5. Web Services Admin API

This chapter describes the Web Services Admin API.

VidyoPortal Admin Service URL:



Super Admins can also access Admin Web Services.


Adds the endpoint upload as a CDN URL and Tag.

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
ClientType String

Specifies the type of client being requested:

  • Type 'W' is for Windows platform (deprecated)

  • Type ‘W32’ is for Windows 32-bit

  • Type ‘W64’ is for Windows 64-bit

  • Type 'M' is for Mac OS platform

  • Type ‘S’ is for Linux 32-bit rpm installer

  • Type ‘T’ is for Linux 64-bit rpm installer

  • Type ‘U’ is for Ubuntu Linux 32-bit deb installer

  • Type ‘X’ is for Ubuntu Linux 64-bit deb installer

  • Type ‘P’ is for VidyoPanorama 600 running Windows 32-bit

  • Type ‘N’ is for VidyoPanorama 600 running Windows 64-bit

  • Type ‘E’ is for VidyoPanorama 600 running Linux 32-bit

  • Type ‘O’ is for VidyoPanorama 600 running Linux 64-bit

  • Type ‘Q’ is for VidyoRoom running Windows 32- bit

  • Type ‘Y’ is for VidyoRoom running Windows 64- bit

  • Type ‘F’ is for VidyoRoom running Linux 32-bit

  • Type ‘Z’ is for VidyoRoom running Linux 64-bit

  • Type ‘B’ is for Softroom running Windows 64-bit

  • Type ‘C’ is for Softroom running Windows 64-bit

  • Type ‘D’ is Softroom running Mac OS 64-bit

  • Type ‘L’ is for Linux (deprecated)

currentTag EndpointVersionPattern Specifies the tag of the endpoint version using a string pattern. Only a-z or A-Z or 0-9 or ‘.’ and ‘_’ are allowed. Yes
installerURL String Specifies the tag of the endpoint version using a string pattern. Only a-z or A-Z or 0-9 or ‘.’ and ‘_’ are allowed. Yes
setActive Boolean Specifies the URL where the endpoint can be downloaded from. Currently http and https are allowed as protocols. Yes

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
EndpointUploadID Integer The endpoint upload ID of the newly created endpoint upload URL Yes


Name Description
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
ExternalModeFault The external mode is not enabled by the Super Admin
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong


Retrieves the endpoint behavior at the tenant level.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
endpointBehaviorkey String The mapping of the endpoint behavior. Yes

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
EndpointBehavior Endpoint BehaviorType

Contains the parameters for all endpoint behavior configurations. These parameters may include the following:

  • welcomePage (integer)

  • beautyScreen (integer)

  • loginModule (integer)

  • publicChat (integer)

  • leftPanel (integer)

  • inCallSearch (integer)

  • inviteParticipants (integer)

  • contentSharing (integer)

  • shareDialogOnJoin (integer)

  • displayLabels (integer)

  • remoteContentAccess (integer)

  • cameraMuteControl (integer)

  • muteCameraOnEntry (integer)

  • audioMuteControl (integer)

  • muteAudioOnEntry (integer)

  • deviceSettings (integer)

  • pinnedParticipant (integer)

  • recordConference (integer)

  • exitOnUserHangup (integer)

  • automaticallyUpdate (integer)

  • lockUserName (integer)

  • enableAutoAnswer (integer)

  • participantNotification (integer)

  • fullScreenVideo (integer)

Optional Parameters

  • windowSizeHeight (integer)

  • windowSizeWidth (integer)

  • windowPositionTop (integer)

  • windowPositionBottom (integer)

  • windowPositionLeft (integer)

  • windowPositionRight (integer)

  • recordingRole (string)

  • preIframeUrl (string)

  • preIframeSize (integer)

  • topIframeUrl (string)

  • topIframeSize (integer)

  • leftIframeUrl (string)

  • leftIframeSize (integer)

  • rightIframeUrl (string)

  • rightIframeSize (integer)

  • bottomIframeUrl (string)

  • bottomIframeSize (integer)

  • postIframeUrl (string)

  • postIframeSize (integer)

  • endpointBehaviorKey (string)



Name Description
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
NoEndpointBehaviorExistsFault The endpoint behavior does not exist for the tenant
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
EndpointBehaviorDisabledFault The endpoint behavior has been disabled for the tenant


Adds new endpoint behavior at the tenant level.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
EndpointBehavior EndpointBehavior

Contains the parameters for all endpoint behavior configurations. These parameters may include the following:

  • welcomePage (integer)

  • beautyScreen (integer)

  • loginModule (integer)

  • publicChat (integer)

  • leftPanel (integer)

  • inCallSearch (integer)

  • inviteParticipants (integer)

  • contentSharing (integer)

  • shareDialogOnJoin (integer)

  • displayLabels (integer)

  • remoteContentAccess (integer)

  • cameraMuteControl (integer)

  • muteCameraOnEntry (integer)

  • audioMuteControl (integer)

  • muteAudioOnEntry (integer)

  • deviceSettings (integer)

  • pinnedParticipant (integer)

  • recordConference (integer)

  • exitOnUserHangup (integer)

  • automaticallyUpdate (integer)

  • lockUserName (integer)

  • enableAutoAnswer (integer)

  • participantNotification (integer)

  • fullScreenVideo (integer)

Optional Parameters

  • windowSizeHeight (integer)

  • windowSizeWidth (integer)

  • windowPositionTop (integer)

  • windowPositionBottom (integer)

  • windowPositionLeft (integer)

  • windowPositionRight (integer)

  • recordingRole (string)

  • preIframeUrl (string)

  • preIframeSize (integer)

  • topIframeUrl (string)

  • topIframeSize (integer)

  • leftIframeUrl (string)

  • leftIframeSize (integer)

  • rightIframeUrl (string)

  • rightIframeSize (integer)

  • bottomIframeUrl (string)

  • bottomIframeSize (integer)

  • postIframeUrl (string)

  • postIframeSize (integer)

  • endpointBehaviorKey (string)


Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
endpointBehaviorkey String The mapping of the endpoint behavior. No


Name Description
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
NoEndpointBehaviorExistsFault The endpoint behavior does not exist for the tenant
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
EndpointBehaviorDisabledFault The endpoint behavior has been disabled for the tenant


Updates the endpoint behavior at the tenant level.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
EndpointBehavior Endpoint BehaviorType

Contains the parameters for all endpoint behavior configurations. These parameters may include the following:

  • welcomePage (integer)

  • beautyScreen (integer)

  • loginModule (integer)

  • publicChat (integer)

  • leftPanel (integer)

  • inCallSearch (integer)

  • inviteParticipants (integer)

  • contentSharing (integer)

  • shareDialogOnJoin (integer)

  • displayLabels (integer)

  • remoteContentAccess (integer)

  • cameraMuteControl (integer)

  • muteCameraOnEntry (integer)

  • audioMuteControl (integer)

  • muteAudioOnEntry (integer)

  • deviceSettings (integer)

  • pinnedParticipant (integer)

  • recordConference (integer)

  • exitOnUserHangup (integer)

  • automaticallyUpdate (integer)

  • lockUserName (integer)

  • enableAutoAnswer (integer)

  • participantNotification (integer)

  • fullScreenVideo (integer)

Optional Parameters

  • windowSizeHeight (integer)

  • windowSizeWidth (integer)

  • windowPositionTop (integer)

  • windowPositionBottom (integer)

  • windowPositionLeft (integer)

  • windowPositionRight (integer)

  • recordingRole (string)

  • preIframeUrl (string)

  • preIframeSize (integer)

  • topIframeUrl (string)

  • topIframeSize (integer)

  • leftIframeUrl (string)

  • leftIframeSize (integer)

  • rightIframeUrl (string)

  • rightIframeSize (integer)

  • bottomIframeUrl (string)

  • bottomIframeSize (integer)

  • postIframeUrl (string)

  • postIframeSize (integer)

  • endpointBehaviorKey (string)


Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
Ok String Acknowledges that the operation was made successfully N/A


Name Description
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
NoEndpointBehaviorExistsFault The endpoint behavior does not exist for the tenant
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
EndpointBehaviorDisabledFault The endpoint behavior has been disabled for the tenant


Deletes the endpoint behavior at the tenant level.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
endpointBehaviorkey String The mapping of the endpoint behavior. No

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
Ok String Acknowledges that the operation was made successfully N/A


Name Description
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
NoEndpointBehaviorExistsFault The endpoint behavior does not exist for the tenant
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
EndpointBehaviorDisabledFault The endpoint behavior has been disabled for the tenant


Optimizes searches for members.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
start Integer Starting row number to return No
limit Integer Maximum number of results to return No
sortBy String Field to sort by No
sortDir SortDir Sort ascending ("ASC") or descending ("DESC") No
MemberFilter MemberFilter

A MemberFilter object containing:

  • memberName (string)

  • roomExtension (string)

  • RoleName

  • groupName (string)

  • status (string)


Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
start Integer Starting row number returned Yes
limit Integer Maximum number of results returned Yes
sortBy String Field sorted by Yes
MemberFilter MemberFilter

A MemberFilter object containing:

  • memberName (string)

  • roomExtension (string)

  • RoleName

  • groupName (string)

  • status (string)

total Total The total number of possible results Yes
Member Member

The list of Member objects containing:

  • memberID (EntityID)

  • name (string)

  • password (string)

  • displayName (string)

  • extension (string)

  • Language RoleName

  • groupName (string)

  • proxyName (string)

  • emailAddress (string)

  • created (string)

  • description (string)

  • allowCallDirect (boolean)

  • allowPersonalMeeting (boolean)

  • locationTag (string)

  • creationTime (dateTime)

  • modificationTime (dateTime)



Name Description
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
NotLicensedFault API is not licensed


Retrieves VidyoPortal members that meet the criteria specified in a filter (optional).

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
filter.<nnnn> filter.<nnnn> The filter type is used to trim down (filter) the search results. The value <nnnn> could be any of or all of the variables below. Yes
start Integer

This is the beginning index of the search result.

Example: If the result has 50 elements, and the requestor only wants 10 element from the 30th position, then the requestor provides the start=30 value.

limit Integer

This is the number of results that are being requested.

Example: If the result has 50 elements, and the requestor only wants 10 element from the 30th position, then the requestor provides the limit=10 value.







This is the field by which the requestor is asking the results to be sorted by. In the User API, entityID is used instead of memberID.

Example: If the result has to be sorted in an ascending order by the extension number of the Entity, then the requestor provides the sortBy=extension/name/displayName or memeberID value.





This is the field by which the requestor is asking the results to be sorted in a specific direction/order, ascending or descending.

Example: If the result has to be sorted in an ascending order by the extension number of the Entity, then the requestor provides the dir=ASC value.





This is the search string that uses all the above filter criteria.

Example: If the requestor is looking for all members that start with the letters “pau,” then query=pau would return the desired results.


Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
total Integer Total number of registered members Yes
member Member Member properties including name, display name, extension, email and others No


Name Description
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
NotLicensedFault API is not licensed
MemberNotFoundException Member not found


Retrieves the details of a single VidyoPortal member.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
memberID EntityID The filter type is used to trim down (filter) the search results Yes

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
member Member Member properties including name, display name, extension, email, and others Yes


Name Description
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
NotLicensedException Use not allowed due to lack of license
MemberNotFoundException Member not found


Adds a VidyoPortal member.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
memberID Member Member details Yes
returnObjectInResponse String Sends a request to retrieve the object that has been created No

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
OK String String representation of successful operation Yes


Name Description
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
NotLicensedException Use not allowed due to lack of license
MemberNotFoundException Member not found


Updates the details of a VidyoPortal member.


The UserName parameter can’t be changed using this method. In order to modify the user name, a new user should be created and all parameters copied.

All other member parameters can be modified using the UpdateMember method.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
memberID EntityID Unique member identifier Yes
member Member   Yes

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
OK String String representation of successful operation Yes


Name Description
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
NotLicensedException Use not allowed due to lack of license
MemberNotFoundException Member not found


Deletes the details of a VidyoPortal member.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
memberID EntityID Unique member identifier Yes

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
OK String String representation of successful operation Yes


Name Description
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
NotLicensedException Use not allowed due to lack of license
MemberNotFoundException Member not found


Retrieves rooms that meet optional search criteria.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
filter.<nnnn> filter.<nnnn> The filter type is used to trim down (filter) the search results. The value <nnnn> could be any of or all of the variables below. Yes
start Integer

This is the beginning index of the search result.

Example: If the result has 50 elements, and the requestor only wants 10 element from the 30th position, then the requestor provides the start=30 value.

limit Integer

This is the number of results that are being requested.

Example: If the result has 50 elements, and the requestor only wants 10 element from the 30th position, then the requestor provides the limit=10 value.



  • MemberID

  • Name

  • DisplayName

  • Extension

This is the field by which the requestor is asking the results to be sorted by.

Note: In the User API, entityID is used instead of memberID.

Example: If the result has to be sorted in an ascending order by the extension number of the Entity, then the requestor provides the sortBy= extension/name/displayName or memeberID value



  • ASC

  • DESC

This is the field by which the requestor is asking the results to be sorted in a specific direction/order, ascending or descending.

Example: If the result has to be sorted in an ascending order by the extension number of the Entity, then the requestor provides the dir=ASC value.



  • Name

  • DisplayName

  • Extension

This is the search string that uses all the above filter criteria.

Example: If the requestor is looking for all members that start with the letters “pau,” then query=pau would return the desired results


Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
total Integer Total number of rooms Yes
room Room Room description including room name, room owner and other properties No


Name Description
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
NotLicensedException Use not allowed due to lack of license


Retrieves a room's details.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
roomID EntityID Unique room identifier Yes

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
room Room Room description Yes


Name Description
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
NotLicensedException Use not allowed due to lack of license
RoomNotFoundException Room not found


Requests to get a profile for a room.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
roomID EntityID Unique room identifier Yes

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
roomProfile RoomProfile Specifies the room profile Yes


Name Description
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
NotLicensedException Use not allowed due to lack of license


Requests to set a profile for a room.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
roomID EntityID Unique room identifier Yes
roomProfileName String

Specifies the auto mute configuration selection profiles. The new profiles are:

  • 'VideoOnly' - will locally auto mute audio only

  • 'AudioOnly' - will locally auto mute video only

  • 'NoAudioAndVideo' - will auto mute both audio and video


Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
OK String Specify that the configuration has been setup successfully Yes


Name Description
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
NotLicensedException Use not allowed due to lack of license


Requests to remove a profile from a specified room ID.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
roomID EntityID Unique room identifier Yes

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
OK String Specify that the configuration has been setup successfully Yes


Name Description
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
NotLicensedException Use not allowed due to lack of license


Requests to get a profile for rooms.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
roomID EntityID Unique room identifier Yes

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
total Integer Total number of profiles that are available Yes
roomProfile RoomProfile Specifies the room profile Yes


Name Description
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
NotLicensedException Use not allowed due to lack of license


Adds a room.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
room Room Room description including room name, room owner and other properties Yes
returnObjectInResponse String Sends a request to retrieve the object that has been created No
RoomID Room This is the ID of the addressing room object in the VidyoPortal; it accepts up to 10 digits Yes

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
OK String String representation of successful operation Yes


Name Description
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
NotLicensedException Use not allowed due to lack of license
RoomAlreadyExistsException Room already exists


Updates the details of a VidyoPortal room.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
roomID EntityID This is the ID of addressing room object in the VidyoPortal Yes
room Room Room description including room name, room owner, and other properties Yes

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
OK String String representation of successful operation Yes


Name Description
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
NotLicensedException Use not allowed due to lack of license
RoomNotFoundException Room not found
RoomAlreadyExistsException Room already exists


Removes a VidyoPortal room.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
roomID EntityID This is the ID of addressing room object in the VidyoPortal Yes

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
OK String String representation of successful operation Yes


Name Description
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
NotLicensedException Use not allowed due to lack of license
RoomNotFoundException Room not found
RoomAlreadyExistsException Room already exists


Enables or disables the use of private or public rooms on the VidyoPortal.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
roomID EntityID The unique room identifier Yes
Enabled Boolean Specifies whether the room will be enabled (True) or disabled (False) Yes

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
OK String Acknowledges that the operation was made successfully N/A


Name Description
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
NotLicensedException Use not allowed due to lack of license
RoomNotFoundException Room not found


Retrieves the enabled or disabled status of the private or personal room on the VidyoPortal.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
roomID EntityID The unique room identifier Yes

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
Enabled Boolean Provides the status of the room as enabled (True) or disabled (False) N/A


Name Description
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
NotLicensedException Use not allowed due to lack of license
RoomNotFoundException Room not found


Enables or disables a Scheduled room in the VidyoPortal.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
extension String The unique room identifier Yes
pin String The room’s randomly generated PIN. If the room was created with a PIN, this field is mandatory. Optional
enabled Boolean Specifies whether the room will be enabled (True) or disabled (False) Yes

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
OK String Acknowledges that the operation was made successfully N/A


Name Description
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
NotLicensedException Use not allowed due to lack of license
RoomNotFoundException Room not found


Retrieves the enabled or disabled status of the Scheduled room on the VidyoPortal.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
extension String The room extension on the VidyoPortal Yes
pin String The room’s randomly generated PIN. If the room was created with a PIN, this field is mandatory. Optional

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
enabled Boolean Provides the status of the room as enabled (True) or disabled (False) N/A


Name Description
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
NotLicensedException Use not allowed due to lack of license
RoomNotFoundException Room not found


Retrieves VidyoPortal groups that meet optional search criteria.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
filter.<nnnn> filter.<nnnn> The filter type is used to trim down (filter) the search results. The value <nnnn> could be any of or all of the variables below. Yes
start Integer

This is the beginning index of the search result.

Example: If the result has 50 elements, and the requestor only wants 10 element from the 30th position, then the requestor provides the start=30 value.

limit Integer

This is the number of results that are being requested.

Example: If the result has 50 elements, and the requestor only wants 10 element from the 30th position, then the requestor provides the limit=10 value.







This is the field by which the requestor is asking the results to be sorted by.

Note: In the User API, entityID is used instead of memberID.

Example: If the result has to be sorted in an ascending order by the extension number of the Entity, then the requestor provides the sortBy=extension/name/displayName or memeberID value.





This is the field by which the requestor is asking the results to be sorted in a specific direction/order, ascending or descending.

Example: If the result has to be sorted in an ascending order by the extension number of the Entity, then the requestor provides the dir=ASC value.






This is the search string that uses all the above filter criteria.

Example: If the requestor is looking for all members that start with the letters “pau,” then query=pau would return the desired results


Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
total Integer Total number of Groups Yes
group Group Group Description on the VidyoPortal including group name, max number of members, and other properties No


Name Description
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
NotLicensedException Use not allowed due to lack of license


Retrieves the details of a VidyoPortal group.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
groupID EntityID This is an ID for addressing Group object in the VidyoPortal Yes

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
group Group Group Description on the VidyoPortal including group name, max number of members, and other properties Yes


Name Description
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
NotLicensedException Use not allowed due to lack of license


Adds a VidyoPortal group.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
group Group Group Description on the VidyoPortal including group name, max number of members, and other properties Yes

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
OK String String representation of successful operation Yes


Name Description
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
NotLicensedException Use not allowed due to lack of license
GroupAlreadyExists Exception Group already exists


Updates a VidyoPortal group.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
groupID EntityID This is an ID for addressing Group object in the VidyoPortal Yes
group Group Group Description on the VidyoPortal including groupID, name, roomMaxUsers, userMaxBandWidthIn, userMaxBandWidthOut, description, allowRecording Yes

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
OK String String representation of successful operation Yes


Name Description
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
NotLicensedException Use not allowed due to lack of license
GroupNotFoundException Group not found


Deletes a VidyoPortal group.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
groupID EntityID This is an ID for addressing Group object in the VidyoPortal Yes

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
OK String String representation of successful operation Yes


Name Description
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
NotLicensedException Use not allowed due to lack of license
GroupNotFoundException Group not found


Lists the participants in a VidyoPortal member's personal room. The entityID must be set to the VidyoPortal member's entityID.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
conference EntityID This is an ID for addressing the room object in the VidyoPortal where the conference is started Yes

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
Total Integer Total number of registered members Yes
Entity EntityID This object is returned as a result of search for member, public room, or legacy device No


Name Description
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
NotLicensedException Use not allowed due to lack of license
GroupNotFoundException Group not found


Invites a VidyoPortal member to join a room. This request can be issued only by a VidyoPortal member who can control the room.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
conferenceID EntityID This is an ID for addressing the room object in the VidyoPortal where the conference is started Yes
entityID EntityID This is an ID for addressing a Member object in VidyoPortal Yes
invite String This field could be used for dialing string to a legacy device or making a VidyoVoice call No
callFromIdentifier String The optional “callFromIdentifier” used to override the from extension number, should only be used for customization with legacy. This should only be used in the case of customization of the caller details. No

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
OK String String representation of successful operation Yes


Name Description
NotLicensedFault API is not licensed
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
NotLicensedException Use not allowed due to lack of license
SeatLicenseExpiredFault Seat license expired and needs to be renewed


Removes a participant (endpoint) from a conference.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
conferenceID EntityID This is an ID for addressing the room object in the VidyoPortal where the conference is started Yes
participantID EntityID This is an ID for addressing a Member object in the VidyoPortal Yes

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
OK String String representation of successful operation Yes


Name Description
NotLicensedFault API is not licensed
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
NotLicensedException Use not allowed due to lack of license
SeatLicenseExpiredFault Seat license expired and needs to be renewed


Mutes the audio for a given participant (endpoint) in the conference.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
conferenceID EntityID This is an ID for addressing the room object in the VidyoPortal where the conference is started Yes
participantID EntityID This is an ID for addressing a Member object in the VidyoPortal Yes

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
OK String String representation of successful operation Yes


Name Description
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
NotLicensedException API is not licensed
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred


Unmutes the audio for a given participant (endpoint) in a conference.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
conferenceID EntityID This is an ID for addressing the room object in the VidyoPortal where the conference is started Yes
participantID EntityID This is an ID for addressing a Member object in the VidyoPortal Yes

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
OK String String representation of successful operation Yes


Name Description
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
NotLicensedException API is not licensed
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred


Starts the video for a given participant (endpoint) in a conference.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
conferenceID EntityID This is an ID for addressing the room object in the VidyoPortal where the conference is started Yes
participantID EntityID This is an ID for addressing a Member object in the VidyoPortal Yes

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
OK String String representation of successful operation Yes


Name Description
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
NotLicensedException API is not licensed
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred


Stops the video for a given participant (endpoint) in a conference.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
conferenceID EntityID This is an ID for addressing the room object in the VidyoPortal where the conference is started Yes
participantID EntityID This is an ID for addressing a Member object in the VidyoPortal Yes

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
OK String String representation of successful operation Yes


Name Description
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
NotLicensedException API is not licensed
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred


Creates an URL for a room or VidyoPortal member's personal room.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
roomID EntityID This is an ID for addressing the room object in the VidyoPortal Yes

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
OK String String representation of successful operation Yes


Name Description
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
NotLicensedException API is not licensed
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred


Deletes an URL for a room or VidyoPortal member's personal room.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
roomID EntityID This is an ID for addressing the room object in the VidyoPortal Yes

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
OK String String representation of successful operation Yes


Name Description
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
NotLicensedException API is not licensed
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred


Creates a PIN for a room or VidyoPortal member's personal room.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
roomID EntityID This is an ID for addressing the room object in the VidyoPortal Yes
pin String Room pin No

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
OK String String representation of successful operation Yes


Name Description
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
NotLicensedException API is not licensed
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred


Removes a PIN for a room or VidyoPortal member's personal room.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
roomID EntityID This is an ID for addressing the room object in the VidyoPortal Yes

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
OK String String representation of successful operation Yes


Name Description
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
NotLicensedException API is not licensed
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
SeatLicenseExpiredFault Seat license expired and needs to be renewed


Retrieves the VidyoPortal’s license data.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
(Always Empty) N/A Use only the HTTP Authentication header N/A

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
Name String Feature names Ports, Seats, and Installs Yes
MaxValue String Maximum number of Ports, Seats, and Installs that are licensed Yes
CurrentValue String Used number of the Ports, Seats, and Installs No


Name Description
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
NotLicensedException API is not licensed
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
SeatLicenseExpiredFault Seat license expired and needs to be renewed


Invites a VidyoPortal member to join a room. This request can be issued only by a VidyoPortal member who can control the room.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
conferenceID EntityID This is an ID for addressing the room object in the VidyoPortal where the conference is started Yes
entityID EntityID This is an ID for addressing a Member object in the VidyoPortal Yes
invite String This field could be used for dialing string to a LegacyDevice or making a VidyoVoice call No
callFromIdentifier String The optional “callFromIdentifier” used to override the from extension number, should only be used for customization with legacy. Thi s should only be used in the case of customization of the caller details. N/A

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
OK String String representation of successful operation Yes


Name Description
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
NotLicensedException API is not licensed
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
SeatLicenseExpiredFault Seat license expired and needs to be renewed


Creates a Moderator PIN for a room or a member's personal room.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
roomID EntityID This is an ID for addressing the room object in the VidyoPortal Yes
PIN String Specifies the Moderator PIN - used for creating and updating an existing PIN Yes

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
OK String String representation of successful operation Yes


Name Description
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
NotLicensedException API is not licensed
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
InvalidModeratorPINFormatFault The format of the Moderator PIN is not valid - either not right amount of digits, or invalid characters (PIN should be a 3-10 digit number)
ControlMeetingFault The user is not allowed to control the conference (only for User API)


Creates a Moderator PIN for a room or a member's personal room.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
roomID EntityID This is an ID for addressing the room object in the VidyoPortal Yes
PIN String Specifies the Moderator PIN - used for creating and updating an existing PIN Yes

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
OK String String representation of successful operation Yes


Name Description
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
NotLicensedException API is not licensed
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
ControlMeetingFault The user is not allowed to control the conference (only for User API)


Gets the portal version.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
(Always Empty) N/A Use only the HTTP Authentication header N/A

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
portalVersion String Portal version Yes


Name Description
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
NotLicensedException API is not licensed
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
SeatLicenseExpiredFault Seat license expired and needs to be renewed


Gets the available Location Tags.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
filter.<nnnn> filter.<nnnn> filter.<nnnn> Yes
start Integer

This is the beginning index of the search result.

Example: If the result has 50 elements, and the requestor only wants 10 element from the 30th position, then the requestor provides the start=30 value.

limit Integer

This is the number of results that are being requested.

Example: If the result has 50 elements, and the requestor only wants 10 element from the 30th position, then the requestor provides the limit=10 value.







This is the field by which the requestor is asking the results to be sorted by.

Note: In the User API, entityID is used instead of memberID.

Example: If the result has to be sorted in an ascending order by the extension number of the Entity, then the requestor provides the sortBy=extension/displayName/name or memberID value.





This is the field by which the requestor is asking the results to be sorted in a specific direction/order, ascending or descending.

Example: If the result has to be sorted in an ascending order by the extension number of the Entity, then the requestor provides the dir=ASC value.







This is the search string that uses all the above filter criteria.

Example: If the requestor is looking for all members that start with the letters “pau,” then query=pau would return the desired results


Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
total Integer Total number of entities Yes
location Location Location tag name No


Name Description
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
NotLicensedException API is not licensed
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred


Checks whether the Scheduled Rooms feature is enabled on the tenant level.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
(Always empty) N/A Use only the HTTP Authentication header N/A

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
scheduledRoomEnabled Boolean Indicates whether the Scheduled Room feature has been disabled on the tenant N/A


Name Description
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
NotLicensedException API is not licensed
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred


Disables the Scheduled Room feature on the tenant per the tenant URL.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
disableScheduledRoom Boolean Set the Scheduled Room feature on the tenant: '1' | True (disable) '0' | False (enable) Yes

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
OK String Acknowledgement that the Scheduled Room feature has been disabled on the tenant N/A


Name Description
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
NotLicensedException API is not licensed
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred


Enables the moderator to cancel an outgoing user invite request.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
conferenceID EntityID Specifies the conference ID that the moderator is logged in to Yes
entityID EntityID Indicates that the user that has been invited. User cannot invite an entity that is of type Legacy Yes

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
Ok String Indicates that the cancelation has been successful N/A


Name Description
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
NotLicensedException API is not licensed
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred


Sets whether the private and/or public chat options should be enabled or disabled on the tenant. Once disabled, Vidyo clients joining conferences on this VidyoPortal will not be able to engage in a chat conversation.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
setPrivateChatState Boolean Indicates whether the private chat is enabled (True) or disabled (False) on the tenant. Private chat is enabled by default. No
setPublicChatState Boolean Indicates whether the public chat is enabled (True) or disabled (False) on the tenant. Public chat is enabled by default. No

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
OK String Acknowledges that the operation was made successfully N/A


Name Description
ChatNotAvailableInSuperFault Chat was set to "Unavailable" by the Super Admin and therefore the chat states cannot be updated
NotLicensedException API is not licensed
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred


Starts Presenter mode (a.k.a., Lecture mode) on the VidyoPortal and on the endpoints. All endpoints will go into Presenter mode.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
conferenceID EntityID Conference ID of the conference where the presentation is being held Yes

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
OK String Acknowledges that the operation was made successfully N/A


Name Description
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
NotLicensedException API is not licensed
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred


Stops Presenter mode (a.k.a., Lecture mode) on the VidyoPortal and on the endpoints. All endpoints will exit Presenter mode.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
conferenceID EntityID Conference ID of the conference where the presentation is being held Yes

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
OK String Acknowledges that the operation was made successfully N/A


Name Description
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
NotLicensedException API is not licensed
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred


Requests to list the participants in a meeting as identified by EntityId (which is similar to GetParticipants but supports Presenter mode instead). To list the participants in a personal room belonging to a Member, the EntityID must be set to the Member.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
conferenceID EntityID Conference ID of the conference where the presentation is being held Yes
filter.<nnnn> filter.<nnnn> The filter type is used to trim down (filter) the search results. The value <nnnn> could be any of or all of the variables below. No

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
total Integer Number of participants N/A
recorderID Integer Recorder ID of the recorder active in the conference N/A
recorderName String Recorder name N/A
paused Boolean Recording status N/A
webcast Boolean Is webcast enabled for the conference N/A
lectureMode Boolean Is Lecture Mode on for this conference N/A
LectureMode Participant LectureModeParticipant Object of the participants list N/A


Name Description
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
NotLicensedException API is not licensed

An unspecified error occurred

LectureModeParticipant is an object with the following parameters:

Name Type Description Required
entityID EntityID Entity ID N/A
participantID EntityID Entity ID N/A
EntityType EntityType EntityType object. There are three types of entities in VidyoPortal: Member, Room, and Legacy N/A
displayName String Display name N/A
extension String Extension N/A
audio Boolean Indicates whether the audio is muted N/A
video Boolean Indicates whether the video is muted N/A
appshare Boolean Indicates whether there is a content share N/A
handRaised Boolean Indicates whether a hand is raised N/A
presenter Boolean Indicates whether the participant is presenting N/A


Signals the dismissal of a hand from the moderator to the endpoint that had previously raised a hand.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
conferenceID EntityID Conference ID of the conference where the presentation is being held Yes
participantID EntityID Participant ID of the participant who had raised hand that the moderator wishes to dismiss Yes

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
OK String Acknowledges that the operation was made successfully N/A


Name Description
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
NotLicensedException API is not licensed

An unspecified error occurred


Dismisses all raised hands from the moderator.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
conferenceID EntityID Conference ID of the conference where the presentation is being held Yes

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
OK String Acknowledges that the operation was made successfully N/A


Name Description
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
NotLicensedException API is not licensed

An unspecified error occurred


Assigns a presenter to the conference during Presenter mode (a.k.a., Lecture mode).

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
conferenceID EntityID Conference ID of the conference where the presentation is being held Yes
participantID EntityID Participant ID of the participant who had raised hand that the moderator wishes to dismiss Yes

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
OK String Acknowledges that the operation was made successfully N/A


Name Description
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
NotLicensedException API is not licensed

An unspecified error occurred


Removes a presenter from the conference during Presenter mode (a.k.a., Lecture mode).

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
conferenceID EntityID Conference ID of the conference where the presentation is being held Yes
participantID EntityID Participant ID of the participant who had raised hand that the moderator wishes to dismiss Yes

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
OK String Acknowledges that the operation was made successfully N/A


Name Description
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
NotLicensedException API is not licensed

An unspecified error occurred


Sets the room attributes listed below and decides on the desired behavior for Presenter mode and Waiting Room for all the rooms on that tenant. These settings cannot be overridden by normal users.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
setWaitingRoomState Integer

Indicates whether Waiting Room is:

  • Disabled on the meetings in the tenant (0)

  • Enabled and when the owner joins, the conference will begin (1)

  • Enabled and a presenter should be assigned to the meeting (2)

The request parameter is optional, and no change will take place if a value is not provided.

supportedClientsOnly Boolean

Specifies whether endpoints that do not support Presenter and Waiting Room modes cannot join the meeting (True) or are allowed in (False).

The request parameter is optional, and no change will take place if a value is not provided.


Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
OK String Acknowledges that the operation was made successfully N/A


Name Description
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
NotLicensedException API is not licensed

An unspecified error occurred


Allows an admin to create a public room for a particular user by specifying the Display Name. Auto- generates the Room Name and Extension, and enforces limitations on the number of public rooms that a User, Tenant, and Portal can create.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
displayName String Display name of the public room Yes
ownerName String Owner name of the public room Yes
setInMyContacts Boolean Specifies whether to add the public room to contact list No
setLocked Boolean Indicates whether the public room is locked No
setPIN String Indicates whether the public room is pinned No
description String Description of the public room No

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
roomID EntityID EntityID of the newly created public room Yes
extension String Extension of the public room. Yes
roomURL anyURI URL for the public room. Yes
inMyContacts Boolean Indicates whether public room is in contact list No
locked Boolean Indicates whether public room is locked No
hasPIN Boolean Indicates whether public room has a PIN No


Name Description
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
NotLicensedException API is not licensed

An unspecified error occurred


Failed to create a public room


Not authorized to create public room


Creates an ad-hoc conference room. Allows for specifying between 1 and 400 unused days after which the room will be garbage collected in the system. When specifying 0, the VidyoPortal currently auto- selects 100 days by default. As part of the response, the user receives a unique room link or extension and PIN to access this room.


The maximum number of scheduled rooms per user is 65K. Therefore, careful planning of room owner assignments is recommended.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
ownerName String The room owner user name Yes
recurring Integer Unused days after which the room will be garbage collected Optional
setPIN Boolean The room will be generated with a PIN Optional
moderatorPIN String Specifies the Moderator PIN for the newly created room Optional

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
extension String The room’s unique ID N/A
pin String The room’s randomly generated PIN N/A
inviteContent String Content of the invite text (will include the room URL, PIN, and extension) N/A
roomURL String The room’s URL N/A
inviteSubject String The email invitation subject N/A


Name Description
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
NotLicensedException API is not licensed

An unspecified error occurred


Invalid Moderator PIN Fault


Scheduled Room Creation Fault


Transfers a participant (identified by participantID) from their current conference to another conference (identified by conferenceID) with an optional PIN (roomPIN). If the destination conference is PIN-protected, the correct PIN must be provided.


This API only supports participants that are legacy endpoints connected via the VidyoGateway.

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
participantID EntityID The participant to be transferred Yes
conferenceID EntityID The destination conference Yes
roomPIN String The PIN for the destination conference No*

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
OK String Acknowledges that the operation was made successfully N/A


Name Description
  • “Invalid ParticipantID” (when <= 0)

  • “Invalid ConferenceID” (when <= 0)

  • “ParticipantID is not a valid virtual endpoint”

  • “Participant cannot be transferred to conference they are already in.”

  • “ParticipantID for <participantID> belongs to other tenant”

  • “Invalid ConferenceID and/or PIN”

Applies the following cases:

  • DB error looking up conference

  • Conference does not exist

  • Conference belongs to other tenant

  • Personal or public room has a PIN but not provided or does not match

Scheduled room validation errors for the following cases:

  • PIN not provided but is required

  • Ext/PIN validation fails via scheduled room API

  • “Room is disabled.”

  • “Room is locked.”

  • “Room is full.”

GeneralFaultException VidyoPortal is unable to communicate with the VidyoGateway
NotLicensedException VidyoPortal is not licensed for Admin APIs


Sets the display layout to Gallery View, Active Speaker, or Continuous Presence.


This API only supports participants that are legacy endpoints connected via the VidyoGateway.

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
participantID EntityID Obtained from getParticipants Yes
layout String

Not validated by the VidyoPortal. Valid choices include:

  • Gallery View

  • Active Speaker

  • Continuous Presence


Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
OK String Acknowledges that the operation was made successfully N/A


Name Description
InvalidArgumentFault Invalid ParticipantId or ParticipantID is not a virtual endpoint
GeneralFault Unable to communicate with endpoint