4. Web Services Super API

This chapter describes the Web Services Super API.

The super API provides super admin capabilities to manage and provision tenants within their portals. With the Super API, Super admin can create new tenants, update and delete tenants, as well as get information about their portal service components. The requirements from the user using this API are to have super admin rights.

VidyoPortal Super Service URL:


The following methods are described in this document as part of the Super API package.


Adds the endpoint upload as a content delivery network (CDN) URL and Tag.

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
ClientType String

Specifies the type of client being requested:

  • Type is 'W' for Windows platform (deprecated)

  • Type is ‘W32’ for Windows 32-bit

  • Type is ‘W64’ for Windows 64-bit

  • Type is 'M' for Mac OS platform

  • Type is ‘S’ for Linux 32-bit rpm installer

  • Type is ‘T’ for Linux 64-bit rpm installer

  • Type is ‘U’ for Ubuntu Linux 32-bit deb installer

  • Type is ‘X’ for Ubuntu Linux 64-bit deb installer

  • Type is ‘P’ for VidyoPanorama 600 running Windows 32-bit

  • Type is ‘N’ for VidyoPanorama 600 running Windows 64-bit

  • Type is ‘E’ for VidyoPanorama 600 running Linux 32-bit

  • Type is ‘O’ for VidyoPanorama 600 running Linux 64-bit

  • Type is ‘Q’ for VidyoRoom running Windows 32- bit

  • Type is ‘Y’ for VidyoRoom running Windows 64- bit

  • Type is ‘F’ for VidyoRoom running Linux 32-bit

  • Type is ‘Z’ for VidyoRoom running Linux 64-bit

  • Type is ‘B’ for Softroom running Windows 64-bit

  • Type is ‘C’ for Softroom running Windows 64-bit

  • Type is ‘D’ Softroom running Mac OS 64-bit

  • Type is ‘L’ for Linux (deprecated)

currentTag EndpointVersionPattern

Specifies the tag of the endpoint version using a string pattern.

Only a-z or A-Z or 0-9 or ‘.’ and ‘_’ are allowed.

installerURL String Specifies the URL where the endpoint can be downloaded from. Currently http and https are allowed as protocols. Yes
setActive Boolean Makes the new endpoint upload URL active. No

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
EndpointUploadID Integer The endpoint upload ID of the newly created endpoint upload URL Yes


Name Description
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
InvalidArgumentFault Invalid argument
ExternalModeFault The external mode is not enabled by the Super Admin


Provides the list of all tenants in the system with the following filters. All filters are optional, and if a filter is not provided, the query will use the defaults, which are sorting all the tenants by the tenant names in ascending order.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
tenantName String Specifies the tenant name


tenantURL String Specifies the tenant URL No
filter.<nnnn> filter.<nnnn> The filter type is used to trim down (filter) the search results. The value <nnnn> could be any of or all of the variables below. Yes
start Integer

This is the beginning index of the search result.

Example: If the result has 50 elements, and the requestor only wants 10 element from the 30th position, then the requestor provides the start=30 value.

limit Integer

This is the number of results that are being requested.

Example: If the result has 50 elements, and the requestor only wants 10 element from the 30th position, then the requestor provides the limit=10 value.







This is the field by which the requestor is asking the results to be sorted by.

In the User API, entityID is used instead of memberID.

Example: If the result has to be sorted in an ascending order by the extension number of the Entity, then the requestor provides the sortBy=extension/name/displayName or memeberID value.





This is the field by which the requestor is asking the results to be sorted in a specific direction/order, ascending or descending.

Example: If the result has to be sorted in an ascending order by the extension number of the Entity, then the requestor provides the dir=ASC value.


Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
listOfTenants SingleTenantDataType Array of Object includes N/A
tenantID Integer Specifies the tenant ID Yes
tenantName String Specifies the tenant name Yes
tenantURL String Specifies the tenant URL Yes
extensionPrefix String Tenant extension prefix Yes
dialinNumber Integer Tenant dial-in number Yes
vidyoReplayUrl String Tenant's VidyoReplay URL Yes
description String Description of the tenant Yes
vidyoMobileAllowed Boolean Indicates whether access for VidyoMobile ('0' - no/false, '1' - yes/true) Yes


Name Description
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
NotLicensedFault API is not licensed


Creates a new tenant based on the information provided below. If an optional parameter is not provided, the default will be set during the initial configuration.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
tenantName String Name of the tenant Yes
tenantURL String Tenant URL Yes
extensionPrefix String Tenant extension prefix Yes
dialinNumber String Tenant extension prefix No
vidyoReplayUrl String Tenant's VidyoReplay URL No
Description String Description of the tenant No
numOfInstalls Integer Specifies the number of current Installs Yes
numOSeats Integer Specifies the number of current Seats Yes
numOfLines Integer Specifies the number of current Lines Yes
numOfExecutives Integer Specifies the number of current Executives ('0' if using the Port License system) Yes
numOfPanoramas Integer Specifies the number of current Panoramas ('0' if using the Port License system) Yes
enableGuestLogin Boolean Indicates whether guest login is enabled for the tenant (default: TRUE) No
allowedTenantList List of Integers List of all tenants that this tenant can call to (default: none) No
vidyoManager Integer VidyoManager Yes
vidyoProxyList List of Integers Available VidyoProxys No
allowedVidyoGatewayList List of Integers List of allowed Gateways to the tenant No
allowedVidyoReplayRecorderList List of Integers List of allowed VidyoReplay recorders to the tenant No
allowedVidyoReplayList List of Integers List of allowed VidyoReplays to tenant No
allowedLocationTagList List of Integers List of allowed location tags Yes
vidyoMobileAllowed Boolean Indicates whether access for VidyoMobile is enabled or disabled (default: Enabled) No
ipcAllowOutbound Boolean Indicates whether IPC Outbound is allowed ('0' - no/false, '1' - yes/true) (default: '1') No
ipcAllowInbound Boolean Indicates whether IPC Inbound is allowed ('0' - no/false, '1' - yes/true) (default: '1') No
adminUser Member Provides information for setting up an admin user for the tenant. If this parameter is not provided, a default admin user account will be created. No
numOfPublicRooms Nonnegative Integer Maximum number of public rooms that can be created by a user No
externalEndpointSoftwareFiles erver

String (Enumerated)

‘VidyoPortal’ or ‘External’

Sets the endpoint upload mode to External which will allow CDN URLs to be used No
tenantWebRTCURL String URL of Vidyo Neo for WebRTC Server No

String (Enumerated)

‘Disabled,’ ‘VidyoMobile,’ or ‘NeoMobile’

Sets the appropriate mobile access mode at the tenant level.

Note: When mobileLoginMode is enabled, the vidyoMobileAllowed API is ignored.


Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
OK String Acknowledgement that the tenant was created successfully Yes


Name Description
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
ExistingTenantFault The specified Tenant name, extension prefix, VidyoReplay URL, and tenant URL already exist
MissingArgumentFault Some required request parameters were not specified; return the list of missing Parameter Names


Requests the deleting of an existing tenant from the system. The default tenant cannot be deleted.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
tenantID Integer Specifies the tenant unique identifier Yes

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
OK String Acknowledgement that the tenant was deleted successfully Yes


Name Description
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
InvalidTenantFault The specified Tenant ID doesn't exist
NotLicensedFault API is not licensed


Updates an existing tenant by the tenant ID. Each optional parameter that is provided, aside from the tenant ID, will overwrite the existing parameters.

  • Although not required, all parameters that are provided will override the existing values.
  • If a parameter is not provided, it will be deleted from the tenant.
  • Parameters specified as Required are parameters that cannot be deleted but only updated.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
tenantID Integer Specifies the tenant unique identifier Yes
tenantName String Name of the tenant Yes
tenantURL String Tenant URL Yes
extensionPrefix String Tenant extension prefix Yes
dialinNumber String Tenant extension prefix No
vidyoReplayUrl String Tenant's VidyoReplay URL No
description String Description of the tenant No
numOfInstalls Integer Specifies the number of current Installs Yes
numOfSeats Integer Specifies the number of current Seats Yes
numOfLines Integer Specifies the number of current Lines Yes
numOfExecutives Integer Specifies the number of current Executives ('0' if using the Port License system) Yes
numOfPanoramas Integer Specifies the number of current Panoramas ('0' if using the Port License system) Yes
enableGuestLogin Boolean Indicates whether guest login is enabled for the tenant (default: TRUE) No
allowedTenantList List of Integers List of all tenants that this tenant can call to (default: none) No
vidyoManager Integer VidyoManager Yes
vidyoProxyList List of Integers Available VidyoProxys No
allowedVidyoGatewayList List of Integers List of allowed Gateways to the tenant No
allowedVidyoReplayRecorderList List of Integers List of allowed VidyoReplay recorders to the tenant No
allowedVidyoReplayList List of Integers List of allowed VidyoReplays to tenant No
allowedLocationTagList List of Integers List of allowed location tags Yes
vidyoMobileAllowed Boolean Indicates whether access for VidyoMobile is enabled or disabled (default: Enabled) No
ipcAllowOutbound Boolean Indicates whether IPC Outbound is allowed ('0' - no/false, '1' - yes/true) (default: '1') No
ipcAllowInbound Boolean Indicates whether IPC Inbound is allowed ('0' - no/false, '1' - yes/true) (default: '1') No
adminUser Member

Provides information for updating the admin user information.

  • If this parameter is not provided, no update should occur.

  • If information of an existing admin user is being provided (based on the 'Name' field), update the additional fields.

  • If information of a non- existing user is provided, no update should occur nor creation of a new admin user. In this case, an exception should be thrown.

numOfPublicRooms NonNegative Integer Maximum number of public rooms that can be created by a user No

String (Enumerated)

‘VidyoPortal’ or ‘External’

Sets the endpoint upload mode to External which will allow CDN URLs to be used No
tenantWebRTCURL String URL of Vidyo Neo for WebRTC Server No


‘Disabled,’ ‘VidyoMobile,’ or ‘NeoMobile’

Sets the appropriate mobile access mode at the tenant level.

Note: When mobileLoginMode is enabled, the vidyoMobileAllowed API is ignored.


Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
OK String Acknowledgement that the tenant was updated successfully Yes


Name Description
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
InvalidTenantFault The specified Tenant ID doesn't exist
NotLicensedFault API is not licensed
ExistingTenantFault The specified Tenant name, extension prefix, VidyoReplay URL, and tenant URL already exist


Gets the tenant details based on the tenant ID.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
tenantID Integer Specifies the tenant unique identifier Yes

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
tenantID Integer Specifies the tenant unique identifier Yes
tenantName String Name of the tenant Yes
tenantURL String Tenant URL Yes
extensionPrefix String Tenant extension prefix Yes
dialinNumber String Tenant extension prefix No
vidyoReplayUrl String Tenant's VidyoReplay URL No
description String Description of the tenant No
numOfInstalls Integer Specifies the number of current Installs Yes
numOfSeats Integer Specifies the number of current Seats Yes
numOfLines Integer Specifies the number of current Lines Yes
numOfExecutives Integer Specifies the number of current Executives ('0' if using the Port License system) Yes
numOfPanoramas Integer Specifies the number of current Panoramas ('0' if using the Port License system) Yes
enableGuestLogin Boolean Indicates whether guest login is enabled for the tenant (default: TRUE) No
allowedTenantList List of Integers List of all tenants that this tenant can call to (default: none) No
vidyoManager Integer VidyoManager Yes
vidyoProxyList List of Integers Available VidyoProxys No
allowedVidyoGatewayList List of Integers List of allowed Gateways to the tenant No
allowedVidyoReplayRecorderList List of Integers List of allowed VidyoReplay recorders to the tenant No
allowedVidyoReplayList List of Integers List of allowed VidyoReplays to tenant No
allowedLocationTagList List of Integers List of allowed location tags Yes
vidyoMobileAllowed Boolean Indicates whether access for VidyoMobile is enabled or disabled (default: Enabled) No
ipcAllowOutbound Boolean Indicates whether IPC Outbound is allowed ('0' - no/false, '1' - yes/true) (default: '1') No
ipcAllowInbound Boolean Indicates whether IPC Inbound is allowed ('0' - no/false, '1' - yes/true) (default: '1') No
numOfPublicRooms NonNegative Integer Maximum number of public rooms that can be created by a user No

String (Enumerated)

‘VidyoPortal’ or ‘External’

Sets the endpoint upload mode to External which will allow CDN URLs to be used No
tenantWebRTCURL String URL of Vidyo Neo for WebRTC Server No


‘Disabled,’ ‘VidyoMobile,’ or ‘NeoMobile’

Sets the appropriate mobile access mode at the tenant level.

Note: When mobileLoginMode is enabled, the vidyoMobileAllowed API is ignored.



Name Description
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
InvalidTenantFault The specified Tenant ID doesn't exist
NotLicensedFault API is not licensed


Sets the appropriate mobile access mode for all tenants.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
mobileLoginMode MobileLoginMode Specifies whether mobile access is disabled, or whether VidyoMobile or Vidyo Neo Mobile access is enabled Yes

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
setMobileLogin ModeResponse OK Response for updating the mobile mode Yes


Name Description
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
NotLicensedFault API is not licensed


Provides the license key and value. If a tenant is not specified, the license parameters should be provided for all tenants as a total number.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
tenantID EntityID Specified the tenant unique identifier Yes

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
LicenseFeature LicenseFeatureData Array of Object includes Name, maxValue, currentValue Yes


Name Description
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
InvalidTenantFault The specified Tenant ID doesn't exist
NotLicensedFault API is not licensed


Provides the list of available system components. If the type is not specified, all available components will be provided. If the type is specified, only the list associated with this type will be provided.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
Component-Type ServiceComponent-Type Array of Object include: VidyoManager VidyoGateway, VidyoProxy, VidyoRecorder VidyoReplay Yes

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
component Component-Data Array of Object includes componentType, identifier, displayName Yes


Name Description
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong


Because users are now required to provide a password, this API has been deprecated starting with VidyoPortal version 3.4.1. As an alternative, use backupDB.


Backs up the database to a file. Optionally, thumbnail photos may be backed up. Backing up thumbnail photos will increase the size of the archive. Additionally, if photos are being synced from LDAP, backing up any thumbnail photos may not be necessary.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
password String Password with which to encrypt the backup file. In the future, the same password will be required to decrypt the file. Yes
includeThumbNail Boolean Indicates whether or not to backup the Thumbnail photos No

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
databaseBackup String Contains a URL where the backup can be downloaded and timestamp that indicates when the backup took place Yes


Name Description
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong


Obtains a list of database backups, which returns a list of “DatabaseBackup” objects.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
None N/A N/A N/A

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
databaseBackup String Contains a URL where the backup can be downloaded and timestamp that indicates when the backup took place Yes


Name Description
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred


Deletes the database backup file from the disk.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
databaseName String Unique name of the database backup file Yes

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
OK String Acknowledgement that the database was deleted successfully Yes


Name Description
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred


Provides available portal components and their status (connected /disconnected), as well as more detailed information as specified below.

  • If no filter is being provided, all components will be provided back as part of the response with the respective component information.
  • If one or more filters are specified, the response will be based on the provided filters.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
componentName String Component name No
componentType SystemComponentType VidyoRouter, VidyoProxy, VidyoManager, VidyoReplay, VidyoGateway No
Status ComponentStatus UP; DOWN; DISABLED; NEW No

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
networkComponent SingleComponentDataType Array of Object includes componentType, identifier, displayName, componentType, ipAddress, runningVersion, version, alarm, swVer Yes


Name Description
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong
NotLicensedFault API is not licensed


Provides the level of access that the user has to view and modify allowed IPC domains. This

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
None N/A N/A N/A

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
IpcAccessControl String Array of Objects includes IpcAccessControlLevel object, accessMode object, routerID Yes


Name Description
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred


Provides a list of all allowed or blocked IPC domains that are stored in the database.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
None N/A N/A N/A

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
ipcDomainList String List of all the IPC domains that are allowed or blocked from access on the portal Yes


Name Description
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
IncorrectIpcAccessLevelFault Generated when the user doesn't have access to change IPC domain access


Defines the IPC control access (Allow / Block) for Tenant and System levels.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
ipcAccessControl IpcAccessControl Array of Objects includes IpcAccessControlLevel object, accessMode object, routerID N/A

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
OK String Acknowledgement that the control access was set successfully Yes


Name Description
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
MissingArgumentFault Some required request parameters were not specified / level is set to System but accessMode is not provided
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong


Adds and /or removes the list of allowed IPC domains. The user can add and remove IPC domains at the same time.

  • If the same domain exists in both the add and remove lists, the domain will not be added and will return in both notRemovedIpcDomainList and notAddedIpcDomainList lists.
  • If an existing domain is requested to be added, it will show in the notAddedIpcDomainList list of domains.
  • If a non-existing domain is requested to be removed, it will show in the notRemovedIpcDomainList list of domains.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
addIpcDomainList String A list of IPC domains to be added to the portal No
removeIpcDomainList String A list of IPC domains to be removed from the portal No

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
OK String Acknowledgement that the control access was set successfully Yes
notAddedIpcDomainList String Specifies the list of domains that were not added No
notRemovedIpcDomainList String Specifies the list of domains that were not removed No


Name Description
GeneralFault GeneralFault


Retrieves the pool of routers.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
None N/A N/A N/A

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
routerPoolsList RouterPool List of objects containing router information of routerID and routerName Yes


Name Description
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred


Provides the location tags available on the portal.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
None N/A N/A N/A

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
locationTagsList LocationTag List of objects containing router locationTagID and locationTagName Yes


Name Description
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred
NotLicensedFault API is not licensed
InvalidArgumentFault The arguments that were passed into services were wrong


Sets the login and welcome banner parameters on the VidyoPortal tenants and enables/disables the feature altogether.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
showLoginBanner Boolean Indicates if the login banner option is enabled/disabled on the VidyoPortal Yes
showWelcomeBanner Boolean Indicates if the welcome banner option is enabled/disabled on the VidyoPortal Yes
loginBannerText String

Welcome text that appears after the client logs in. Character limit is 4000.

If nothing is provided, no update will be made to the information on the tenant/portal.

welcomeBannerText String

Welcome screen title text (example: Welcome to VidyoConferencing.). Character limit is 4000.

If nothing is provided, no update will be made to the information on the tenant/portal.


Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
showLoginBanner Boolean Provides the newly set state for this option N/A
showWelcomeBanner Boolean Provides the newly set state for this option N/A
loginBannerText String Provides the login banner text N/A
welcomeBannerText String Provides the welcome banner title text N/A


Name Description
BannerTextFault Specifies that the content provided overrides the character limit. Text: "The text that you have provided exceeds the 4000 character limit"


Sets whether the chat is available on the VidyoPortal and sets the default values for private/public chat on the newly created tenants. Once made unavailable, tenant admins will not be able to enable chat on the VidyoPortal, and Vidyo clients joining conferences on this VidyoPortal will not be able to engage in chat conversations.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
chatState ChatState

An object that specifies whether the chat feature is enabled (True) or disabled (False) on the newly created tenants.

(Please see below for the object definition.)


Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
Ok String Acknowledges that the operation was made successfully N/A


Name Description
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred

ChatState is an object that specifies whether the chat feature is enabled (True) or disabled (False) on the newly created tenants:

Name Type Description Required
chatAvailability Boolean

Indicates whether chat is available (True) or unavailable (False) on the VidyoPortal.

Chat is available by default.

privateChatState Boolean

Indicates whether public chat is enabled (True) or disabled (False) on the newly created tenants by default.

If chatAvailability is set to unavailable (False), this parameter is disabled (False) by default.

Private chat is available by default.

publicChatState Boolean

Indicates whether public chat is enabled (True) or disabled (False) on the newly created tenants by default.

If chatAvailability is set to unavailable (False), this parameter is disabled (False) by default.

Public chat is available by default.



Gets the configured value for chat availability on the VidyoPortal, as well as the default values for private and public chat for newly created tenants.

This method can use the following parameters:

Request parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
(Always Empty) N/A Use only the HTTP Authentication header N/A

Response parameter(s)

Name Type Description Required
chatState ChatState An object that specifies whether chat feature is enabled (True) or disabled (False) on the newly created tenants. (Please see above for the object definition.) N/A


Name Description
GeneralFault An unspecified error occurred