Play content or display a custom background in a waiting room

This section contains information on how to play content or display a custom background in a waiting room.

Healthcare customers using Epic CAL can now play music, display a background, or show a video to patients who are waiting for their healthcare providers to join their VidyoConnect call. You can customize this feature so that the patients in the waiting room can:

  • Listen to audio (with or without a background image)
  • See a background image (with or without audio)
  • View a video

Providers can specify the audio, background image, or video content to be played in the waiting room. They can also select different content for different calls.


For the required component versions for this feature, see Epic CAL feature compatibility with Vidyo versions.

Media files

To play audio or video files or display a background for your VidyoConnect users, you must use the following media formats:

  • Audio content: .ogg or .mp3 format
  • Background content: .png or .jpg format
  • Video content: .mp4 or .webm (vp8) format

Audio and video content

For audio and video content, the media files for each format must have the same name and be stored in the same location.

For example, if you have an audio file called waitingthat you want to play to VidyoConnect users on both Windows and Mac, you must save the file as both waiting.mp3 and waiting.ogg and store both files in the same location, such as:


Despite having to store both file types for audio and video content, Tenant Admins only have to specify one file type in the Value field on the Settings > Feature Settings > Custom Parameters page. Provided both the .mp3 and the .ogg file types are in the same location, both Windows and Mac users will be able to hear the audio file.

Background content

For background content, only one format needs to be stored. For example, if you store a waiting.png file, you don't also have to store a waiting.jpgfile. Both Windows and Mac users will be able to access .png files as well as .jpg files.


The following parameters control whether VidyoConnect users hear audio, view a background, or see a video while in a waiting room.




Controls whether audio content is played in the waiting room while users wait for the physician to join the VidyoConnect call.


Controls whether background content is displayed in the waiting room while users wait for the physician to join the VidyoConnect call.


Controls whether video content is played in the waiting room while users wait for the physician to join the VidyoConnect call.

The Tenant Admin must add and configure these custom parameters as described below.

Configure your tenant

To configure your tenant:

  1. Log in to the Tenant Admin using your Admin account.
  2. On the top menu, click Settings.
  3. On the left panel, expand Feature Settings and click Custom Parameters.
  4. Select the Enable Custom Parameters checkbox and click Save.

  1. At the bottom of the page, click Add Custom Parameters . The Add Custom Parameters dialog displays.

  1. In Auth type, select whether registered or unregistered (guest) users will be able to use the URL. If you want both types of users to have access, you can add a custom parameter for each type.
  2. In Key, type wrac# to play audio in the waiting room, type wrbc# to display a background in the waiting room, or type wrvc# to play a video in the waiting room.


The # can be any number; however, it must match the configuration parameter entered in the Epic CAL working link. For example, if you enter wrac7 in the Key field, your Epic link must include wrac=7.

  1. In Value, type the path of the audio, background, or video content. For details, see Media files.
  2. Click Save. The Auth Type, Key, and Value you configured appear on the Custom Parameters list.

Add the parameters to your Epic CAL working link

Add the parameters as described in Invoke VidyoConnect with parameters.


The wrac, wrbc, and wrvc parameters must be outside the Epic CAL CRYPTSTRING.

The value used for the parameter must match the parameter entered in the Key field on the Tenant Admin Settings > Feature Settings > Custom Parameters page. For example, if wrac7 is entered in the Key field, you must use wrac=7 in your Epic CAL working link.

Here is an example (with added line breaks for legibility):

This link would invoke VidyoConnect with the following custom invocation parameters (with added line breaks for legibility):



Use the Context Aware Sample Link Generator in the Tenant Admin to generate a sample Epic CAL URL link.