15. Custom Parameters
API to Get Custom Parameters
URL: /admin/api/v1/tenants/{tenantId}/customParameters
Method: GET
Path Variables
Field | Data Type | Mandatory | Description | Validation |
tenantD | String | Y |
It accepts:
Provide any of the above two values. |
Success Response
In case of success, success code 200 HttpStatus.OK is returned with the JSON content shown below.
Success Response
In case of success, success code 200 HttpStatus.OK is returned with the JSON content as shown below.
Response Parameters
Field | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
version | String | Y | Defines the version of the API. |
Status | String | Y | Defines the response stauts. For successful response, its value will be “success” |
data | Object | Y | This is the element which encapsulates the API response. |
key | String | Y | N/A |
value | String | Y | N/A |
Example JSON response:
"version": "1",
"data": {
"registered": [
"key": "k1",
"value": "v1"
"key": "k2",
"value": "v2"
"unregistered": [
"key": "k3",
"value": "v3"
"key": "aaabbb22",
"value": "u2"
Error Responses
If validation of mandatory parameters is failed. In this scenario list of errors will be returned in JSON body. Status code will be 400. HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST
Error response parameters
Field | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
version | String | Y | Defines the version of the API. |
status | String | Y | Defines the response stauts. For error response, its value will be “failure”. |
error | Object | Y | This is the element which encapsulates the API error details. |
code | Integer | Y | This is the error code for the error. |
message | Text | Y | This describes the error. |
errors | List | N |
JSON error response structure in case of request validation errors:
"version": "1",
"error": {
"id": 1,
"tenantID": 3,
"endpointType": "V"
"Invalid key aaabbb1 1",
"Invalid key aaabbb 21"
In case of Bad Request, Forbidden Request and Internal server error scenarios, errors will be returned as empty list.
JSON error response structure in case of Bad request, Forbidden request or internal server errors:
"version": "1",
"error": {
"code": 102003,
"message": "Bad request",
"errors": []
HTTP status codes, Error codes, and messages:
HTTP Response Code | Error Code | Error Message |
400 | 102001 | Invalid request parameter(s) |
500 | 102002 | Internal server error |
400 | 102003 | Bad request |
403 | 102004 | Request Forbidden |
Validation error messages
HTTP Response Code | Error Code |
400 | Invalid key |
400 | Invalid value |
400 | Invalid auth type |
System Level - Set JWT Authentication Secret
URL: /admin/api/v1/system/tenants/jwtAuthenticationSecret
Method: PUT
Authentication: Super credentials
Request Body
Field | Data Type | Mandatory | Description | Validations |
N/A | String | N |
The authentication secret; for example: 2deC;p<V:3#p85?S3T#,4S][qpJ6&7R- 7KT(C"rET(:<HPr3 |
Validation of authentication secret. It must contain at least one:
Length of authentication secret is dependent on JWT signing algorithm. For HS384, size minimum 48 characters. Should be encoded in Base64. |
Example: 13gb5Zi3sDzs8oNAUiHlvd2SjBRZnnoAlQ3l1eIbEFlbsciNCglGuFw8sNNLyAEZb (BASE 64) |
Response Body
Field | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
version | String | Y | Defines the version of the API. |
status | String | Y | Defines the response status. For a successful response, its value will be “success”. |
data | Object | Y | This is the element which encapsulates the API response. For this API, its value is null. |
secret | String | Y | This is the new authentication secret generated on the change of signing algorithm. |
HTTP Status Codes, Error Codes, and Messages
HTTP Response Code | Error Code | Error Message | Scenario |
400 | 101017 | Invalid request | If signing algorithm name is invalid. Any other request body validation failure. |
404 | 101018 | Signing Algorithm not configured | If signing algorithm is fetched while it’s not configured at the tenant level. |
404 | 101019 | Authentication Secret not configured | If authentication secret is fetched while it’s not configured at the tenant level. |
403 | N/A | N/A |
Unauthorized user if anybody other than the Super admin tries to access. Invalid tenant id/FQDN. |
500 | 101020 | Internal server error | Internal server error. |
"version": "1",
"error": {
"code": 101017,
"message": "Invalid request",
"errors": []
System Level - Generate JWT Authentication Secret
URL: /admin/api/v1/system/tenants/jwtAuthenticationSecret
Method: PUT
Authentication: Super credentials
Response Body
Field | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
version | String | Y | Defines the version of the API. |
status | String | Y | Defines the response stauts. For successful response, its value will be “success”. |
data | Object | Y | This is the element which encapsulates the API response. |
secret | String | Y | This is the new authentication secret generated on the change of signing algorithm. |
"version": "1",
"data": {
"authenticationSecret": [{
"secret": "asdfasdfasfLXZlcnktbG9uZy1zZWNyZXQta2V5LWZvci1zaWduaW5nLWp3dC10b2tlbnM="
HTTP Status Codes, Error Codes, and Messages
HTTP Response Code | Error Code | Error Message | Scenario |
400 | 101017 | Invalid request | If signing algorithm name is invalid. Any other request body validation failure. |
404 | 101018 | Signing Algorithm not configured | If signing algorithm is fetched while it’s not configured at the tenant level. |
404 | 101019 | Authentication Secret not configured | If authentication secret is fetched while it’s not configured at the tenant level. |
403 | N/A | N/A |
Unauthorized user if anybody other than the Super admin tries to access. Invalid tenant id/FQDN. |
500 | 101020 | Internal server error | Internal server error. |
"version": "1",
"error": {
"code": 101017,
"message": "Invalid request",
"errors": []
Tenant Level - Set JWT Authentication Secret
URL: /admin/api/v1/tenants/{tenantId}/jwtAuthenticationSecret
Method: PUT
Authentication: Super credentials
Field | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
tenantId / Tenant FQDN | String | Y | Validate if the tenant id is a valid tenantid or not. |
Request Body
Field | Data Type | Mandatory | Description | Validations |
N/A | String | N |
The authentication secret; for example: 2deC;p<V:3#p85?S3T#,4S][qpJ6&7R- 7KT(C"rET(:<HPr3 |
Validation of authentication secret. It must contain at least one:
Length of authentication secret is dependent on JWT signing algorithm. For HS384, size minimum 48 characters. Should be encoded in Base64. |
Example: 13gb5Zi3sDzs8oNAUiHlvd2SjBRZnnoAlQ3l1eIbEFlbsciNCglGuFw8sNNLyAEZb (BASE 64) |
Response Body
Field | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
version | String | Y | Defines the version of the API. |
status | String | Y | Defines the response stauts. For successful response, its value will be “success”. |
data | Object | Y | This is the element which encapsulates the API response. |
secret | String | Y | This is the new authentication secret generated on the change of signing algorithm. |
"version": "1",
"data": {
"authenticationSecret": [{
"secret": "asdfasdfasfLXZlcnktbG9uZy1zZWNyZXQta2V5LWZvci1zaWduaW5nLWp3dC10b2tlbnM="
HTTP Status Codes, Error Codes, and Messages
HTTP Response Code | Error Code | Error Message | Scenario |
400 | 101017 | Invalid request | If signing algorithm name is invalid. Any other request body validation failure. |
404 | 101018 | Signing Algorithm not configured | If signing algorithm is fetched while it’s not configured at the tenant level. |
404 | 101019 | Authentication Secret not configured | If authentication secret is fetched while it’s not configured at the tenant level. |
403 | N/A | N/A |
Unauthorized user if anybody other than the Super admin tries to access. Invalid tenant id/FQDN. |
500 | 101020 | Internal server error | Internal server error. |
"version": "1",
"error": {
"code": 101017,
"message": "Invalid request",
"errors": []
Tenant Level - Generate JWT Authentication Secret
URL: /admin/api/v1/tenants/{tenantId}/jwtAuthenticationSecret
Method: PUT
Authentication: Super credentials
Field | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
tenantId / Tenant FQDN | String | Y | Validate if the tenant ID is a valid tenantId or not. |
Response Body
Field | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
version | String | Y | Defines the version of the API. |
status | String | Y | Defines the response stauts. For successful response, its value will be “success”. |
data | Object | Y | This is the element which encapsulates the API response. |
secret | String | Y | This is the new authentication secret generated on the change of signing algorithm. |
"version": "1",
"data": {
"authenticationSecret": [{
"secret": "asdfasdfasfLXZlcnktbG9uZy1zZWNyZXQta2V5LWZvci1zaWduaW5nLWp3dC10b2tlbnM="
HTTP Response Code | Error Code | Error Message | Scenario |
400 | 101017 | Invalid request | If signing algorithm name is invalid. Any other request body validation failure. |
404 | 101018 | Signing Algorithm not configured | If signing algorithm is fetched while it’s not configured at the tenant level. |
404 | 101019 | Authentication Secret not configured | If authentication secret is fetched while it’s not configured at the tenant level. |
403 | N/A | N/A |
Unauthorized user if anybody other than the Super admin tries to access. Invalid tenant id/FQDN. |
500 | 101020 | Internal server error | Internal server error. |
"version": "1",
"error": {
"code": 101017,
"message": "Invalid request",
"errors": []
Tenant Level - Get JWT Authentication Secret
URL: /admin/api/v1/tenants/{tenantId}/jwtAuthenticationSecret
Method: GET
Authentication: Super credentials
Field | Data Type | Mandatory | Description | Validations |
tenantId / Tenant FQDN | String | Y |
The tenant id or tenant FQDN for which endpoint behavior mode will be configured |
Validate if the tenant id is a valid tenantid or not. |
Response Body
Field | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
version | String | Y | Defines the version of the API. |
status | String | Y | Defines the response stauts. For successful response, its value will be “success”. |
data | Object | Y | This is the element which encapsulates the API response. |
secret | String | Y | This is the new authentication secret generated on the change of signing algorithm. |
"version": "1",
"data": {
"authenticationSecret": [{
"secret": "asdfasdfasfLXZlcnktbG9uZy1zZWNyZXQta2V5LWZvci1zaWduaW5nLWp3dC10b2tlbnM="
HTTP Response Code | Error Code | Error Message | Scenario |
400 | 101017 | Invalid request | If signing algorithm name is invalid. Any other request body validation failure. |
404 | 101018 | Signing Algorithm not configured | If signing algorithm is fetched while it’s not configured at the tenant level. |
404 | 101019 | Authentication Secret not configured | If authentication secret is fetched while it’s not configured at the tenant level. |
403 | N/A | N/A |
Unauthorized user if anybody other than the Super admin tries to access. Invalid tenant id/FQDN. |
500 | 101020 | Internal server error | Internal server error. |
"version": "1",
"error": {
"code": 101017,
"message": "Invalid request",
"errors": []
Refresh Token
URL: /api/v1/refreshToken
Method: GET
Authentication: Bearer <refreshToken>
Request Header
Header | Data Type | Mandatory | Description | Validations |
Authorization | String | Y | Bearer <refreshToken> | Check if refreshToken is valid or not or empty. |
Response Body
Field | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
version | String | Y | Defines the version of the API. |
status | String | Y | Defines the response stauts. For successful response, its value will be “success” |
data | Object | Y | This is the element which encapsulates the API response. |
jwtToken | String | Y | This is the new jwtToken. |
"version": "1",
"data": {
"eyJhbGciOiJIUzM4NCJ9.eyJ0ZW5hbnRVcmwiOiJmb3J0ZXN0LnZwMDQudmlkeW8udXMucmQuZWlsYWIuYml6 IiwidGVuYW50SWQiOjgsImVuZHBvaW50R3VpZCI6ImNmYmE0MDI3LTZjYjgtNGIzMi1hNzE5LTJlMmJiMzM3Mm ZkYiIsIm1lbWJlclR5cGUiOiJHVUVTVCIsInRva2VuVHlwZSI6IlJFR1VMQVIiLCJ1c2VySWQiOjEsImlhdCI6 MTYzNTQyNjg4MywiZXhwIjoxNjM1NDI2OTEzfQ.9XPpA8_ocfFImKnYyu3nTyQmvsUc3uqkwmlFhZn5rsn1EvbUn1I4K12UJqtq5LLq"
HTTP Status Codes, Error Codes, and Messages
HTTP Response Code | Error Code | Error Message | Scenario |
404 | 101018 | Signing Algorithm not configured | If signing algorithm is fetched while it’s not configured at the tenant level. |
403 | N/A | N/A |
N/A |
"version": "string",
"error": {
"code": 0,
"message": "string",
"errors": [
Add Server Token API
URL: http://{tenantFQDN}/admin/api/v1/serverTokens
Method: POST
Authentication: Super credentials
Request Body
Field | Data Type | Mandatory | Description | Validation |
serverToken | String | Y |
Token is in GUID format. |
It is validated by GUID 8-3-3-3-12 characters (alpha-numeric). |
"token": "c060aea2-5d5c-4792-b162-e7f6bfe5472d"
Response Body
Field | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
version | String | Y | Defines the version of the API. |
status | String | Y | Defines the response stauts. For successful response, its value will be “success” |
data | Object | Y | This is the element which encapsulates the API response. |
"version": "1",
"data": null
HTTP Status Codes, Error Codes, and Messages
HTTP Response Code | Error Code | Error Message | Scenario |
400 | N/A | Bad request | N/A |
401 | N/A | Unauthorized | N/A |
403 | N/A | Forbidden | N/A |
500 | N/A | Internal server error | N/A |
"version": "1",
"error": {
"code": 101017,
"message": "Invalid request",
"errors": []
Get Server Tokens API
URL: http://{tenantFQDN}/admin/api/v1/serverTokens
Method: GET
Authentication: Super credentials
Response Body
Field | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
version | String | Y | Defines the version of the API. |
status | String | Y | Defines the response stauts. For successful response, its value will be “success”. |
data | Object | Y | This is the element which encapsulates the API response. |
id | Integer | Y | serverToken ID from database. |
serverToken | String | Y | N/A |
"version": "1",
"data": {
"id": 1,
"serverToken": "c060aea2-5d5c-4792-b162-e7f6bfe5472d"
HTTP Status Codes, Error Codes, and Messages
HTTP Response Code | Error Code | Error Message | Scenario |
401 | N/A | Unauthorized | N/A |
403 | N/A | Forbidden | N/A |
500 | N/A | Internal server error | N/A |
"version": "1",
"error": {
"code": 101033,
"message": "Bad request",
"errors": [
Delete Server Token API
URL: http://{tenantFQDN}/admin/api/v1/serverTokens/{serverTokenId}
Method: DELETE
Authentication: Super credentials
Response Body
Field | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
version | String | Y | Defines the version of the API. |
status | String | Y | Defines the response stauts. For successful response, its value will be “success”. |
data | Object | Y | This is the element which encapsulates the API response. |
"version": "1",
"data": null
HTTP Status Codes, Error Codes, and Messages
HTTP Response Code | Error Code | Error Message | Scenario |
401 | N/A | Unauthorized | N/A |
403 | N/A | Forbidden | N/A |
404 | N/A | Not found | N/A |
500 | N/A | Internal server error | N/A |
"version": "1",
"error": {
"code": 101033,
"message": "Bad request",
"errors": [
VidyoPortal Event Service Configuration
To complete the setup, you will need the following information:
EVENT_SERVICE_URL: This is the Public FQDN of the Vidyo Event Service.
MESSAGING_SERVER_CLUSTER_ID: This should always be set as “vidyo-nats- streaming”.
Messaging Server Username and Password: This is a username and password of your choosing that will be used to authenticate the VidyoPortal and the Vidyo Event Services Messaging communications.
Setting Event Service System Configurations
URL: /admin/service/systemconfig/v1/configuration
Method: PUT
Authentication: Super credentials
Request Body
"EVENT_SERVER_URL": "wss://vidyoeventservice.example.com",
"MESSAGING_SERVER_CLUSTER_ID": "vidyo-nats-streaming"
Setting Messaging System Configurations (REST API)
To complete the setup, you will need the following information:
messagingServerUrl: This is the FQDN of the Vidyo Event Service that the VidyoPortal will use to connect to the internal messaging interface of the Vidyo Event Service (port 4222).
Messaging Server Username and Password: This is a username and password of your choosing that will be used to authenticate the VidyoPortal and the Vidyo Event Services NAS communications (NATS). You will need to enter this in the Vidyo Event Service configuration.
URL: /admin/service/systemconfig/v1/configuration
Method: PUT
Authentication: Super credentials
Request Body