VidyoConnect technical and network specifications

VidyoConnect for Desktop


Native video codec



Note: H264 was deprecated in VidyoConnect for Desktop version 22.1.0. Please reach out to your account executive for further details.

Video encoding

Up to 1080p30

Video decoding

Up to 1080p30 per stream and overall 4K (2160p30) for multi-stream

Content share

Up to 1080p30 @ 4fps static


Built-in cameras

USB webcams

PTZ USB cameras (Windows-only over USB 3.0)


Built-in microphones

USB microphones



SPEEX Wideband Audio, up to 32 kHz sampling rate (only in certain scenarios)

Opus, up to 48 kHz sampling rate


Sample rates such as 22050 Hz are not supported.

Automatic Echo Suppression (AES)


Select, change, and control audio devices on-the-fly



Built-in microphones

USB and 3.5mm webcams (including mics integrated with camera modules)


Supports built-in speakers

Supports speakers connected over USB and 3.5mm

Supports headphones/earphones plugged in via USB or 3.5mm

Supports wireless audio devices connected over Bluetooth (including Apple AirPods devices)

Language support

Language support

English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese, Polish, Spanish, and Ukrainian  

Network and security

Automatic firewall traversal


STUN and ICE protocols for NAT traversal


TLS 1.2 and AES 256-bit encryption (with third-party certificate)


System requirements

Minimum system requirements

CPU: Dual Core CPU

Disk space: 500 MB free disk space

Supported audio and video device

Recommended system requirements

CPU: Quad-core CPU


Disk space: 500 MB free disk space

Supported audio and video device

For HD: Graphics capabilities that support HD resolutions on one or more displays

Operating system

See VidyoConnect operating system and browser requirements.

Devices and accessories

See VidyoConnect recommended peripherals.


The specifications advertised are the minimum requirements required to run our application. It is always recommended to have performance/storage headroom on your devices to support other essential processes and applications essential to your workflow.

We don’t recommend a specific CPU chip type, but we do recommend buying the latest devices if you’re starting out with your deployments.

The minimum supported chipset will usually be governed by the operating system requirements. However, we will always recommend starting with stronger chipsets for better performance and longevity.

Technical specifications for VidyoConnect for Mobile


Native video codec

H.264 SVC (UCIF Mode 2s)

Video encoding

Up to 720p

Video decoding (to display multiple remote participants)

Up to 720p


Toggle between front and rear integrated cameras

Number of participants displayed simultaneously




SPEEX Wideband Audio, up to 32 kHz sampling rate

Automatic Echo Cancellation

Native to device


Follows device selection


Follows device selection


Call detail records



Version 18.1.0 and later: English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Simplified Chinese, and Spanish

Version 17.3.1 and earlier: English


When connected in conference, consumes a shared concurrent use license (VidyoLine)

Client software download

iOS: App Store
Android: Google Play Store


Automatic firewall traversal


STUN and ICE protocols for NAT traversal


TLS 1.2 and AES-128 bit encryption (with third-party certificate)


System requirements

Operating system and browser support

See VidyoConnect operating system and browser requirements.

Peripheral support

See VidyoConnect recommended peripherals.

Understanding network specifications

The following table captures the network requirements for our three key endpoints. All bandwidths are denoted in bps (Bits per second. 500k means 500 kbps or 500 kilobits per second. Please not that this is in bits and not bytes).

Video calls

Call type Desktop WebRTC Mobile
  Uplink Downlink Uplink Downlink Uplink Downlink
One-to-one call with content share 500k 500k 500k 500k 500k 500k
4-party call with content share 1M 1M 500k 500k 1M 1M
16 or more participants with content share 2M 2M 1M 1M 1.5M 1.5M

Audio-only calls

Call type Desktop WebRTC Mobile
  Uplink Downlink Uplink Downlink Uplink Downlink
One-to-one call with content share 300k 300k 150k 300k 300k 300k
4-party call with content share 800k 800k 200k 500k 800k 800k
16 or more participants with content share 1.5M 1.5M 1M 1M 1M 1M

How we evaluate network specifications

  • All test devices had a fresh install of the operating system (factory reset) and had a fresh installation of the relevant application (desktop and mobile).
  • No other audio/video conferencing apps were running on the device when they were benchmarked.
  • The benchmarking tests were performed in a controlled lab environment with bandwidth constraint. Bandwidth constraint was applied using Network Link Conditioner on MAC, iOS and Net Limiter on Windows.

What these specifications mean for you

  • It is important to understand the dynamic nature of network variations, and how they impact your device use and not just the use of audio/video conferencing software.
  • The specifications advertised above will serve as a guide for network capacity management. However, network capacity depends on a multitude of other factors, most of which fall outside of this document and the products it covers.
  • As with all specifications, it is always advisable to design with some headroom. A device may be under other forms of network load such as a software update, app updates, device backups or general background activities.
  • It is also advisable to design with some headroom owing to network fluctuations such as device crowding, network quality deterioration, general radio interference or issues at the ISP level.