7. Web Services User API

This chapter describes the Web Services User API.

VidyoPortal User Service URL:



Retrieves the Protocol Access Key (pak) from the VidyoPortal.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
(Always Empty) N/A Use only the HTTP Authentication header N/A
returnEndpointBehavior Boolean Flag to return the endpoint behavior if configured No
returnAuthToken Boolean Flag to return the authentication token No
returnPortalVersion Boolean Flag to return the corresponding VidyoPortal version No

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
Pak String The Portal Access Key- If the user’s authentication is successful, the Portal Access Key is returned Yes
vmaddress String VidyoManager address No
proxyaddress String VidyoProxy address No
Loctag String Location Tag (to be used for cascading scenarios) No
pak2 String Returns the PAK2 string when PAK2 is supported by the VidyoPortal No
authToken String Authentication token that can be used in subsequent requests No
portalVersion String The VidyoPortal version No


Name Description
NotLicensedFault API is not licensed
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
SeatLicenseExpiredFault Seat license expired and needs to be renewed


Retrieves the VidyoPortal member entity from the VidyoPortal using a valid HTTP authentication request.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
EID String Endpoint ID - User identified in HTTP authentication header is associated with the Vidyo endpoint identifier Yes
vrIP String VidyoRouter IP Address No
clientType String

Represents the following client types:

  • Type 'W' is for Windows platform

  • Type 'M' is for MacOS platform

  • Type 'V' is for VidyoRoom HD200 (Windows platform)

  • Type 'R' is for VidyoRoom HD100/HD50 (Windows platform)

  • Type 'L' is for Linux platform

  • Type 'S' is for SL5 platform

  • Type 'U' is for Ubuntu platform

  • Type 'T' is for SL5 64bit platform

  • Type 'X' is for Ubuntu 64bit platform

  • Type 'I' is for iOS

  • Type 'A' is for Android

applicationName String Vidyo application name (for example, VidyoDesktop, VidyoMobile, etc.) N/A
applicationVersion String Application version (for example, VidyoDesktop, VidyoMobile, etc.) N/A
applicationOS String OS on which the Vidyo application is running (for example, Windows) N/A
deviceModel String Device model on which the application is running (for example, iPhone 5S) N/A
pak2 Boolean PAK2 support N/A

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
Entity EntityID If the user’s authentication is successful, the Member entity is returned Yes


Name Description
NotLicensedFault API is not licensed
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
SeatLicenseExpiredFault Seat license expired and needs to be renewed
AccessRestrictedFault Access restriction to login through mobile device


Sends a sign-out request to the VidyoPortal.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
(Always Empty) N/A Use only the HTTP Authentication header N/A

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
OK String String representation of successful operation Yes


Name Description
NotLicensedFault API is not licensed
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
SeatLicenseExpiredFault Seat license expired and needs to be renewed


Queries the status of a user identified in a valid HTTP authentication request.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
(Always Empty) N/A Use only the HTTP Authentication header Yes

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
MemberStatus String

Describes the member status based on the operation state of the endpoint in use by the member:

  • Status is Offline and hence can't be reached for a conference.

  • Status is Online and can be reached for a conference or a direct call.

  • Status is Busy in conference and can't be reached for another conference or a direct call.

  • Status is BusyInOwnRoom in conference in own personal room and can't can be reached for another conference.

  • Status is Ringing endpoint associated with member start to ring on receive direct call or invite event from other part.

  • Status is RingAccepted endpoint associated with member accept the call from other part.

  • Status is RingRejected endpoint associated with member reject the call from other part.

  • Status is RingNoAnswer endpoint associated with member is not answered in some period of time.

  • Status is Alerting endpoint associated with member is alerting about income call.

  • Status is AlertCancelled endpoint associated with member is stop to be alerting about income call.



Name Description
NotLicensedFault API is not licensed
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
SeatLicenseExpiredFault Seat license expired and needs to be renewed


Searches for VidyoPortal members, rooms, or legacy devices that match the criteria specified in the filter.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
filter.<nnnn> filter.<nnnn> The filter type is used to trim down (filter) the search results. The value <nnnn> could be any of or all of the variables below. Yes
start Integer

This is the beginning index of the search result.

Example: If the result has 50 elements, and the requestor only wants 10 element from the 30th position, then the requestor provides the start=30 value.

limit Integer

This is the number of results that are being requested.

Example: If the result has 50 elements, and the requestor only wants 10 element from the 30th position, then the requestor provides the limit=10 value.




Display name


This is the field by which the requestor is asking the results to be sorted by.

Note: In the User API, entityID is used instead of memberID.

Example: If the result has to be sorted in an ascending order by the extension number of the Entity, then the requestor provides the sortBy=extension/name/displayName or memeberID value.

Entity Type




This is the filed which rquestor is asking the results to be sorted by.

  • Member - in which case the private room is returned

  • Room - in which case all the public rooms belong to owner of input roomID are returned

  • Legacy - in which case filtered by legacy





This is the field by which the requestor is asking the results to be sorted in a specific direction/order, ascending or descending.

Example: If the result has to be sorted in an ascending order by the extension number of the Entity, then the requestor provides the dir=ASC value.






This is the search string that uses all the above filter criteria.

Example: If the requestor is looking for all members that start with the letters “pau,” then query=pau would return the desired results.


Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
total Integer Total number of entities Yes


Name Description
NotLicensedFault API is not licensed
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
SeatLicenseExpiredFault Seat license expired and needs to be renewed


The response might include the room PINs; however, those are masked from users other than the room owner or the tenant admin.


Returns a list of favorite VidyoPortal members, rooms, and legacy devices for a member of the VidyoPortal identified in a valid HTTP authentication request.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
filter.<nnnn> filter.<nnnn> The filter type is used to trim down (filter) the search results. The value <nnnn> could be any of or all of the variables below. Yes
start Integer

This is the beginning index of the search result.

Example: If the result has 50 elements, and the requestor only wants 10 element from the 30th position, then the requestor provides the start=30 value.

limit Integer

This is the number of results that are being requested.

Example: If the result has 50 elements, and the requestor only wants 10 element from the 30th position, then the requestor provides the limit=10 value.





Display name


This is the field by which the requestor is asking the results to be sorted by.

Note: In the User API, entityID is used instead of memberID.

Example: If the result has to be sorted in an ascending order by the extension number of the Entity, then the requestor provides the sortBy=extension/name/displayName or memeberID value.





This is the field by which the requestor is asking the results to be sorted in a specific direction/order, ascending or descending.

Example: If the result has to be sorted in an ascending order by the extension number of the Entity, then the requestor provides the dir=ASC value.




Display name


This is the search string that uses all the above filter criteria.

Example: If the requestor is looking for all members that start with the letters “pau,” then query=pau would return the desired results.


Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
total Integer Total number of entities Yes
Array of entities Entity Array of entities (o…n) No


Name Description
NotLicensedFault API is not licensed
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
SeatLicenseExpiredFault Seat license expired and needs to be renewed


The response might include the room PINs; however, those are masked from users other than the room owner or the tenant admin.


Searches for all entities (mainly rooms) by member's EntityID.

Based on filter criteria, the SearchByEntityID method returns the public or private roomID list that belongs to the owner of input.


When making calls, all PINs are masked from users other than the room owner.

The search response can be filtered based on the Entity type of:

  • Member - in which case the private room is returned
  • Room - in which case all the public rooms belong to owner of input roomID are returned
  • Legacy - in which case filtered by legacy

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
Entity EntityID This is an ID for addressing the member object in the VidyoPortal. Yes
filter.<nnnn> filter.<nnnn> The filter type is used to trim down (filter) the search results. The value <nnnn> could be any of or all of the variables below. Yes
start Integer

This is the beginning index of the search result.

Example: If the result has 50 elements, and the requestor only wants 10 element from the 30th position, then the requestor provides the start=30 value.

limit Integer

This is the number of results that are being requested.

Example: If the result has 50 elements, and the requestor only wants 10 element from the 30th position, then the requestor provides the limit=10 value.




Display name


This is the field by which the requestor is asking the results to be sorted by.

Note: In the User API, entityID is used instead of memberID.

Example: If the result has to be sorted in an ascending order by the extension number of the Entity, then the requestor provides the sortBy=extension/name/displayName or memeberID value.





This is the field by which the requestor is asking the results to be sorted in a specific direction/order, ascending or descending.

Example: If the result has to be sorted in an ascending order by the extension number of the Entity, then the requestor provides the dir=ASC value.

Entity Type




This is the filed which rquestor is asking the results to be sorted by.

  • Member - in which case the private room is returned
  • Room - in which case all the public rooms belong to owner of input roomID are returned
  • Legacy - in which case filtered by legacy



Display name


This is the search string that uses all the above filter criteria.

Example: If the requestor is looking for all members that start with the letters “pau,” then query=pau would return the desired results.


Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
total Integer Total number of entities Yes
Array of entities Entity Array of entities (o…n) No


Name Description
NotLicensedFault API is not licensed
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
SeatLicenseExpiredFault Seat license expired and needs to be renewed


The response might include the room PINs; however, those are masked from users other than the room owner or the tenant admin.


Optimizes searches for members, returning the users whose name and email matches the query string by default if neither “name” or “email” is specified in the queryField.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
query string Query string searched. Minimum of two characters. Yes
queryField string Field to search on: "name" (default) or "email". If neither is specified, then the default would be both “name” and “email”. No
memberType string Member type to search: "member" (default) or "legacy" or "member|legacy" No
start int Starting row number to return (0-99, 0 is default) No
limit int Number of rows to return (0-100, 10 is default) No
sortBy string Field to sort against: "name" (default) No
sortDir sortDir Ascending or descending sort: "ASC" (default) or "DESC" No

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
query string Query string searched Yes
queryField string Field searched on Yes
memberType string Member type searched Yes
start int Starting row number Yes
limit int Number of rows returned Yes
sortBy string Field sorted on Yes
sortDir sortDir Sort order returned Yes
total int Total number of results possible Yes
Member Member

A list of Member objects containing:

  • entityID (EntityID)

  • name (string)

  • description (string)

  • email (string)

  • enabled (boolean)

  • type (string)

  • isInMyContacts (boolean)

  • MemberStatus object



Name Description
NotLicensedFault API is not licensed
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
SeatLicenseExpiredFault Seat license expired and needs to be renewed


Optimizes searches for rooms, returning personal rooms whose display name matches the query string. Searching on personal room is applicable only when roomType is “personal”.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
query string Query string searched. Minimum of two characters. Yes
queryField string Field to search on: "roomNameOrExtension" (default) or "ownerName" or "ownerEntityID" No
roomType string Room type to search: "public" (default) or "personal" or "legacy" or combination thereof using pipe ("|"), e.g., "(public|legacy)" No
start int Starting row number to return (0-99, 0 is default) No
limit int Number of rows to return (0-100, 10 is default) No
sortBy string Field to sort against: "roomName" (default) or "extension" No
sortDir sortDir Ascending or descending sort: "ASC" (default) or "DESC" No

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
query string Query string searched Yes
queryField string Field searched on Yes
roomType string Room type searched Yes
start int Starting row number Yes
limit int Number of rows returned Yes
sortBy string Field sorted on Yes
sortDir sortDir Ascending or descending sort: "ASC" (default) or "DESC" Yes
total int Total number of results possible Yes
Room Room

A list of Room objects containing:

  • entityID (EntityID)
  • name (string)
  • displayName (string)
  • extension (string)
  • description (string)
  • ownerEntityID (EntityID)
  • ownerName (string)
  • type (string)
  • pinned (boolean)
  • locked (boolean)
  • enabled (boolean)
  • isInMyContacts (boolean)


Name Description
NotLicensedFault API is not licensed
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
SeatLicenseExpiredFault Seat license expired and needs to be renewed


Adds a VidyoPortal member, room, or legacy device to a VidyoPortal member's favorites.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
entityID EntityID This is an ID for addressing the room object in the VidyoPortal Yes

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
OK String String representation of successful operation Yes


Name Description
NotLicensedFault API is not licensed
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
SeatLicenseExpiredFault Seat license expired and needs to be renewed


Removes an entity (member, room, or legacy devices) from the member's favorites.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
entityID EntityID This is an ID for addressing the room object in the VidyoPortal Yes

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
OK String String representation of successful operation Yes


Name Description
NotLicensedFault API is not licensed
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
SeatLicenseExpiredFault Seat license expired and needs to be renewed


Invites a VidyoPortal member to join a room. This request can be issued only by a VidyoPortal member who can control the room.

This method can use the following parameters:


When using the request parameters below, use either conferenceID and entityID OR conferenceID and invite URL.

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
conferenceID EntityID This is an ID for addressing the Room object in the VidyoPortal where the conference is started Yes
entityID EntityID This is an ID for addressing the Room object in the VidyoPortal where the conference is started Yes
conferenceID EntityID This is an ID for addressing the Room object in the VidyoPortal where the conference is started Yes
invite URL String This field could be used for dialing String to a Legacy Device or making a VidyoVoice call Yes

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
OK String String representation of successful operation Yes


Name Description
NotLicensedFault API is not licensed
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
SeatLicenseExpiredFault Seat license expired and needs to be renewed


Creates a test call room, which gets forwarded to the WebRTC test call server.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
CreateTestcallRoomRequest Create Testcall Room Request Creates a test call room Yes

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
extension String Extension number of the room Yes
roomURL URI URL to access the room Yes
roomKey String Unique room access key Yes


Name Description
NotLicensedFault API is not licensed
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
SeatLicenseExpiredFault An unspecified error occurred while creating the test call room
TestcallRoomCreationFault Seat license expired and needs to be renewed


A VidyoPortal member’s request to join a meeting room. To join a VidyoPortal member's personal room, the entityID must the set to the VidyoPortal member's entityID.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
conferenceID EntityID This is an ID for addressing the room object in the VidyoPortal where the conference is started Yes
pin String PIN is an optional string in case the room has a PIN No

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
OK String String representation of successful operation Yes


Name Description
NotLicensedFault API is not licensed
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
SeatLicenseExpiredFault An unspecified error occurred while creating the test call room
ConferenceLockedFault Conference locked
WrongPinFault Wrong pin


Requests for a VidyoPortal member to place a direct call to another VidyoPortal member as identified by EntityID.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
entityID EntityID This is an ID for addressing a Member object in the VidyoPortal Yes
Invite String This field could be used for dialing string to a Legacy Device or making a VidyoVoice call No

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
OK String String representation of successful operation Yes


Name Description
NotLicensedFault API is not licensed
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
SeatLicenseExpiredFault An unspecified error occurred while creating the test call room


Lists the participants in a VidyoPortal member's personal room. The entityID must be set to the VidyoPortal member's entityID.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
conferenceID EntityID An ID for addressing a Member object in the VidyoPortal where the conference is started Yes

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
Total Integer Total number of the participants Yes
Array of entities Entity Array of entities (o…n) No


Name Description
NotLicensedFault API is not licensed
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
SeatLicenseExpiredFault An unspecified error occurred while creating the test call room


Requests a real username as was created by the admin and saved in the DB.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
(Always Empty) N/A Use only the HTTP Authentication header N/A

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
realUserName String Username as was created and saved in DB Yes


Name Description
NotLicensedFault API is not licensed
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong


Removes a participant (endpoint) from a conference.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
conferenceID EntityID This is an ID for addressing the room object in the VidyoPortal where the conference is started Yes
participantID EntityID This is an ID for addressing a Member object in the VidyoPortal where the conference is started Yes

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
Total Integer Total number of the participants Yes
Array of entities Entity Array of entities (o…n) No


Name Description
NotLicensedFault API is not licensed
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
SeatLicenseExpiredFault An unspecified error occurred while creating the test call room


Mutes the audio for a given participant (endpoint) in the conference.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
conferenceID EntityID This is an ID for addressing the room object in the VidyoPortal where the conference is started Yes
participantID EntityID This is an ID for addressing a Member object in the VidyoPortal where the conference is started Yes

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
OK String String representation of successful operation Yes


Name Description
NotLicensedFault API is not licensed
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
SeatLicenseExpiredFault An unspecified error occurred while creating the test call room


Unmutes the audio for a given participant (endpoint) in a conference.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
conferenceID EntityID This is an ID for addressing the room object in the VidyoPortal where the conference is started Yes
participantID EntityID This is an ID for addressing a Member object in the VidyoPortal where the conference is started Yes

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
OK String String representation of successful operation Yes


Name Description
NotLicensedFault API is not licensed
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
SeatLicenseExpiredFault An unspecified error occurred while creating the test call room


Starts the video for a given participant (endpoint) in a conference.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
conferenceID EntityID This is an ID for addressing the room object in the VidyoPortal where the conference is started Yes
participantID EntityID This is an ID for addressing a Member object in the VidyoPortal where the conference is started Yes

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
OK String String representation of successful operation Yes


Name Description
NotLicensedFault API is not licensed
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
SeatLicenseExpiredFault An unspecified error occurred while creating the test call room


Stops the video for a given participant (endpoint) in a conference.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
conferenceID EntityID This is an ID for addressing the room object in the VidyoPortal where the conference is started Yes
participantID EntityID This is an ID for addressing a Member object in the VidyoPortal where the conference is started Yes

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
OK String String representation of successful operation Yes


Name Description
NotLicensedFault API is not licensed
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
SeatLicenseExpiredFault An unspecified error occurred while creating the test call room


Retrieves a VidyoPortal member entity.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
(Always Empty) N/A Use only the HTTP Authentication header N/A

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
Entity Entity This object is returned as a result of search for member Yes


Name Description
NotLicensedFault API is not licensed
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
SeatLicenseExpiredFault An unspecified error occurred while creating the test call room


Creates an URL for a room or VidyoPortal member's personal room.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
roomID EntityID This is an ID for addressing the room object in the VidyoPortal Yes

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
OK String String representation of successful operation Yes


Name Description
NotLicensedFault API is not licensed
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
SeatLicenseExpiredFault An unspecified error occurred while creating the test call room


Creates a PIN for a room or VidyoPortal member's personal room.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
roomID EntityID This is an ID for addressing the room object in the VidyoPortal Yes
PIN String PIN string Yes

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
OK String String representation of successful operation Yes


Name Description
NotLicensedFault API is not licensed
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
SeatLicenseExpiredFault An unspecified error occurred while creating the test call room


Provides the minimum and maximum number of digits required in a user-provided PIN.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
None N/A N/A N/A

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
minimumPINLength Integer The minimum digits for PIN length Yes
maximumPINLength Integer The maximum digits for PIN length Yes


Name Description
NotLicensedFault API is not licensed
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred


Removes a PIN for a room or VidyoPortal member's personal room.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
roomID EntityID This is an ID for addressing the room object in the VidyoPortal Yes

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
OK String String representation of successful operation Yes


Name Description
NotLicensedFault API is not licensed
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
SeatLicenseExpiredFault An unspecified error occurred while creating the test call room


Updates a VidyoPortal member's password.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
password String New password string Yes

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
OK String String representation of successful operation Yes


Name Description
NotLicensedFault API is not licensed
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
SeatLicenseExpiredFault An unspecified error occurred while creating the test call room


Updates a VidyoPortal member's language settings.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
language String Language supported by VidyoPortal Yes

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
OK String String representation of successful operation Yes


Name Description
NotLicensedFault API is not licensed
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
SeatLicenseExpiredFault An unspecified error occurred while creating the test call room


Removes a VidyoPortal room.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
roomID EntityID This is the ID of addressing room object in the VidyoPortal Yes

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
OK String String representation of successful operation Yes


Name Description
NotLicensedFault API is not licensed
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
SeatLicenseExpiredFault An unspecified error occurred while creating the test call room


Creates a Public Room that belongs to the member.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
name String Name of the room Yes
extension String Room extension Yes

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
Entity object Entity Object Yes


Name Description
NotLicensedFault API is not licensed
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
SeatLicenseExpiredFault An unspecified error occurred while creating the test call room


Locks a public or personal room.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
roomID EntityID This is the ID of addressing room object in the VidyoPortal Yes

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
OK String String representation of successful operation Yes


Name Description
NotLicensedFault API is not licensed
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
SeatLicenseExpiredFault An unspecified error occurred while creating the test call room


Unlocks a public or personal room.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
roomID EntityID This is an ID for addressing the room object in the VidyoPortal Yes

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
OK String String representation of successful operation Yes


Name Description
NotLicensedFault API is not licensed
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
SeatLicenseExpiredFault An unspecified error occurred while creating the test call room


Creates a Moderator PIN for a room or a member's personal room.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
roomID EntityID This is an ID for addressing the room object in the VidyoPortal Yes
PIN String Specifies the Moderator PIN - used for creating and updating an existing PIN Yes

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
OK String String representation of successful operation Yes


Name Description
NotLicensedFault API is not licensed
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
InvalidModeratorPINFormatFault The format of the Moderator PIN is not valid - either not right amount of digits, or invalid characters (PIN should be a 3-10 digit number)
ControlMeetingFault The user is not allowed to control the conference (only for User API)


Removes a Moderator PIN for a room or a member's personal room.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
roomID EntityID This is an ID for addressing the room object in the VidyoPortal Yes
PIN String Specifies the Moderator PIN - used for creating and updating an existing PIN Yes

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
OK String String representation of successful operation Yes


Name Description
NotLicensedFault API is not licensed
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
ControlMeetingFault The user is not allowed to control the conference (only for User API)


Gets a profile for a room.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
roomID EntityID Unique room identifier Yes

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
roomProfile RoomProfile Specifies the room profile Yes


Name Description
NotLicensedFault API is not licensed
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong


Sets a profile for a room.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
roomID EntityID Unique room identifier Yes
roomProfileName String

Specifies the auto mute configuration selection profiles. The new profiles are:

  • 'VideoOnly' - will locally auto mute audio only

  • 'AudioOnly' - will locally auto mute video only

  • 'NoAudioAndVideo' - will auto mute both audio and video.


Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
OK String String representation of successful operation Yes


Name Description
NotLicensedFault API is not licensed
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong


Removes a profile from a specified room ID.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
roomID EntityID Unique room identifier Yes

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
OK String String representation of successful operation Yes


Name Description
NotLicensedFault API is not licensed
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong


Gets a profile for rooms.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
roomID EntityID Unique room identifier Yes

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
total Integer Total number of profiles that are available Yes
roomProfile RoomProfile Specifies the room profile Yes


Name Description
NotLicensedFault API is not licensed
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong


Gets the available Location Tags based on different criteria.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
filter.<nnnn> filter.<nnnn> The filter type is used to trim down (filter) the search results. The value <nnnn> could be any of or all of the variables below. Yes
start Integer

This is the beginning index of the search result.

Example: If the result has 50 elements, and the requestor only wants 10 element from the 30th position, then the requestor provides the start=30 value.

limit Integer

This is the number of results that are being requested.

Example: If the result has 50 elements, and the requestor only wants 10 element from the 30th position, then the requestor provides the limit=10 value.






This is the field by which the requestor is asking the results to be sorted by.

Note: In the User API, entityID is used instead of memberID.

Example: If the result has to be sorted in an ascending order by the extension number of the Entity, then the requestor provides the sortBy=extension/name/displayName or memeberID value.





This is the field by which the requestor is asking the results to be sorted in a specific direction/order, ascending or descending.

Example: If the result has to be sorted in an ascending order by the extension number of the Entity, then the requestor provides the dir=ASC value.






This is the search string that uses all the above filter criteria.

Example: If the requestor is looking for all members that start with the letters “pau,” then query=pau would return the desired results


Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
total Integer Total number of entities Yes
locationTag String Location tag name Yes


Name Description
NotLicensedFault API is not licensed
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong


Gets an Entity Object given the member's EntityID.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
entityID EntityID Member's EntityID Yes
total Integer Total number of profiles that are available Yes
Entity Entity Entity Object Yes

Response parameter(s)

Name Description Name Description
total Integer Total number of profiles that are available Yes
Entity Entity Entity Object Yes


Name Description
NotLicensedFault API is not licensed
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
SeatLicenseExpiredFault Seat license expired and needs to be renewed


The response might include the room PINs; however, those are masked from users other than the room owner or the tenant admin.


Gets an expanded list of entity details, including the new user data such as phone numbers, title, department, location, and the base64 encoded binary of the user’s thumbnail photo.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
EntityID EntityID List of EntityIDs Yes

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
total int The total number of results Yes
EntityDetails EntityDetails

List of EntityDetails objects:

  • entityID (EntityID)

  • participantID (EntityID)

  • EntityType

  • ownerID (EntityID)

  • displayName (string)

  • extension (string)

  • emailAddress (string)

  • tenant (string) • description (string)

  • Language

  • MemberStatus

  • MemberMode

  • canCallDirect (boolean)

  • canJoinMeeting (boolean)

  • canRecordMeeting (boolean)

  • isInMyContacts (boolean)

  • RoomStatus

  • RoomMode

  • canControl (boolean)

  • audio (boolean)

  • video (boolean)

  • appshare (boolean)

  • phone1 (string)

  • phone2 (string)

  • phone3 (string)

  • department (string)

  • title (string)

  • instantMessagerID (string)

  • location (string)

  • thumbnailUpdateTime (dateTime)

  • thumbnailPhoto (base64Binary)



Name Description
NotLicensedFault API is not licensed
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
SeatLicenseExpiredFault Seat license expired and needs to be renewed


Gets an entity by the roomKey provided in the room or guest URL.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
roomKey String Room key string (retrieved from room url) Yes

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
Entity Entity Entity Object Yes


Name Description
NotLicensedFault API is not licensed
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
SeatLicenseExpiredFault Seat license expired and needs to be renewed


The response might include the room PINs; however, those are masked from users other than the room owner or the tenant admin.


Allows users to upload their own thumbnail photo. The system supports .png, .jpg, and .jpeg file types. Error messages are returned if the user attempts to upload an unsupported file type, the file is larger than the file size limit set by the Super Admin, or the user is restricted from uploading thumbnail photos by the Super Admin. The thumbnail photo must be provided as a base64 encoded binary.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
thumbNailPhoto Base64Binary Base64 encoded .png, .jpg, or .jpeg image Yes

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
OK String Indicates that the photo has been uploaded successfully Yes


Name Description
NotLicensedException API is not licensed
NotAllowedThumbnailPhotoFault Image upload has been disabled by the Admin
FileTooLargeFault The uploaded file is larger than the maximum configured by the Super
SeatLicenseExpiredFault Seat license expired and needs to be renewed
InvalidArgumentFault The provided argument was invalid. The file may be of an unsupportted format or incorrectly encoded.
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred


Gets an invite content for an email message.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
roomID EntityID This is an ID for addressing the room object in the VidyoPortal Yes

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
content String Invite content string Yes
subject String Email invitation subject line string No


Name Description
NotLicensedException API is not licensed
NotAllowedThumbnailPhotoFault Image upload has been disabled by the Admin
FileTooLargeFault The uploaded file is larger than the maximum configured by the Super
SeatLicenseExpiredFault Seat license expired and needs to be renewed


The response might include the room PINs; however, those are masked from users other than the room owner or the tenant admin.


Gets the portal version.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
(Always Empty) N/A Use only the HTTP Authentication header N/A

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
portalVersion String Portal version Yes


Name Description
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
NotLicensedException API is not licensed
FileTooLargeFault The uploaded file is larger than the maximum configured by the Super
SeatLicenseExpiredFault Seat license expired and needs to be renewed


Requests the Conference ID of the conference room the user is associated with.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
(Always Empty) N/A Use only the HTTP Authentication header N/A

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
conferenceID EntityID Conference ID to which the user is logged in to. The null value returns if the user is not in a conference. Yes


Name Description
NotLicensedFault API is not licensed
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred


Authenticates registered users and communicates with the VidyoPortal using a new token-based authentication mechanism from Vidyo endpoints. The token is generated based on the EndpointID and validity time. If the validity time is zero, the token is valid until the user logs out or the token is not used for 90 days.


The endpoint must be bound to the user (i.e., link endpoint is assumed to have been done) prior to using this method.

Valid EID:TOKEN can be used for any operation in the User service except for the following:

  • change password
  • generateAuthToken

The token should be set in the Authorization header for any User service invocations. Its format is EID:TOKEN, and should be base64 encoded.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
validityTime String The time in seconds for the token to remain valid Yes
endpointid EndpointID The endpoint unique identifier Yes

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
authToken String Returned Token Yes


Name Description
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong


Gets a count of all active authentication tokens for a given user.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
(Always Empty) N/A Use only the HTTP Authentication header N/A

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
count Integer Conference ID to which the user is logged in to. If the user is not in a conference, the null value returns. Yes


Name Description
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong


Logs out all sessions tokens for a given user.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
(Always Empty) N/A Use only the HTTP Authentication header N/A

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
OK String Specify that the action was performed successfully Yes


Name Description
None N/A


Fetches the portal access URL with a one-time token.


Token validity period is five minutes. If a user creates a token but uses it after five minutes, the VidyoPortal will return unauthorized (401).

The user making this call will be logged in the Audit Logs. The Audit Log will store the admin ID, IP address, and member ID of the member who made this call.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
(Always Empty) N/A Use only the HTTP Authentication header N/A

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
url anyURL Portal access URL Yes


Name Description
InvalidArgumentFault Invalid Argument Fault in case the conference ID doesn't exist
NotLicensed API is not licensed
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred


Returns the VidyoPortal prefix as it is set up on the Super Admin page.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
(Always empty) N/A Use only the HTTP Authentication header N/A

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
portalPrefix Integer Returns the VidyoPortal prefix. Returns Null if no VidyoPortal prefix is set up N/A


Name Description
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
NotLicensedFault API is not licensed
PrefixNotConfiguredFault Error returned when the portal prefix is not configured


Creates an ad-hoc conference room. Allows for specifying between 1 and 400 unused days after which the room will be garbage collected in the system. When specifying 0, the VidyoPortal currently auto- selects 100 days by default. As part of the response, the user receives a unique room link or extension to access this room.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
recurring Integer Unused days after which the room will be garbage collected Optional
setPIN Boolean The room will be generated with a PIN Optional

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
extension String The room’s unique ID N/A
pin String The room’s randomly generated PIN N/A
inviteContent String Content of the invite text (will include the room URL, PIN, and extension) N/A
roomURL String The room’s URL N/A
inviteSubject String The email invitation subject N/A


Name Description
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
NotLicensedFault API is not licensed
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
SeatLicenseExpiredFault Seat license expired and needs to be renewed
ScheduledRoomCreationFault Scheduled Room Creation Fault


Allows users to create a public room by specifying the Display Name. Auto-generates the Room Name and Extension, and enforces limitations on the number of public rooms that a User, Tenant, and Portal can create.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
displayName string Public room display name Yes
inMyContacts boolean Indicates whether to add to contact list No
locked boolean Indicates whether room is locked No
setPIN string PIN for the public room No
description string Description of the public room No

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
roomID EntityID EntityID of the newly created public room Yes
extension string Extension of the public room Yes
roomURL anyURI URL for the public room Yes
inMyContacts boolean Indicates whether the public room is in contact list No
locked boolean Indicates whether the public room is locked No
hasPIN boolean Indicates whether the public room has a PIN No


Name Description
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
NotLicensedFault API is not licensed
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
SeatLicenseExpiredFault Seat license expired and needs to be renewed
NotAllowedToCreateFault Not authorized to create public room
PublicRoomCreationFault An unspecified error occurred


Enables end users to update the one room property that they are allowed to change.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
roomID EntityID EntityID of the public room Yes
description string Description of the public room Yes

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
OK OK If successful, returns OK Yes


Name Description
NotLicensedFault API is not licensed
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
RoomNotFoundFault Room was not found
GeneralFault Unspecified error occurred
PublicRoomDescUpdationFault Update failed


Supports an option to report a reference number while joining a conference. This is done in order to support customization of the reporting mechanism and allow customers to build applications that report this field to the CDRs.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
referenceNumber String The custom referenceNumber that the endpoint is reporting while requesting to join Optional


Disconnects all participants from a specified conference room, including the conference moderator and the person controlling the room.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
conferenceID EntityID If set to TRUE, the Scheduled Room information generated will have a PIN associated with it Yes
moderatorPIN String Specifies the moderator PIN to grant access to the action requested Optional

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
Ok String Indicates that the action was performed successfully N/A


Name Description
NotLicensedFault API is not licensed
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
GeneralFault Unspecified error occurred
ControlMeetingFault Not authorized to perform this action


Mutes all participants in the specified conference, including the conference moderator and the person controlling the room. Unmuting the participants must be performed by the conference moderator. Participants are unable to unmute themselves.

While in this mode, new participants joining the conference are also muted.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
conferenceID EntityID If set to TRUE, the Scheduled Room information generated will have a PIN associated with it Yes
muteState Boolean

Specifies whether the state should be mute or unmute:

  • Mute: '1' | True

  • Unmute: '0' | False

moderatorPIN String Specifies the moderator PIN to grant access to the action requested No

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
Ok String Indicates that the action was performed successfully N/A


Name Description
NotLicensedFault API is not licensed
InvalidArgumentFault Invalid Argument Fault or in case the conference ID doesn't exist
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred


Silences all participants in the specified conference, including the conference moderator and the person controlling the room. Participants are able to unmute themselves from their client user interfaces. There is no 'unmuteAudioClientAll' equivalent given that users can unmute themselves locally.

While in this mode, new participants joining the conference are also silenced.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
conferenceID EntityID If set to TRUE, the Scheduled Room information generated will have a PIN associated with it Yes
moderatorPIN String Specifies the moderator PIN to grant access to the action requested No

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
Ok String Specifies that the action was performed successfully N/A


Name Description
NotLicensedFault API is not licensed
InvalidArgumentFault Invalid Argument Fault or in case the conference ID doesn't exist
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred


Puts all participants in the specified conference, including the conference moderator and the person controlling the room, into privacy mode. The participants are not able to unmute their video by themselves.

While in this mode, new participants joining the conference are also muted when the room profile is set to the 'video mute' or 'video and audio mute' modes.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
conferenceID EntityID If set to TRUE, the Scheduled Room information generated will have a PIN associated with it Yes
muteState Boolean

Specifies whether the state should be mute or unmute:

  • Mute: '1' | True

  • Unmute: '0' | False

moderatorPIN String Specifies the moderator PIN to grant access to the action requested No

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
Ok String Specifies that the action was performed successfully N/A


Name Description
NotLicensedFault API is not licensed
InvalidArgumentFault Invalid Argument Fault or in case the conference ID doesn't exist
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred


Puts all participants in the specified conference, including the conference moderator and the person controlling the room, into privacy mode. The participants are able to unmute their video by themselves from their client user interfaces. There is no 'unmuteVideoClientAll' equivalent given where users can unmute themselves locally.

While in this mode, new participants joining the conference are also muted when the room profile is set to 'video mute' or 'video and audio mute' modes.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
conferenceID EntityID If set to TRUE, the Scheduled Room information generated will have a PIN associated with it Yes
moderatorPIN String Specifies the moderator PIN to grant access to the action requested No

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
Ok String Specifies that the action was performed successfully N/A


Name Description
NotLicensedFault API is not licensed
InvalidArgumentFault Invalid Argument Fault or in case the conference ID doesn't exist
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred


Silences the speaker of a specific participant.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
conferenceID EntityID The EntityID of the conference. Yes
moderatorPIN String The moderator PIN for the Room controller No
participantID Integer The participant ID whose speaker to silence. Yes
silenceState SilenceState The silence state as an integer value, 0 or 1. Yes

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
conferenceID EntityID The EntityID of the conference. Yes
participantID Integer The participant ID whose speaker was updated. No
silenceState SilenceState The silence state as an integer value, 0 or 1. Yes
ModeratorPIN String The moderator PIN for the Room controller No


Name Description
NotLicensedFault API is not licensed
InvalidArgumentFault Invalid Argument Fault or in case the conference ID doesn't exist
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred


Silences all participants’ speakers.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
conferenceID EntityID The EntityID of the conference. Yes
moderatorPIN String The moderator PIN for the Room controller No
participantID Integer The participant ID whose speaker to silence. Yes
silenceState SilenceState The silence state as an integer value, 0 or 1. Yes

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
conferenceID EntityID The EntityID of the conference. Yes
participantID Integer The participant ID element will be ignored for processing, but will be shown as entered in request. No
silenceState SilenceState The silence state as an integer value, 0 or 1. Yes
ModeratorPIN String The moderator PIN for the Room controller No


Name Description
NotLicensedFault API is not licensed
InvalidConferenceFault Invalid conference ID


Creates a moderator URL for the HTML Web-based control meeting. The user making the request must be the room owner.

The generated moderator URL links to the room's HTML Web-based control meeting page and may be opened from any platform (desktop, mobile, etc.).

Accessing the URL:

  • Requires a moderator PIN when opened from the moderator URL.
  • Does not require a moderator PIN when opened from within a Vidyo client linking to this page and the room owner is already logged in to the system.

If the moderator URL is invalid, accessing the Web page results in an access error.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
roomID EntityID This is an ID for addressing the room object in the VidyoPortal Yes

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
Ok String Specifies that the action was performed successfully N/A


Name Description
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
roomIDFault The specified room ID is invalid


Removes a specific moderator URL for the HTML Web-based control meeting for a given room by the room owner only.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
roomID EntityID This is an ID for addressing the room object in the VidyoPortal Yes

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
Ok String Indicates that the action was performed successfully N/A


Name Description
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
roomIDFault The specified room ID is invalid


Removes a specific moderator URL for the HTML Web-based control meeting for a given room by the room owner only.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
roomID EntityID This is an ID for addressing the room object in the VidyoPortal Yes

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required


String The control meeting moderator URL N/A


Boolean Indicates whether there is a PIN or not N/A


Name Description
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
roomIDFault The specified room ID is invalid


Gets the moderator URL for the HTML Web-based control meeting for a given room with a one-time token. The web page will request a moderator PIN if the user is not the owner of the room, an operator, or the administrator. The user must be on the same tenant as the room.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
roomID EntityID This is an ID for addressing the room object in the VidyoPortal Yes

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
moderatorURL String The control meeting moderator URL N/A


Name Description
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
roomIDFault The specified room ID is invalid


Enables the moderator to cancel an outgoing user invite request.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
conferenceID EntityID Specifies the conference ID which the moderator is logged in to Yes
entityID EntityID Indicates that the user that has been invited. User cannot invite an entity that is of type Legacy Yes
moderatorPIN String Specifies the moderator PIN Optional

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
Ok String Indicates that the cancelation has been successful N/A


Name Description
InvalidArgumentFault Invalid Argument Fault or in case that the conferenceID or entityID doesn't exist
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
NotLicensedFault API is not licensed
ControlMeetingFault The user is not allowed to control the conference (only for User API)
SeatLicenseExpireFault Seat license expired


Queries whether the following features are available on the VidyoPortal and, if available, whether the feature is enabled or disabled on the Super Admin level.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
(Always Empty) N/A Use only the HTTP Authentication header N/A

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
PortalFeature PortalFeature

The following object provides the list of available features that the VidyoPortal is supporting: Scheduled Room, Guest login, IPC inbound call, IPC outbound call, HTML control meeting, etc.

Change to this version:

  • Adding 'EndpointPrivateChat' parameter to indicate whether private chat is enabled on Vidyo endpoints

  • Adding 'EndpointPublicChat' parameter to indicate whether public chat is enabled on Vidyo endpoints

  • Adding ‘16TILES’ to indicate whether the 16 tiles layout is enabled on VidyoDesktop

  • Adding ‘HTMLChangePswd’ to indicate that this VidyoPortal supports an HTML based page for password changing

  • Adding ‘RouterParticipantInformation’ to indicate that this VidyoPortal supports participant information delivered by the VidyoRouter

Each of these parameters can get the values of True or False.

For earlier VidyoPortals on which this feature is not available, this value will not show up when querying this service.

LoginBanner Boolean Indicates whether the Login Banner feature is supported by the VidyoPortal N/A
WelcomeBanner Boolean Indicates whether the Welcome Banner feature is supported by the VidyoPortal N/A
CDR2_1 Boolean Indicates whether the CDR scheme on the VidyoPortal is from version 2.1 N/A
ScheduledRoom Boolean Indicates whether the VidyoPortal supports Scheduled Rooms N/A


Name Description
NotLicensedFault API is not licensed
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred


This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
userAccountType String

The account type of the logged in user. The following are the possible user account types that the portal can return:

Should add as Response parameters in the Table:

  • Admin

  • Operator

  • Normal

  • VidyoRoom

  • Executive

  • VidyoPanorama



Name Description


Indicates to the endpoint whether a login, click-through banner is required when the user first logs in to the portal and provides the login and welcome info which is set up on the tenant to be displayed on the endpoint.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
(Always empty) N/A Use only the HTTP Authentication header N/A

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
loginBannerText String Welcome text that appears after the client logs in No
welcomeBannerContent Complex Type

WelcomeBannerContent for a text-based message to be used on the endpoints upon successful login with the last 5 login attempts (successful and unsuccessful) for that particular user:

welcomeBannerText: Welcome screen title text (example: Welcome to VidyoConferencing.)

For each login attempt:

result: login result (example: SUCCESS, FAILURE: ACCOUNT LOCKED)

source address: IP address (example:

time: time of the login attempt (format is based on the location of the server)

welcomeBannerPasswordExpiryDate: the date of the password expiration (example: 12/27/2013 13:35:50 PM)

Parameter will not show up in the response when password expiration is disabled.

*In case one of the features is disabled, its information will not be returned in the response.



Name Description


Starts Presenter mode (a.k.a., Lecture mode) on the VidyoPortal and on the endpoints. All endpoints will go into Presenter mode.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
conferenceID EntityID Conference ID of the conference where the presentation is being held Yes
moderatorPIN String Moderator PIN No

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
OK String Acknowledges that the request has been received successfully N/A


Name Description
NotLicensedFault API is not licensed
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
ControlMeetingFault The user is not allowed to control the conference (only for User API)


Stops Presenter mode (a.k.a., Lecture mode) on the VidyoPortal and on the endpoints. All endpoints will exit Presenter mode.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
conferenceID EntityID Conference ID of the conference where the presentation is being held Yes
moderatorPIN String Moderator PIN No

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
OK String Acknowledges that the request has been received successfully N/A


Name Description
NotLicensedFault API is not licensed
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
ControlMeetingFault The user is not allowed to control the conference (only for User API)


Requests to list the participants in a meeting as identified by EntityId (which is similar to GetParticipants but supports Presenter mode instead). To list the participants in a personal room belonging to a Member, the EntityID must be set to the Member.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
conferenceID EntityID Conference ID of the conference where the presentation is being held Yes
Filter <nnnn> Filter <nnnn> The filter type is used to trim down (filter) the search results. The value <nnnn> could be any of or all of the variables below. N/A
moderatorPIN String Moderator PIN No

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
total Integer Number of participants N/A
recorderID Integer Recorder ID of the recorder active in the conference N/A
recorderName String Recorder name N/A
paused Boolean Recording status N/A
webcast Boolean Is webcast enabled for the conference N/A
lectureMode Boolean Is Lecture Mode on for this conference N/A
Lecture mode participants LectureModeParticipant List of the participants N/A


Name Description
NotLicensedFault API is not licensed
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
ControlMeetingFault The user is not allowed to control the conference (only for User API)

LectureModeParticipant is an object with the following parameters:

Name Type Description Required
entityID EntityID Entity ID N/A
participantID EntityID Participant ID N/A
displayName String Display name N/A
extension String Extension N/A
audio Boolean Indicates whether the audio is muted N/A
video Boolean Indicates whether the video is muted N/A
appshare Boolean Indicates whether there is a content share N/A
handRaised Boolean Indicates whether a hand is raised N/A
presenter Boolean Indicates whether the participant is presenting N/A


Signals the VidyoPortal about a raise hand request made during Presenter mode (a.k.a., Lecture mode) from a participant.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
(Always Empty) N/A Use only the HTTP Authentication header N/A

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
OK String Acknowledges that the request has been received successfully N/A


Name Description
NotLicensedFault API is not licensed
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred


Signals the VidyoPortal about an unraise hand request made during Presenter mode (a.k.a., Lecture mode) from a participant who had previously raised their hand.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
(Always Empty) N/A Use only the HTTP Authentication header N/A

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
OK String Acknowledges that the request has been received successfully N/A


Name Description
NotLicensedFault API is not licensed
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred


Signals the dismissal of a hand from the moderator to the endpoint that had previously raised a hand.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
conferenceID EntityID Conference ID of the conference where the presentation is being held Yes
participantID EntityID Participant ID of the participant who had raised hand that the moderator wishes to dismiss Yes
moderatorPIN String Moderator PIN No

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
OK String Acknowledges that the request has been received successfully N/A


Name Description
NotLicensedFault API is not licensed
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
ControlMeetingFault The user is not allowed to control the conference (only for User API)


Dismisses all raised hands from the moderator.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
conferenceID EntityID Conference ID of the conference where the presentation is being held Yes
moderatorPIN String Moderator PIN No

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
OK String Acknowledges that the request has been received successfully N/A


Name Description
NotLicensedFault API is not licensed
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
ControlMeetingFault The user is not allowed to control the conference (only for User API)


Assigns a presenter to the conference during Presenter mode (a.k.a., Lecture mode).

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
conferenceID EntityID Conference ID of the conference where the presentation is being held Yes
participantID EntityID Participant ID of the participant who will be the presenter. Yes
moderatorPIN String Moderator PIN No

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
OK String Acknowledges that the request has been received successfully N/A


Name Description
NotLicensedFault API is not licensed
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
ControlMeetingFault The user is not allowed to control the conference (only for User API)


Removes a given participantID (endpoint) as the presenter when a conference is in Presenter mode.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
conferenceID EntityID Conference ID of the conference where the presentation is being held Yes
participantID EntityID Participant ID of the participant who had raised hand that the moderator wishes to dismiss Yes
moderatorPIN String Moderator PIN No

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
OK String Acknowledges that the request has been received successfully N/A


Name Description
NotLicensedFault API is not licensed
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
ControlMeetingFault The user is not allowed to control the conference (only for User API)


Enables endpoints to report their capabilities to the VidyoPortal during the authentication process. The endpoints must report their capabilities in order to be given permission for some of the system level features such as Presenter Mode. Vidyo endpoints gain new capabilities as features are added to newer versions.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
EID String Endpoint ID Yes
EndpointFeature EndpointFeature List of features supported by the endpoint and indicates whether those are enabled or not Optional
applicationName String Vidyo application name (for example, VidyoDesktop, VidyoMobile, etc.) Optional
applicationVersion String Application version (for example, VidyoDesktop, VidyoMobile, etc.) Optional
applicationOs String OS on which the Vidyo application is running (for example, Windows) Optional
deviceModel String Device model on which the application is running (for example, iPhone 5S) Optional

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
OK String Acknowledges that the request has been received successfully N/A


Name Description
NotLicensedFault API is not licensed
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
ControlMeetingFault The user is not allowed to control the conference (only for User API)


Requests the VidyoPortal to send the endpoint’s public IP address. This information is also reflected in the CDR table.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
(Always Empty) N/A Use only the HTTP Authentication header N/A

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
endpointExternalIPAddress String Returns the EP's external IP address or “Unknown” if the IP address in unknown N/A


Name Description
NotLicensedFault API is not licensed
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred