noise levels can vary greatly, but you still need to clearly hear the audio from your Phoenix audio devices, you’ll appreciate the advanced settings we’ve added to version 3.3.21.
  • The new settings enable you to more finely control the audio processed through your Phoenix devices. You can now configure automatic volume control, automatic gain control, noise cancellation, mixer, and Super Sensitive mode for all the microphones or for a single microphone.
  • VidyoRemote 3 enhancements
  • We’ve simplified the UI for the VidyoRemote 3 for Android and VidyoRemote 3 for iOS apps to provide you with better control and more security.
  • Here are some of the enhancements we’ve included in this release:
  • Projection mode is enabled by default when sharing local content.
  • Room owners or participants who have specified the moderator PIN can access the Call Moderator and Invite Participant tabs. These tabs do not display if you're not the room owner or if there is no moderator PIN.
  • You can unpair your device only if you know the pair code that was used to initially pair it.
  • If a settings access code has been set, you can see the settings and change them once you enter the access code.
  • Remote control API updates
  • With this release, we've added Presenter Centric Mode. When the Presenter Centric Mode request is enabled, participants do not appear automatically on the display. Instead, you can create and run a script from an external machine or use the remote control to pin the participants on the display.
  • You can now use Conference.Participant.SortedSummary to get a summary of all the participants in the conference sorted in alphabetical order.

What actions can I take now?

VidyoRoom Version 3.3.20: General Availability Release

Product Bulletin No. 1177

Version 3.3.20 introduces a new way to control your VidyoRoom or VidyoPanorama system: the VidyoRemote 3 for Android. The VidyoRemote 3 app offers a touch-screen control interface—so there's no need for you to purchase a dedicated controller. If you're already used to the current VidyoRoom and VidyoPanorama 600 OnScreen UI, you'll find that the VidyoRemote 3 provides a very similar experience.

Here are some of the feature highlights:

  • Join and disconnect from conferences, and answer and reject incoming calls.
  • View the list of available local and remote content streams, and choose which one you want to display.
  • Select and configure which camera, microphone, speakers, and content capture device to use during your Vidyo calls. Pan, tilt, and zoom the camera, and adjust speaker and mic levels during calls.
  • View upcoming meetings and join those meetings with one-click (if calendar integration has been configured).
  • Use meeting control features, such as locking and unlocking the room, muting the audio and video, and disconnecting participants.
  • Record the conference.
  • Enable security features like setting an access code and PIN-protecting a room.

The VidyoRemote 3 app is available as a free download from the Google Play Store.

In accordance with the Vidyo Standard Software Maintenance Policy, Vidyo is pleased to announce version 3.3.20 as an Anchor release. Anchor releases for Vidyo infrastructure and endpoints are listed in the Vidyo Anchor release compatibility matrix.

What's new in this release?

  • Write Protection mode enhancements
  • If you enable Write Protection mode and start the reboot process, you won’t be allowed to press the button again. This ensures that the reboot process fully and successfully completes.
  • When Write Protection mode is enabled, you cannot delete log files nor can you upload new image, installer, or certificate files.
  • If you attempt to download a new installer from the VidyoPortal™ but there is not enough room in the write cache, the VidyoRoom will not download the installer. Instead, it will continue to check the cache every three hours, and it will download the installer when there is enough room.
  • New Admin UI settings
  • Concerned that displaying the VidyoPortal URL, user name, or password on the VidyoRoom OnScreen UI could be security risk? If so, we’ve added a setting to the Admin UI that prevents these from appearing on the OnScreen UI.
  • There's now a new Network Tools tab on the Admin UI that provides you with easy access to the "ping" and "traceroute" commands. You simply enter the IP address or host name of the system that you want to ping or trace the path of, and the results appear on the page.
  • We've also updated the Admin UI to make it easier for you to either set the system time manually or to automatically sync it with an NTP server. Lastly, if you have a Sony® camera, you can now use the Admin UI to indicate that you want the camera position to remain unchanged at the end of each call.
  • Remote control API updates
  • Remote Control API commands now work with rooms and usernames that have a period in the name, as long as the parameter is within single quotes.
  • In addition, in version 3.3.20, we've added some new commands. The new Request Join Extension API enables you to join scheduled rooms using the room extension. The new RemoteShareAdded, RemoteShareRemoved, and ActiveRemoteShareChanged APIs enable you to tell if a remote participant is sharing content into the conference and if the other participants are currently viewing that content.
  • Support for the Biamp TesiraFORTÉ CI audio device
  • The Biamp TesiraFORTÉ CI is a codec conferencing solution that offers twelve line level inputs with AEC and eight line level outputs, thereby delivering superior audio conferencing.

What actions can I take now?

VidyoRoom Version 3.3.19: General Availability Release

Product Bulletin No. 1173

In accordance with the Vidyo Standard Software Maintenance Policy, Vidyo is pleased to announce version 3.3.19 as an Anchor release. Anchor releases for Vidyo infrastructure and endpoints are listed in the Vidyo Anchor release compatibility matrix.

What's new in this release?

  • Write Protection mode feature
  • We’ve implemented a new Write Protection Mode feature that adds full File Based Write Filtering. We recommend this feature for deployments where the probability of ungraceful shutdowns is high and where, up until this point, the systems were unable to recover.
  • Enable and disable Super Sensitive mode for Phoenix audio devices
  • If you want the audio to be processed through your Phoenix audio device, you can now disable Phoenix Super Sensitive mode via the Admin UI. If, on the other hand, you want to hear the audio in its native state, you can enable this mode.
  • This feature is useful in cases where you want to hear all the noise coming from a certain location. For example, a nurse at a nurse’s station in a hospital might want to enable this mode in order to hear every sound in a patient’s room.
  • View the firmware version of connected devices
  • For your convenience, in addition to displaying the firmware version of INOGENI devices, the Admin UI and the VidyoRoom On Screen UI now display the firmware version of some Sony cameras, such as the EVI-H100V and SRG-120DH, as well as some Phoenix devices, such as the Quattro3 and Spider.
  • Track the temperature of your VidyoRoom systems
  • VidyoRooms now monitor their CPU temperature. If the temperature gets to a high or critical level, the temperature reading appears on the Admin UI page that you are currently viewing so that you can promptly address the issue.
  • The temperature is also tracked in a log file. This log file is accessible via the Admin UI, and if you’ve enabled the Splunk® forwarder feature, it will also be forwarded to your Splunk server.
  • Receive notification that the CMOS battery needs to be replaced
  • If the CMOS battery fails, the system date reverts back a few years. When you attempt to manually correct the date via the Admin UI, the CMOS Battery Warning notification appears to remind you to check if the battery needs to be replaced.
  • Debug more easily with Recovery Console logs
  • To make debugging easier, you can now access the Recovery Console logs. Like the temperature logs, these logs are accessible via the Admin UI, and if you’ve enabled the Splunk forwarder feature, they will also be forwarded to your Splunk server.
  • Resolved issue
  • In previous releases, an issue caused VidyoRoom HD-100 Rev 4A and HD-40 Rev A systems to go offline after being online for 50 consecutive days. The systems were then unable to successfully reboot. A fix was added to this release, thereby resolving this issue.

What actions can I take now?