
This section contains the prerequisites for Epic Service deployment.

The following are the items you require before you can begin the setup:.

Network information

  • IP Address
  • Subnet Mask
  • Default Gateway
  • DNS Server(s)
  • Public FQDN - should already be added to DNS


  • PFX file for certificate that covers the Public FQDN


  • Inbound TCP Port 443 open to the public (where your WebRTC endpoints will be coming from).
  • Inbound TCP Port 22 open ONLY from the Administrative network (for configuration only).

Machine provisioning

  • Minimum of 8 vCPUs for Production with 18 GHz Reserved; 4 vCPU for Lab use
  • Minimum of 8 GB RAM for Production with 8 GB Reserved; 4 GB for Lab use
  • 50 GB Disk


  • SSH access to the deployed OVA for System Console access
  • Platform API user configured with appropriate SSH key


  • VidyoEpicService-