Deploy and configure

  1. Deploy VidyoInsights- in your VMWare environment with the machine provisioning requirements as indicated in the prerequisites section above.
  2. After deployment, power on the machine.
  3. Via the VMWare console, log on with the default username and password: admin/password.
  4. Using the Vidyo Console, configure the following:
  • IP Address
  • Subnet Mask
  • Default Gateway
  • DNS server(s)
  • Server name and domain (aka Server FQDN)
  1. Reboot the machine.
  2. Confirm the server has access to the Internet.

Certificate setup

To set up a custom SSL certificate, use the Platform APIs. You also need to have a PFX file with the certificate:

  1. Via the Vidyo Console, set up a VidyoPlatform API user.


You need to have an SSH private/public key pair generated — how to do this is outside the scope of this document

  1. Use the SSL_InstallPFX API to install the PFX on the server. SSL_InstallPFX is used to install password protected .pfx files. There are 2 steps for this operation.
  1. First use the VidyoUpload Platform API to upload the .pfx file to the VidyoInsights server.

kram@test-machine: ~$ cat name-of-file.pfx | ssh apiuser@ VidyoUpload

12+1 records in

12+1 records out

6261 bytes (6.3 kB, 6.1 KiB) copied, 0.000115537 s, 54.2 MB/s

The second method is to pass a remote URL to the command:

echo -n ********** | ssh apiuser@ SSL_InstallPFX

Cert: /C=US/ST=New Jersey/L=Hackensack/O=Vidyo, Inc./CN=*

Cert Chain: /C=US/O=DigiCert Inc/CN=DigiCert SHA2 Secure Server CA

Cert Chain: /C=US/O=DigiCert Inc/ Global Root CA

CA Certs: 3

WARNING: Skipping duplicate certificate self-cert.pem

  1. Then, once uploaded, run the SSL_InstallPFX Platform API to install the .pfx file.

kram@test-machine: ~$ echo -n ********** | ssh apiuser@ SSL_InstallPFX

Cert: /C=US/ST=New Jersey/L=Hackensack/O=Vidyo, Inc./CN=*

Cert Chain: /C=US/O=DigiCert Inc/CN=DigiCert SHA2 Secure Server CA

Cert Chain: /C=US/O=DigiCert Inc/ Global Root CA

CA Certs: 3

WARNING: Skipping duplicate certificate self-cert.pem

  1. After install, reboot your server.

VidyoInsights setup prerequisites


Before you proceed with setup, you must ensure your VidyoInsights server has outbound public internet access. If this is not enabled, setup will fail.

You also need the following information.

  1. VidyoInsights URL — this will be the FQDN you access VidyoInsights on. It will also be the same FQDN you configure your infrastructure components to connect to. It should be different from your server’s local FQDN. This FQDN must be added to DNS prior to starting the VidyoInsights setup.
  2. Admin password (admin username is hardcoded) — after setup this will be the password you use to log into the web interface. On first login, you will be forced to change this password.

It must meet the following password complexity requirements:

  • At least 1 special character
  • At least 1 uppercase letter
  • At least 1 digit
  • At least 8 characters in length
  1. Email address of Admin user
  2. Admin First Name (can be generic)
  3. Admin Last Name (can be generic)
  4. Telegraf password — this is the token you will enter on the infrastructure components to authenticate to the VidyoInsights server. This should be a complex and long token. It requires the same password complexity as the admin user, but it should be a strong random token.
  5. Optionally SMTP information if email notifications are to be configured:
  • SMTP Server
  • SMTP Username
  • SMTP Password
  • SMTP Port